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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Do you out them in a real estate agents hands?
  2. I'm thinking it's a income but your right about vacancy rates I'm thinking risk management less if I took on lower class places such as Nirun ...but then the income is not good . So I spend say 500k-600k for 4500 baht a month rental income minus expenses ....so maybe leave me 3500/4000b a month coming in But then on the other side if I don't buy a investment property I'm drawing out say 50,000 baht a month out of my retirement funds with no income !
  3. Lately have this fetish to think about buying Condo's to rent out so I can get income to live in Pattaya I will have to withdraw the money from my retirement account though , but...I'm thinking I will have income coming in.. But then I'm thinking if I spend say 600,000 baht on a condo in the Nirun and it gets 4,500 baht a month rent ( if I can find a tenant) then after expenses it's going to take over 10 years to get the capital back. I don't know ,is it worth the risk ? Say I have 10 million baht in my retirement funds and I buy all these condo's and have only rent coming in and no monthly retirement income from the savings account as I spend it all on condo's . I do think low class condo's would be better to rent out , I don't like the Nirun ,last time I was there to look it was 9am and shirtless farangs were just standing by doorways holding bottles of beer ,as I walked past one ,he lifted his beer up & he shouted out "bunny wabbit !!! Bunny Wabbit! So I kept walking
  4. Will have to look this The English patient up ,you watched 18 times????????????
  5. Well its nothing new , this is similar to the Northern Ireland/ British fight . They solved it by putting up a large wall in Belfast apparently. Seemed to be no wall between palestine and Israel Build a wall
  6. Seems the Godfather is the winner , everyone mentioned it
  7. Grand Torino wasn't the best for me No place for old men was great
  8. I would hazard a guess he was inviting men for company ...if you get my meaning ????
  9. I'm always fascinated by towns if a different "flavour" so to speak. However I think every town (except I think the Muslim south) has been visited by every foreigner. Philippines is next on my list for towns
  10. Ok never heard them described as that ! ????
  11. Yes he used to get terrible angry and this was in the 1990's " you just want us ( him & mom) to go so you can get the house don't you !!! He used to shout after I reminded him of his lifespan ????
  12. You Sir are as fit as a fiddle and are needed on here , I'm sure a few years left yet ! ????
  13. RABBIT PROOF Fence was a Australian movie But not as good as STORM BOY I used to love David Gulpilli Aboriginal actor
  14. Unfortunately this young couple lost my respect when they used personal attacks at people here on pensions who pay their rent , then calling them old farts That's just immature especially if you want to promote your YouTube channel , I have given them the wide berth ,seem too silly to be sensible .
  15. JAWs I think they made like 3 movies ? What about DIRTY HARY
  16. I hated Saving Private Ryan same as that other movie with Tommy Cruise in the jet I loved ONE flew over the Cuckoo's nest !
  17. Yes exactly! As soon as they make a remake of something it's not as good as the original I remember a few shows like that . I think they even had a Australian version of Are you being served ?
  18. Anyone here live in the South area around Pattani ? I'm very interested in visiting these areas ,I know they are Muslim areas but are they welcoming to foreigners?
  19. Just looked up UNFORGIVING It's a Western sadly I was going to watch it tonight but not into Westerns . DIRTY HARRY
  20. Im not into WAR movies but that one with Steve McQueen was great or am I thinking of THE GREAT ESCAPE? The bridge on the river kwaii ,I loved the whistling music The GOOD BAD UGLY was a Western if I'm right ?
  21. Was anyone into The Rats , the movie where the rats take over ? Was that the name of it ,haven't seen it for years or am I am thinking of THE BIRDS ?
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