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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Doubt if anyone can beat that ! That's almost 2 life in one ????
  2. I guess life can go either way though ,just bad luck can play a role where you go ,but I think your right to a certain degree eg you choose which path to take in life
  3. I would say there was more alcohol problems in NZ and Australia back in the 80's particularly 90's than now and you should know being a ex nurse ,you must of dealt with drunks on weekends in the emergency
  4. In a perfect world yes BUT ...if your intimidated you would
  5. At 67? Leaving it too long , but as you said your already in Thailand
  6. They were not bodybuilders ! It was 2012,those 2 young Pommy guys attacked me that same afternoon! I wrote a thread on it They were young thugs on a 2 week trip from the UK , actually it was 3 that approached me One was wanted in the UK over attacking a disability pensioner at a bus stop They saw me in walking street and asked what I was staring at before heading off apparently to cause trouble at the market stalls I had done nothing wrong as I was walking past but caught their eye ,that was in the early afternoon
  7. But honestly do you think they would of? He was in jail with his gold chain. He asked anyone if they want to take it off him , all that Thai prisoners said no
  8. I spoke to a farang recently in Pattaya near the Nirun Condo building. I said " are you nearly retired ? He said " mate I'm only 49 He looked 65 He knew what I was thinking He said "mate ,I have had a hard life " 12 years in jail ! 8 kids to 8 different mothers ! Construction Labor work ,drinking ,smoking ! What about you ? Has life been easy or hard .did you have a hard manual job ? Jail? Divorce? Gambling? Recession? What about those who did shift work? One week day ,one week night ,one week afternoon like a nurse or a police , how would they make you age or workl like a carpet layer ,
  9. Just give him the 1000 baht and apologise
  10. I think so..your right.. ...it's not worth the principle ..but some wouldn't pay I know ,
  11. Now you hail a baht bus going to Jomtien, you are the only one in it. Just after that overhead bridge up the hill going ( don't know the name) but has small soccer sports court under it. The bus stops for 6 indian guys , they talk to him and jump in the back. He jumps out and approaches you as you sit in the back and says they are going in a different direction and tells you to pay 10b for that short ride, and can catch another one. Do you pay the 10 baht and jump out ?
  12. Sounds a bit discriminatory, but as Nirun residents don't read ASEAN forum , who cares ????
  13. Not actually correct You actually " value ' your items more if you have one of each item Give you an example,today I threw all my tea towels out and kept one ! Couldn't be bothered taking them down the lift to the garbage room so just threwvthem all out the window! Now I have kept ONE coloured tea towel and hung it on the stove . I have washed it and iron it neatly folding it up and hanging it in the stove railing ready for use
  14. All you need is a bed , wardrobe, rug ,chair for your house Deoderants , toothpaste,toothbrush ,comb , Small amount of clothes that's all you need Of course a mobile phone You don't need all this other stuff , expensive perfumes , brand name shoes etc
  15. Get rid of those boxes of documents,you can scan them nowadays can't you ? Why have them
  16. Ever since I have come back from Pattaya I have spent my non working days "decluttering" I have gone over every drawer chucking out stuff I don't need I have absolutely no idea why but I dreamed when I was in Pattaya that's the very first thing I will do when I get home to Australia Even I didn't want to throw my old clothes out and I hesitated so I just threw it out the window on my level 32 balcony here in Sydney Australia ,I have no idea where it landed and I don't care ,it's out of my life ! My dream eventually is to sell up and move to a small 1 house in isaan in the country side Thailand and have no clutter to live as a minimalist , not even a fridge Just a mat on the floor , a small drawer and not even a tv How many of you live in cluttered rooms full of junk
  17. Well that all depends on where the gym is in Pattaya and you make a great point about exactly who the customers will be .
  18. Yes , it's not easy living on a pension there and no free medical. If you have low cost housing in NZ then obviously you are not going to give that up
  19. Yes people here have only been to Manila & Angeles City and come back with a negative opinion about the Philippines!!! I it was terrible they say,nothing like Thailand in which most mean Pattaya . Stay away from Angeles City and head to Cebu , Boracay,Palawan , Duamegette,Baguio
  20. A lot of crime against farangs you don't hear about
  21. Good on you for coming out mate , I hope there is no homophobic comments.
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