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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I guess you won't be going to 83 now, you stuffed that up ????
  2. I remember ROOTS A lot of this generation wouldn't know ,it was actually a series of movies What about JAWS ,I think that was like 3 movies too
  3. What else is there ??? To be a realist and know your alone ,there's no man in the sky to pray too in my realist beliefs But I respect your belief
  4. No way I want to be young again. But this current generation is a self entitled generation,never been disciplined I hope the recession comes along
  5. That's all horror !! I think my best are Drama , thriller , then horror, comedy Last on my list is science fiction and westerns
  6. The Godfather,yes I forgot that one . Should go up with Casablanca I guess as one of the most watched
  7. I think and don't quote me on it,but I think religious believing people have longer lives . I remember Herbert Armstrong I used to love him when I was a kid ,I think he was like 95 when he died
  8. Your post is so true , we don't know what we will die of. But it would be heart attack ,cancer , isn't that the only 2 things ,I guess Stroke or is that the same as heart attack !
  9. They say Casablanca was the best movie of all time . My late father was into Westerns ,every Saturday he used to watch the midday western cowboy Indians movie ,who were they John Wayne ,Gene Autrey,Roy ..,? Rogers?? Bonanza ?,I couldn't stand any western movies ,I don't think they make Westerns anymore ??? Surely no one here is into Western movies I wonder if they have been banned by the Woke crowd ??
  10. ????Sorry I had to laugh at the first one ,we old guys had a certain slang back in the 70's & 80's using that word ,sorry ????????
  11. I believe you , I think your a realist kind of person especially made by your years of nursing and experiencing things others don't experience ????
  12. Mike , I guess the question to you your 75 , would you still get the surgery at say 85 ? And that's not a strange question because time after time even my own mum & dad stopped cancer treatment in their 80's when the doctor told them it will only prolong your life for weeks or months not cure it
  13. Try to watch" Falling Down" too if your into those kind of movies ,made in I think 1992 with Michael Douglas
  14. Be a realist ! No use denying we are all going and probality is early 80's but ...but think on the positive side...it increased from 78yo to 83yo !!!
  15. Yes ! My favourite scene was when he was in the road house tossing the coin wasn't it ?
  16. Absolutely!! We don't know when we are going to go ,and that really really makes me angry, we can only speculate
  17. I could never ever ever be into Science fiction movies ,hated it all since I was a kid Star wars , even films like Spiderman , etc were rubbish to me ,even this Harry Potter,guys my age going berserk over this film
  18. Trainspotting yes !!! What was the big guy in No place for old men !!
  19. Well you got 7 -8 years to work everyone out ,enjoy it whilst you can ????
  20. I must admit as I get older my patience level to watch movies has waned if that means anything. But give me your 3 in any order favourite movies ! Mine are *The Departed * No place for old men * Transamerica * The Guardian ( security guard one in condo building) *Falling Down Anyone was into teenage mutant ninja turtles??????? Who remembers ????"babe "?????
  21. Well you do have to around 83 ,so how old are you now
  22. Wouldn't matter if someone uses their pension or not to pay rent ,they would of paid taxes in their own country for years to earn it . Sounds a bit discriminatory
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