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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I wonder why a Monday ? The highest statistical data is Friday night , early hours of Saturday mornings .
  2. Yes it's unbelievable..but looking at the statistics that many possibilities that they are the single shirtless old guys I seen in FLYBIRD condo in Pattaya last night they may be bitter in their lifestyle.
  3. You absolutely right! I think a lot here at View talay Jomtien are lonely ,your right I had a guy walk into me yesterday, I have extremely good situational awareness, he criss crossed into me to get a conversation from me I could tell he was lonely Yes a few here walking around have mental illness and I would say are on some kind of disability pension from their home countries. Sad but it's made me aware was going to retire here no way in the World would I be able to live in these shoe boxes !!! Very depressing to see older guys end up on a bed shirtless in a 21sqm room even less in some cases . Some with Television blaring out
  4. Well that's only speculation Brian How would you rate that percentage wise in say a probality to ratio. Possibly high , yes you maybe right Brian .
  5. Apparently HE is a Psychiatrist! Certainly tells you a lot about the profession
  6. Bit slow mate ,this was last week's topic ,we are up to sandwich makers now Nothing wrong with getting old by the way
  7. Some of these guys wouldn't know who he is because they have only been to one place being Thailand
  8. They live in these shoe box type of rooms All look bored out of their minds. Some sit in their rooms all day with the fan going with no shirt on,their front door is wide open and you can see them laid on the bed shirtless
  9. Yes Australia is becoming woke .... But ... It seems the Aussies are now angry at immigration because of the housing crisis ....well too late ! The door has bolted ! Pauline Hanson said 20 years ago to STOP immigration,they all called her a racist ! I could see the future 25 years ago when they imported millions of migrants ,of course house prices would go up ! But no ...they even jailed Pauline Hanson!!! Sent her to jail for speaking her mind Well now the fools suffer
  10. I'm deleting ,Brian ,you Sir Brian are a breath of fresh air ,thankyou Brian Sir
  11. As a matter of interest pattaya57, I see you just joined this board 6 months ago ,so did you change your name ? Because I'm thinking you being a "know it all " you must of been on this board before Surely your not Liverpool Lou?😂
  12. My thoughts exactly, Philippines for fans may be a better option I'm heading to Duamagette!!!
  13. So the guns are in the car ! Geez you wouldn't want to do that in Australia,they would jump in and take off with the car ! I don't know about you but if your a cop attending a domestic and the offender pulls a knife , I'm not going out to the car to get the gun
  14. A Scots very Canny when it comes to money ! And a fine Scotsman Mohammed Yumza is
  15. I remember my Philippines airlines Sydney to Manila,looked like Premium economy,just seats only
  16. I'm still trying to get this fan , I walked today on Therapist road to EasyKart before getting a bolt away , Lotus is near somewhere
  17. Your from outback Queensland aren't you Would be nothing compared to the heat in Outback Australia 🦘
  18. Anyway anyone here from Australia especially Queensland or Northern Territory should be used to the brutal heat Probably nothing compared to living in Alice Springs
  19. You just keep putting ya sunscreen on son And why shouldn't I be racist Australia is my country. And just to let you know even though I don't need the sunscreen I still get reimbursed from the government for it 😂
  20. Even in my Airbnb I have turned the air con off I don't know what rates the owner will charge me at the end of the month but I'm thinking the 12k a month rental might not be as cheap as staying in a hotel after I pay the electricity!!! I will get a fan soon as I find a shop This is what you must take into consideration staying in a Airbnb even if it's a cheap 12,000 baht a month you have electricity and water
  21. Calling someone a monkey because their Australian Aboriginal is very lowv my friend ,at least I don't need to put sunscreen on . Judging by your posts you seem to actually never been outside America You believe people in Australia who work as cleaners or janitors as you call them are paid low salary like in America ,you like to judge people who have working class jobs You put people down who work in factories etc probably earning more than you a year I'm a assets millionaire just like most people in capital cities in Australia who owns their own homes All my colleagues I work with are multi millionaires even the security guard who sits at the gatehouse had over 4 million Australian dollars in his assets Your in a cave my dear ,get out of America and get to know the world and stop thinking everything is the same as America where you earn $5 an hour and a "janitor " is considered low class by capitalists like yourself ,most Australians with "working class" jobs earn near 100k a year so get off your high horse about Australian working class most Australians get paid double time Sunday ,double time & half public holidays and double time after 38 hours a week , doesn't matter if you work at McDonald's or Kmart
  22. I take that as a compliment 😅 I certainly am ,and very proud . If only I could prove it to the Government I could get a disability pension for life , but they don't believe it 😂
  23. What I have seen I. YouTube of UK police is they are useless Can't fight there way out of a wet paper bag yet Western Australia just employed 500 of these useless morons because Aussies refuse to work in outback Australia 🦘 so they employed 500 ex British police who will probably only last a few months before being run out of these remote country towns and head back to the UK They are being employed to the Kimberly region of Western Australia, good luck with that ,better then than me Mind you ....they will have guns just advised not use them in that part of Australia
  24. John I was drooliing over you with round eye glasses and 1970's long hair You asked me last time to sit on your face if you remember I If anyone hasn't worked out why Prubangboy has the word "boy" in his name you might get the hint what area he goes to in Pattaya . I like the boy actually ....but I'm only a dreamer imagine all the people
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