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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Interesting, not sure why Maybe I have it incorrectly,could be lyrical perhaps ,anyway thanks guys
  2. I often wondered why so many dentists in Pattaya I'm thinking they must be competing with each other Well today I contact 4 dentists by phone , the root canal specialist isn't available until next Tuesday Another one said May 7th Another one I rang said there " normal " dentist is available tommrrw afternoon first appointment 5pm And it goes on ,all fully booked days in advance ,try seeing a specialist takes weeks
  3. I'm not sure why the younger generation is taking that and combining it with alcohol as these guys are doing I realise some people generally need anti depressant medicine but I'm wondering what the effects are Does it make them "happy "?
  4. Yes I might do this today I will google them to see ,I have never been there before Just seems to one ear clogged up
  5. The question I have is what exactly does the drug LYRICA do? I have googled it ,it's a anti depressant, but I have no personal use of it or experience in it nor any anti depression drugs , the reason I'm asking is I have been watching a new YouTuber recently in Pattaya and Bangkok, a young guy who backpacker type who is constantly taking it and says he can't go without it as he walks around talking to people etc. does it give people 'confidence" ,is this why it seems to be popular among the young backpacker type? DOes anyone have personal experience with Lyrica , how does it make you feel? the YouTuber I'm talking about seems to look or not there if that's a description
  6. 430? You mean in the afternoon?
  7. It's Unfortunate you disrespected a very good post by the OP on here with your nasty behaviour/post It shows selfishness,one would think at your age you would be past thinking of yourself only I hope the OP finds what he has looking for, pity the nasty posts
  8. Stop messaging me Will I'm not interested in old men I was just thinking Will,the positive is ,you won't be posting in 5 years at your age ,so I will put up with you until then. Surely it won't be that long How long do you think ?
  9. I'm not confident enough But your right , I guess I could if I tried it
  10. I might try this guy today See if I can get a appointment
  11. Did it make any difference? Did you hear better or not really?
  12. My ears have been hurting the last few days, possibly because of the flight I just took and build up of wax I walked past a massage place yesterday offering ear candling It appears they put a hot šŸ”„ candle in your ear and it apparently melts the ear wax I was tempted but decided not to Are the barbers near Day Night area still offering ear cleaning? I don't really want to go to Dr Oliver,I guess he would just offer medicine I think I need them cleaned professionally ,any ear cleaning clinics ?
  13. It's ok ,Giddyup 's two friends answered for him...just they had the same username
  14. I think Giddyup you posted the original question.. ...then forgot to log out of being Giddyup ....then thought you logged into your other user name ...then answered your own question ā“not once but twice ! I'm thinking you must have 3 usernames ! Don't tell me your Ralf or even worse ....Bob ! Geez šŸ˜® I seen this happen a few weeks ago i , a poster posts a question,then forgot to log out of his original posting name then writes a post to himself, "Get a life buddy! He then realised later he forgot to log into his next username to write the second post so write to himself"Get a life buddy that's the funniest thing I have seen ,some bloke writing the original post then forgot to log into his second username and start abusing himself tšŸ˜ šŸ¤£
  15. I don't get it !! Your the OP šŸ˜®
  16. Former Australian NRL legend Terry Hill had died in Philippines
  17. So instead you mock people with down syndrome? Your a hypocrite John
  18. Strangely,a lot of guys tip the owners in BARS ! I watched a Pattaya bar owner on YouTube say that more guys want to buy HIM a drink than the girls , he had to refuse most.
  19. May I ask where you got them? I'm wondering if Lazada may sell similar
  20. With "skid" marks on the undies!šŸ˜‚
  21. You tip....and....most importantly you šŸ˜ SMILE
  22. Sounds good bot ...love your words šŸ˜
  23. You Bob are a fine Gentleman,your blood should be bottled
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