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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I think Giddyup you posted the original question.. ...then forgot to log out of being Giddyup ....then thought you logged into your other user name ...then answered your own question ❓not once but twice ! I'm thinking you must have 3 usernames ! Don't tell me your Ralf or even worse ....Bob ! Geez 😮 I seen this happen a few weeks ago i , a poster posts a question,then forgot to log out of his original posting name then writes a post to himself, "Get a life buddy! He then realised later he forgot to log into his next username to write the second post so write to himself"Get a life buddy that's the funniest thing I have seen ,some bloke writing the original post then forgot to log into his second username and start abusing himself t😁 🤣
  2. I don't get it !! Your the OP 😮
  3. Former Australian NRL legend Terry Hill had died in Philippines
  4. So instead you mock people with down syndrome? Your a hypocrite John
  5. Strangely,a lot of guys tip the owners in BARS ! I watched a Pattaya bar owner on YouTube say that more guys want to buy HIM a drink than the girls , he had to refuse most.
  6. May I ask where you got them? I'm wondering if Lazada may sell similar
  7. You tip....and....most importantly you 😁 SMILE
  8. Sounds good bot ...love your words 😁
  9. You Bob are a fine Gentleman,your blood should be bottled
  10. Ahhhh ,great point ..he does have a Gf , maybe he can transfer the $$$ from Australia into her Thai bank account Very good points 🙏
  11. I'm not good at ratio vs cost being a amateur data analyst But the cost to obtain one for us visitors /tourists, from a visa agent possibly could be a fee of 5ooo baht Then again of course,you can have it every trip to Thailand ,is it worth opening a bank account for a once a year long trip ,one must analyse that
  12. I'm not sure what the process is in Thailand for us visitors ,maybe an agent could help. Of course one must do the due diligence at cost vs ratio Or cost vs ........?
  13. I have never been to the monkey town and fascinated lately . Anyone think it's worth going , is it far from Bangkok city , could I get a Grab there ? Maybe I could get a train there Is there a hotel I can stay in I would like to bring them snacks and play games with them Are they all friendly and photogenic
  14. That's a first , no one else has admitted not tipping I guess there is a lot more and that can be for various reasons Great post
  15. Absolutely Robert these are reasons too. And talking about tipping to fit in absolutely, it's expected to tip in a bar for a drink in Pattaya ,it's expected! So you do it ,it's a herd mentality But what about tipping to benefit. Eg you work as front desk in my hotel , I give you a 100 baht tip ,thankyou for your kind service I say before you give me the key to my room. I then expect extra service from you ,eg better room next time I book or extra water bottles or whatever
  16. So you tip to receive a benefit from it And there is nothing wrong with that Others too because of feeling guilty or some are compelled ,eg the waitress tells you please give me big tip etc before she brings the food out and she tells you she is relying on your tip etc etc so you feel compelled you must tip ..at least something I had a limo (sedan) driver taking me to the airport several years arranged by my business class ticket ,he tried to "compel' me to tip by telling me most people gave him $30 I couldn't afford that so gave him $5, he wasn't happy
  17. Would that be the guilt reason? I'm have analysed what reason people tip Great service, compelled , guilt , a benefit from it
  18. Im not up to date on technology, I am learning this QR codes it's not easy looking at menus etc I even use the checkout at a supermarket where a person is serving you rather than a self scan Can I tap my HSBC card say at a 711 in Thailand nowadays?
  19. Well you have the 150 baht withdrawal fee plus the low currency exchange if you withdraw from a ATM
  20. So your in the Philippines? Philippines has a tipping culture doesn't it ?
  21. Tourists/visitors need to bring over rather than pay the withdrawal fees
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