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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. Human nature... Miserable people are not happy unless everyone around them are miserable too...

    You ask if there are many of them on the boards? Unfortunately yes, most IMO... Just read any topic and count the number of negative vs positive posts... After being a mod on various forums over the years, I gave up as is was affecting my attitude, much akin to pissing up a rope...

  2. Huh? Hahahah dude please you are the one living in a fantasy....

    And back to topic all you have to do in Thailand is make a facebook post the junta doesn't like and you are invited for reeducation. Those people in Gitmo killed innocent civilians. Im thinking you are not a US citizen and therefore dont know and are talking out your ass....

    And typically, the ad hominem attacks ensue... I am a US citizen, served in the military, loved my country before is was taken over by globalists... You sir are the one that is clueless and I dare say ignorant of the facts... You didn't look up the NDAA, did you?

    You might check how those folks got interned in Gitmo too... The vast majority were picked up in sweeps of people that had nothing to do with "terrorism", merely the suspicion of being allied with the terrorists...

    Enjoy the US while it lasts... Perhaps you missed this little tidbit in the news yesterday...

    US passport on the verge of elimination


    Never mind, ignorance is bliss as the saying goes... So go to fishin' because you are out of your depth...

    And you are living in the fantasy world of conspiracy. Please deposit your US passport in the nearest mailbox so it can be returned to its rightful owner, the United States of America. If you ever decide to come back to the US, please come back as a foreign tourist. American citizens dont talk despairingly of their home country. We dont need nor want people like you around. Go back to your barstool please

    So you can muster a coherent sentence, congratulations.... In the mean time the topic was Henry Kissinger... One question, do you approve of his actions and deeds over the last 50 years? If so, you don't deserve the courtesy of a reply as you are the traitor to your country and mankind... Maintaining the US's role as "top dog" in the global pecking order hardly justifies the means of Kissinger and his ilk...

    I don't deal in conspiracy theory, I speak of conspiracy facts... If you could read and put forth any effort, you would come the same conclusions as I have... But no, you believe the rhetoric that comes out of the boob tube as spewed forth by western media... So go back to your six pack, the Super Duper Bowl is about to start...

    Oh, and about that passport, did you bother to follow the link I provided? You know, the one where the dissolution of the US as a sovereign nation is well under way? Or haven't you noticed that the borders in the US are an open sieve? I thought not...

    • Like 1
  3. It is best to be wary of over friendly strangers, no matter the country or place... For example, never get sucked into a card game with Filipinos you don't know...

    In the case of Africans along Sukhumvit, they have a long history of being involved in vice and fraud... As someone else noted, they can be very persuasive...

    For the Indian tailors, once you shake their hand, they often will not let go as they pitch you their custom...

    Soi 6 is another story as at least you get what you bargained for...

    As always, YMMV...

  4. I hate pizzas. They look, smell and taste like vomit thrown up in a pastry base.

    Then why comment at all? Oh wait, you needed to get your negative post in for the day...

    As far as Duke's, from a pizza lover it's the best I've had in CM...

    • Like 2
  5. I think the reason is simple: you're living here on a tourist visa and she doesn't like that.

    Well i pay for her salary every 2 months, she should be happy instead. I don't work here, me and my GF are not married so the only thing atm is tourist visa, i usually carry recommendation letters from my gfs PHD professors in case they need poof or something. And most of the staff already know our situation, i usually write that as a reason for extension "to stay with my gf until she finish her studies".

    No, you don't...

  6. If he'd had a real gun, that .22 cartridge probably would have gone clear through the victims head and taken out a big chunk of skull at the exit wound.

    The .22 is small but it's deadly. The pen gun probably didn't have tight enough tolerances to put all of the pressure behind the bullet, and it was probably wimpy.

    It's ironic to say, but the victim got lucky.

    Thais have the 3rd highest gun murder rate per capita in the world.

    If you include ALL murders, Thailand have the 106th "highest" murder rate, just ahead of the USA at number 111.

    Thailand is less dangerous than many people believe.

    In the mean time there were 425 murders in Chicago during 2014...


    I'll take my chances in Thailand...

  7. I picked up a Trek Series 390 MTB at Chaitawat a couple of weeks ago and have been quite happy with it... They had a few 57cm models in stock and I got to pick my color combination and not just take what they had in stock... It was in the 14K baht range... Nice people... It was 45 minutes from the time I walked in until I rode out with the bike, and they had to unbox it and do final assembly too...

    One thing to keep in mind is that a standard MTB is not a true down-hill bike... Different suspension geometry and travel settings... Having said that, for occasional use a MTB will do fine unless you want to ride at 10/10ths...

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