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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. Well, it should make the 'smaller government' crowd happy and their world would be a better place. I can already hear Rand Paul babbling about why the best thing the world just happened. Until one of them, or a family member, is a victim of something that wouldn't have happened had the services been in place, in which case it would be Obama's fault. Of course. I can already picture Rand Paul on a split-screen with footage of the disaster, cross-babbling himself in through what is supposed to be explanation.

    Babble, great stuff!

    What did you say? I couldn't quite make it out with all the babbling...

    • Like 2
  2. this makes me laugh, the yanks going on about history,

    hasnt it just cost the american teaching orthities millions to have to re right there history books as they had the wrong dates in about ww1

    if they dont agree with it they will make a movie about it and change it all so they all believe

    Still jealous after all these years smile.png

    please tell me why you think im jealous of you or america, were do you get this from, why would i be jealous of you or america,

    im proud of england what it has done for the world, what it has invented for the good of man,

    and as for me being jealous of you,

    please read my posting history,

    there have been pics of me my wife my children in te farming section, it says on my profile im from wangnamyen, so if anyone ever wanted to meet pigeonjake, they would onlt have to get to wangnamyen and ask for the big falang pig farmer,

    im not some keyboard warrior who sits behind a keyboard talking crap, im real myfriend, and someone who has a very very good life here in thailand, very good,

    so as for being jealous of you,,,

    dont make me laugh,,,

    now run along,,


    Don't bother attempting to have an intelligent debate with someone that is as dumb as a bag of hammers... He is American and unfortunately reflects the epitome of the ugly American, superior to thou and he <deleted> doesn't stink sub-culture so prevalent in my home country...

  3. The worrying part of Greece going broke - lets call it as it is - is the young (and old)people who will become unemployed.

    Idle hands etc

    Don't want to be alarmist but Turkey (you do know where Turkey is?....jeez You do know where Greece is don't you?) is Islamic leaning (strongly) and the stated goal of the current Islamic regime is to regain their old caliphate lands. I.e all the way to Spain, North Africa is a given..

    Interesting times ahead.

    " The worrying part of Greece going broke - lets call it as it is - is the young (and old)people who will become unemployed.

    Idle hands etc"

    But what are the prospects for these two groups anyway even within the EU ? blink.png

    Bingo... If Greece exits the Euro, it resets their debt and allows them to thumbs their nose at the fraudsters that set them up to fail from the very beginning by obfuscating their true financial state and the corruption within the government and certain investment banks... The BRICS have already made it clear that favorable trading partner status would be bestowed upon Greece, along with financial aid and we mustn't forget that pipeline running from Russia, through southern Turkey and ending at the Greek border... It appears that Greece has everything to gain and nothing to loose... Hell, they are already insolvent...

  4. Many women 40+ no longer want much (or any) sex.

    In the west, married men learn to do without.

    Luckily for you, Thai ladies will often do it for your enjoyment, even though they don't really want to.

    Accept that it's the best deal you're gonna get.

    She's just finished with sex (lesbian or not).

    It's normal married life with a 40+ wife.

    Or do as my ex-wife advised me to do when I raised this topic with her, go get a hooker...

    When your car is broken, call a mechanic...

    If your plumbing is broken, call a plumber...

    If you are not getting satisfied in bed, but the rest of the relationship is working, call in a professional...

  5. Your comment on Federal Reserve ownership is not quite true . . .


    You cite the Federal Reserve's own website as a reference...

    Do you expect the cat to tell the mouse the truth about the nature of the beast?

    I stand by my comment...


    “Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders.”

    – The Honorable Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1930s

    • Like 1
  6. Why fight the Fed?

    Unfortunately, your comment reflects the general attitude toward the world's economic and monetary status quo, along with all geo-political world affairs really... If it doesn't affect me, why question it?

    How long do you think the central banks of the world can paper over basic economic and monetary system flaws?

    Of the 3800+ fiat monetary systems ever created throughout history, all based on debt, none have survived... Guess how many currencies on the planet today are fiat currencies? The answer is all of them...


    The average lifespan of a monetary system is 39 years... We are currently on year 44 of the current system, which came into being when the US negated Bretton-Woods in 1971 due to France's demand to repatriate gold from the US... Here we are 44 years later and the same demands are now being made by Germany and Belgium, along with China adding more gold to their reserves in 2015 than has been produced... How can a commodity, any commodity, be available in limited supply, have rising demand and the price does no reflect that condition? The answer is that it cannot and the price is being suppressed through naked shorts, funded by USDs printed out of thin air... Thus my post above... Go check the Comex open gold futures contracts vs inventories and you see why it is being suppressed... Comex has levered the 'paper gold' market 100+ to 1, much like the fractional reserve banking system... . If anyone with sufficient open contracts stands for delivery from the Comex that exceeds inventories, it exposes the fraud and implodes the system for the US... This is the reason for price suppression of gold in USD terms... They want to drive people away from gold and to the USD / USTs as a safe haven... Don't believe me, check gold prices in USD vs all other currencies in yesterday's route and you will start to get the picture..

    Greece is the tipping point for the banking cabal and the EU... It's not the $464 billion in debt that Greece is about to default on that has the bankers worried, it's the 3 - 4 trillion euro derivatives exposure that the bankers have created out of thin air, hedging against that debt... If the new Greek government follows through and reneges on this debt and exits the EU, it will implode the banking system much like 2008... We will find out on Feb 16th, as that is the EU imposed deadline for Greece to make it's intentions known to the IMF and ECB...

    Back to the Fed... I am sure you are aware that the US Federal Reserve (Central Bank) is not a branch of the US government... It is a private corporation with stockholders, unaccountable to the very government that created it... For every $1 the Fed creates out of thin air, their stockholders net a 6% commission... Go read "The Monster from Jekyll Island", then you to get a picture of why we should fight the Fed...

    • Like 1
  7. The US is NOT at war with radical islam and will not be as long as the POTUS cannot muster the words, "radical islam"...

    I rest my case...


    In describing terror networks, the administration does not use the term Islamist nor Islamic as an adjective (unless it’s to use ISIL’s full name) and states: “We reject the lie that America and its allies are at war with Islam.” This could annoy some critics who say the Obama administration is ignoring the religious inspiration of many of these groups.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/president-barack-obama-list-global-dangers-114976.html#ixzz3R17pEc9h

    • Like 1
  8. We all share the same planet. Who cares which bit of it you happened to be born on?

    Give it a couple hundred more years... If we just keep f##king each other, we will all be the same color, speak the same language and worship the same great heavenly space fairy... The globalists just need to let nature take it's course and quit forcing the matter...

  9. Don't buy a condo until it's at least half built.

    I'll take this a couple of steps further...

    Never invest in a condo in Pattaya, period...

    If you must, only buy one in an established condo block that the management has a successful track record... Lots of completed condo projects in Patters that have fallen into a poor state of repair after being completed... Elevators that don't work, building in dis-repair, grounds are a mess, etc... There are very few that I would consider living in, much less buying one...

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