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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I have no idea if these dogs are street dogs or dogs people own and they form gangs in the village . But I really don't know how you village guys put up with this, these Thai people who own these dogs would be angry with the farang who hurt their dogs but they have no concerns for their dogs biting people just let them loose . I really feel sorry for you guys especially the elderly farangs who like to go for walks but can't because of inconsiderate dog owners
  2. I used the word "reckon " a few weeks ago in Pattaya in the night bazaar to a stall holder , he looked shocked and said "you must be Australian!!!
  3. I have put this in the isaan forum because this is where it's happened twice !! Over the past few years I have been to see my friend in a small village near Wan Non , Both occassion I walked by myself to the local temple to look around. First time was ok some dogs barking and tried to surround me and nip me but I managed to get away. Second time a few years later and walked around the village again by myself and went to the temple ,now this is in a rural area and I thought about the first time but this time I didn't see any dogs but....I could hear dogs barking in the background far away . 20 minutes later I'm leaving to see a pack of dogs surrounime. About 8 of them , barking ferocious and one attempting to snap at my legs . At that moment a monk driving a motorcycle with sidecar stopped and ushered me on. I quickly got on and as I was getting on one dog tried to jump on me and bit my foot . The monk took off quickly I wanted to go back and shoot these dogs How do you guys who live in village handle this? Do these dogs get to know you after awhile ?
  4. So the Australian State that will legalise personal use of all drugs from October 28 is Canberra ,the Capital of Australia (Australian capital territory) and residents are mostly politicians and Government workers The Police commissioner there is concerned now that drug dealers and bikie gangs will move in for business https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12451693/ACT-fantasyland-drugs-Police-warn-Canberra-attract-cocaine-heroin-meth-LSD-users.html
  5. I guess beach places like Boracay and Duamegette would be ok for retirement,but as I said if your a sexpat Philippines won't suit you
  6. I was very shocked to see marijuana legalised recently in Thailand. The country had the most harshest drug laws at one stage . Now I see a State in Australia going one step further on October 28 and not only legalising weed but other drugs ,meth etc for personal use too which the Police commissioner of that Australian State has spoken out it will lead to more crime in his State by blow ins coming in to use and sell as well as more traffic accidents He stated he recently done a study tour of the USA to visit a State there that had legalised drugs and even the police commissioner there told him it's now out of control Whilst Thailand only legalised weed for personal use has the traffic accidents increased ,what's your feeling in legalising drugs
  7. The Philippines it seems is now the upcoming area for expats. A lot of YouTube video on the Philippines , not really for sexpats though If your into quiet beach like areas etc it's ok
  8. My ideal scenery is different from most others I don't like the greenery or rural look. I prefer being in a high rise condo ( with balcony ) in Pattaya overlooking other buildings
  9. High rise? I don't like high rise with no balconies though , I lived in one for years , one thing I enjoy is to have my morning cup on the balcony
  10. ????Ben fantastic, i once done the same thing with Kilkenny airlines
  11. I just lost big money on Carlton vs GWS All the comments on line said Carlton were going to win !! They got thrashed
  12. The question is ....why haven't you been in 7 years?
  13. I would guess he would fly business class with the money he makes
  14. You must take the phone with you and type on the forum when your with them? ???? Judging by all your threads
  15. What point was there to do this??? Gone to a lot of trouble to remove the cupboards?? Why
  16. I often am amazed when I meet people my age or older than 75 and they are worried about mundane and unimportant things . I met a guy in my workplace who is 76yo very nasty man who was going to dob in another co worker for leaving work early. I asked him why considering he only has about 6 years left on earth ...why be concerned about what others do
  17. I guess only Americans would understand?
  18. I think once you get past 80 then it's a case of one day at a time Sad truth we are all going to die
  19. I think it's a great Law , I'm sick of all these do gooders & anti establishment people we have in the West . I hope he gets deported
  20. Of course Duamegette is now the upcoming expat area ,which, unfortunately has raised prices of rents in that area significantly.
  21. I feel nothing for my home country of Australia They screwed us during covid especially in some States Highest taxed nation . I wouldn't pee on the country if it was on fire
  22. I was wondering about retiring Thai people the other day when I was lining up at immigration in the airport. A old guy officer looked 60 over ,I'm thinking does he get a government pension when he retires
  23. The is your second post on Bali beach boys .....they. Sound hot ...and obviously gay4pay
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