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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. 4am? On a Sunday ?? What do you take photos of?
  2. I have been taking protein powder for many years as I have been lifting weights I come to the conclusion lately it hasn't been doing anything for me except put weight on !!!! Even the specialist doctor I saw in Australia told me the same ,he was a endocrinologist , why you taking these chemicals he asked Just eat eggs and meat he said Your weight is high because of these protein milkshakes ! So do we as old men need protein powder ? What happens if we don't get it ? All the Instagram influencers going on about protein I'm just eating eggs etc I'm thinking this stuff is not only expensive but I'm keeping my weight high ?
  3. Amazingly I went to the gym 3 Sundays in a row in Pattaya , Jomtien gym and Tony's , no one there but me ! Massage shops , most full Beach area Road , central festival full Gyms ..no one
  4. A few months ago when I was in Pattaya I hated Sundays it was a weird day I went walking around that Central Festival area ,inside was packed with Thai families Anyway ended up at the back streets around soi bukhao I went into a massage shop it was full of farang laying on banana beds , no room The wag to Jomtien was busy What do you do on a Sunday? I don't care if your in Pattaya , Issan or Cebu , or Baguio or phomn Penh What's a Sunday like you for you in your city /town
  5. Does anyone else have that inclination to walk thru Udon Thani at 2am or just me?
  6. I know it may sound weird to some but as I'm entering that big age I like to put things on my bucket list to do or try . One of them to walk from Udon Thani railway station to the other side of the city walking at around 2 or 3 am on a weekend morning to see if I meet "interesting" people I always seem to attract the weirdo element whether I'm sitting in a park on a Sunday or walking thru a city street at night
  7. Sydney is relatively safe , just need to have situational awareness on who is coming towards you.
  8. Yes I wonder if Thailand particularly the Isaan region is succumbing to these new wave of drugs ice meth etc Is crime on the increase I wonder ? Haven't met anyone or saw on any forums farangs who have been a victim of crime in Isaan though ??
  9. Is it ok to walk around Udon Thani in the early hours of say a weekend morning ? Like 3am What's the highest crime area in Isaan? What's crime like not only in major Isaan cities but in the villages? If you live in a village do you still need to lock your doors at night ? What about if you live on a farmhouse , do you feel secure ? Have you ever been threatened in Isaan ? I remember years ago and I'm going back to early 2000's I was at a Isaan festival and a Thai guy bumped into me ,drunk and young , he done it a second time about 25 minutes later, I had no idea why until I seen him fighting other that guys I think that's the only time I felt threatened so I moved away from him I guess there are some bad people there otherwise they wouldn't have jail's Are drugs a big thing there ,meth etc ,is there junkies around that railway station at night?
  10. Interesting about editing the YouTube vids,never heard that before. So you edit then save them ?
  11. So this forum was down a week so many of you looked /listened/ read / watched other stuff As you get older I know some of you lose interest in things eg gym , martial arts etc and take interest in things you never thought,eg current affairs,politics etc. My question to you is what do you look at every day or at least a few times a week? Does Tiktok interest you in your age ,do you watch it everyday What about listening to the BBC /ABC? Do you watch the Thailand or Philippines expat YouTubers everyday or a few times a week? Exactly apart from this forum what do you like,what about Instagram? What has sparked your interest nowadays, current affairs? Books online ? Fitness ? Is this healthy for your life to be in these social media hours a day ? Listening to podcasts etc ??? Shouldnt you be out there enjoying life instead of being on Facebook, Instagram tiktok YouTube etc ? You don't feel a little guilty?
  12. Why do you rise at 3am ? What do you do between 3am & 6am? You only get 6 hours sleep?
  13. To settle a bet I'm only interested in expats in Pattaya I had a big argument with a guy at work that expats who live in Pattaya sleep very late and wake late than other parts of Thailand And I believe I'm right The shops don't open to late Who gets up early in Pattaya ? Who goes to bed at say 8pm ? I know you expats in Isaan do but Pattaya ....no way
  14. Yes interesting I wonder what's going to happen. Anyone live there under Aung sun kyi ? Was it better ? It just seems to be a country not getting any further Other SEA countries are becoming modern etc I may have to send a email to the leaders there to explain to them , not sure if they have a consulate in other countries
  15. I last went to Myanmar in 2011,across the border to tachilek I had visions of one day moving there to retire , people seemed nice etc Then I know the lady became PM but was ousted out. I did like her ,but she was in trouble because she apparently treated the Rohinghya Muslim bad A Aussie professor was recently in prison there and was released, I heard him on ABC Radio being interviewed yesterday saying he believes there would be a new government shortly and how they treated him badly after he was arrested for working for the lady PM which he gone to be her advisor I just read a few minutes ago the military in the North surrendered So in basic terms what's going on there ? And....any expats live there ???? I know Simon on here used to live there What's it like in Yangon for expats ?
  16. I get that in Australia too , Indian students luv speaking on their phone loud after their uber eats shifts at 2am ,not just in Thailand But I prefer that than drunken bogans screaming out
  17. I was going to buy in this block called Arcadia waters???? Can't remember the name but in Soi 7 on the way to Jomtien I think Arcadia waters or similar....but anyway rented awhile and found Russian families in high season screaming shouting..no thanks
  18. I was coming back from Pattaya recently to Jomtien in a baht bus I always seem to attract the weirdo element who want to talk to me Opposite sat next to me a elderly Australian guy , he struck up a conversation, ," my condo is noisy he said ,I live in the view talay ,in a corner unit I couldn't get a word in as he raved on , "it's worse here in Jomtien than Guildford in Sydney where I live 6 months of the year he said angrily. "I would rather hear loud car mufflers in Guildford!! "Absolutely crazy "! He shouted as he hopped off the bus on the main road near Jomtien complex As the baht bus started to drive away I saw him walking up a big driveway shouting to himself I'm just wondering what's your condo building like for noise ? Slamming doors? People congregating in the foyer ? Motorcycle outside? Loud television? Weed smokers ?
  19. Don't want to go off topic in my own thread but can I ask why you chose to buy a 3 bedroom house ?
  20. A indian guy at my work was trying to sell me a ticket to see a "guru" called Sadguru I think his name was. the tickets are very expensive and apparently this guy is famous around the world and he tells you how to run your life. Talking about this stuff ..new age...or whatever they call it nowadays do you believe in tarot card readers and people who can speak to the dead? I used to love Doris Stokes , she was able to talk to dead people When I was in Philippines I went to see a palm reader in Manila she told me virtually nothing only my dad apparently was getting drunk up in heaven and was cheering for me ! Being Filipino she was actually using American English and said the old man was "rooting for me "! I said to her the dirty old bugger "Don't tell me he is rooting up there too " Which went over the palm readers head ,"he'd be 105 now and he's still at it "! I said to her I had these visions of my now 105yo father with shirt off tattoed body holding up a beer bottle and cheering me on ! Good on ya son ya old C he would be saying apparently according to her
  21. I just heard a work colleague saying how great Bali is ! They could retire there they said I asked them to compare it to Pattaya or Phuket but they have never been ! So guys who have been ....is Bali a good retirement option ? I want to go but ....I have this image of tattooed Aussie bogans/chavs holding beer bottles
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