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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Those people needed punishment ( karma) they had no considerations for me !
  2. So you leave your dog crap there ? If I saw that I would hope karma ranes on you
  3. Was speaking recently to a old guy in Pattaya who was looking for a real partner Both agreed the Philippines is the place if you want a real partner ,they are more caring and looking to look after their partner . Financial aspects it's cheaper in most areas ( non tourist ) than most other Asian countries If your from the UK your pension has benefit If your living in the Philippines what's so great about it Love the Duamegette area
  4. I wonder how religions define Karma? Is it only the Buddhist religion that mentions karma ???
  5. Was that intentional or cultural thing though ???
  6. You never been in a real job where you been f....d over by people right? Never been out there in society just sitting by a desk in a university, all perfect world sitting in your office , Try working environments like emergency ward nursing or police or even paramedic ,security guards,etc you will become a person hater believe me but your life sounds too rosy Plenty of people here know what I'm talking about and have experienced life being trodden on by people in jobs and life !!! Those who worked jobs like night shift taxi driver , emergency services etc all have been f....d over in life and need karma around them
  7. It's not being nasty ,many people have this , especially if you have been f....d over all your life I have a friend who was a police officer in Belfast for 25 years going to work every weekend to meet nasty people,how do you think he thinks about people nowadays seeing the scum of society every weekend night
  8. A couple of things I remember This is going back over 10 years ,walking one very late night in Soi yensabai Pattaya. Back soi no one around until I heard a roaring motorbike and a blast of his horn and a hit with his left arm at me although I was walking on the side of the Soi A big guy of Arab no helmet roars then hits the next speed bump and goes arse over head . I'm walking towards him ,fat guy in his 20's,he is clutching his leg ,face in agony Strangely the first thing that comes into my mind was watching that documentary when the American pilot parachutes into Afghanistan after his plane was shot then meets the Taliban in the field and he clutches his leg saying it's broken and then they shoot him. I just stood over this guy ,no one around dark Soi and then I saw his wallet and picked it up and put it in my pocket and walked off ! Second one was only 3 weeks ago in Pattaya , in the Tops near Arcadia Beach resort around 3am I was in the checkout when a young tattooed Thai guy and his girlfriend just decided to walk in front of me on purpose even the cashier said something to him but he shook his head so she served him ,all I had was one item and his GF laughed at him as he took his time. When I got outside he was revving up his big motorbike ...but...I realised little Miss laughing princess dropped her pink iPhone without realising it . I stopped further up and used psychology to get him to drive off quick ,I stood further up pretending to try to cross the road and looked at him,he saw this and thought I will block him and he revved up and took off towards me in a hurry both laughing as they thought they had cut me off but as I pretended to be offended by their actions I went back quickly there was no one around it was 3am I pretended to drop my backpack over the pink phone then picked it up put it in the bag and quickly walked off . I quickly took it to the room I was staying in and went back ,I went to one of those street vendors to buy pork and waited and watched from there and I saw them both revving around on their bike looking for the phone !!! I felt like a certain ecstasy over me as I watched their laughter earlier wiped off there faces . The greatest news I got just last week was on Facebook I had a ex manager back in 1991 give evidence to sack me ,he was a nasty person , I see on the Facebook he was dying of cancer ,I write on his Facebook this is your karma good riddance! I have sent copies of my statements back in 1991 to him and his family to say what a nasty man he was and karma is now around ! Earlier this year I'm in Australia travelling around , I'm a member of a 24 hour gym chain so can use any gym if that chain in Australia I walk out of my hotel at 2am and go to the Anytime fitness next door ,I'm the only one inside and another guy who is shouting out loud on his phone ,he comes to me despite me and him only in the gym "How long you gonna be on that machine buddy"? He asks I said you can have it ,I get off and go to another machine,5 minutes later he is back around me shouting to someone on the phone ,very ignorant guy , I get up to move before he loudly farts near me laughing his head off to whoever is on the phone . I decided to leave ,as I'm walking out the door into the dark laneway I see a guy outside on "ice" , he is standing directly outside the glass gym doors ,now to get in you require a swipe card and you arent supposed to let non gym members in So I walk outside he has phlegm all on his chin ,appears angry , I use my psychology skills and smile at him he had been punching the walls . I took in a feminine voice are you ok ? He looks at me angry He goes to hug me , I look at him with tears in my eyes ,oh you ok? He then goes into angry rant ,I open the glass doors of the gym and point to the guy earlier who is now on a machine still shouting into his phone and probably still farting . I say to the "iced" up guy , he that guy has been saying things about you and go into more detail ..I could see him become angry and angry He walks into the gym and is shouting " you ****** I gonna get you ! And is walking towards the guy shouting , " you *""""" ! I close the gym doors and walk off I could hear the shouting inside About 20 minutes later from my level 34 of the hotel I could hear sirens everywhere outside! I felt good Karma
  9. Apparently and they refused her But ...but wait for the replies " when I was drunk as a skunk and could hardly walk I fell over broke my bum and the insurance company still paid " Someone will write that you wait and see
  10. Very sad As for the insurance not paying they always find a reason ,but now I will get a few ( made up ) replies from posters saying the insurance company paid them when they were rolling drunk and they had no problems, people are weird
  11. 95% of quotes are free in Australia,you saying in your country a quote to do work is not free ?
  12. How safe was that sleeping in a truck at night by the side of the road? I wouldn't want to do it
  13. Wow , great story Is your Dad still alive or how old would he be today ?
  14. Isn't it a risk putting the 800k in another's bank account? What if the agent does it and the person refuses to withdraw? How do they prevent this? Anyone have any idea
  15. No ...your absolutely right , I feel the same way as you ,of course we are making assumptions but sometimes it's evident eg Farangs drinking outside the Nirun apartments at 8am ,but then again they may be ???? happy
  16. Great post , can't be easy now to work at your age and going back to work at 52 "Amazing what seriously horrible people in the world" Not sure what happened to you to think that ,not everyone is bad but sometimes we see the worse in people,some people have jobs where they constantly see the bad in people I just had a guy message me that he was a police officer in northern Ireland for 25 years ,he just seen horrible people everyday, so he said he had a hard life as such....but ...is dealing with difficult jobs a hard life or is it the way you do it or think it ,?
  17. Try driving on Friday & Saturday nights to dodge drunks and idiots pisding under the driver's door so it rolls into your cabin ????
  18. Your joking aren't you ,here in Australia they wouldn't dare , especially if he was of the indigenous culture!! That's why crime is out of hand in Qld ,they ran and locked themselves in the police station if you recall a few months ago in Townsville
  19. What about those who say ...but....but ...it's only 10 baht .....just pay it ....just pay it mate
  20. Strangely you say that , I got into a grab a few weeks ago in Pattaya to hear a Thai guy with a Aussie accent He was Thai dual citizen in Pattaya for 6 weeks with his older Aussie boyfriend ,they were from Melbourne He said he needed to get out of the hotel away from him sometimes so decided to drive grab on his holiday Obviously he has Thai citizenship though but found it a miracle to get a Thai Aussie to drive me
  21. Well just had a personal message from a guy on here saying he was a police officer for 25 years in Belfast Northern Ireland and worked mostly every weekend night shift ,now I don't know about you but 25 years of putting up with drunks particularly Irish drunks every Saturday night wouldn't be fun ,now that would of been a hard life ! Anyone can beat that job for a hard life ?
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