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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. BKK to a village - quite a leap ... Why you need to live in a village where security might be on the low side and neighbors could keep you awake most hours of the night ? You could get a very nice house or condo incl. internet, Gym etc. for 20k in Chiang Mai

    20,000 baht a month!!! ???

    in the villages just outside of Chiang Mai you can rent a beautiful Thai Mansion for 10,000 baht a month!!!

    I would say that anybody paying 20,000 baht a month in rent in this " Third world Country " is being completely ripped off !!!

    F.J wub.png ( kisses to you all viewers... x )

    Please, tell us the names of some of these villages around CM where you can rent a "Thai mansion" for 10,000 baht per month...

    • Like 1
  2. As I waited, I noticed that there were quite a few people who were able to see officers without queue numbers. Some of them appeared to be agents accompanying single foreigners or families of foreigners. (Do agents have special arrangements to see immigration officers outside of the queue system?)

    I was at CW three weeks ago to get a non-imm O visa and was using an agent... There are two immigration officers assigned to do nothing but agent requests... I had to make an appearance to have my photo taken, but that was it and I was in and out in 15 minutes...

  3. Western controlled hegemony is being shown the door... The AIIB is a direct threat to western central banks, the World Bank and the IMF...


    Early members of the AIIB include:


    New Zealand





    BRICS nations

    Those considering joining:



    S Korea



    • Like 2
  4. That was the social contract.

    Work for a certain value, leave a certain percentage for social security, and get back a certain value as pension - wherever you are.

    I deny ECB the right to break that contract.

    Already being done...

    European nations begin seizing private pensions


    Poland Nationalizes 1/2 of the nations private Pensions


    I would rather a government looked after my private pension than a dodgy IFA and offshore company (Friends Provident (IoM)).

    Government taking control of many private pension providers would be a good thing IMHO.

    You have missed the point, which is that these countries have nationalized their pension plans to STEAL the contributions by citizens, to PAY their outstanding debt obligations...

  5. That was the social contract.

    Work for a certain value, leave a certain percentage for social security, and get back a certain value as pension - wherever you are.

    I deny ECB the right to break that contract.

    Already being done...

    European nations begin seizing private pensions


    Poland Nationalizes 1/2 of the nations private Pensions


  6. http://rt.com/usa/241517-white-house-administration-foia/

    White House exempts itself from FOIA requests

    Notwithstanding claims of being the most transparent administration ever, the White House now says that an executive branch office is exempt from United States Freedom of Information Act requests effective immediately.

    As of Tuesday, the Office of Administration will no longer have to heed FOIA requests — the likes of which had for decades helped explain the inner workings of White House functions — according to a notice published in the Federal Register this week.

    Although the White House is largely exempt from having to answer FOIA requests, the Office of Administration has until now been among the few exceptions concerning the commander-in-chief. In the final rule published on Tuesday morning, however, the deputy assistant to President Barack Obama writes that the office’s parent agency, the Executive Office of the President, “is removing regulations from the Code of Federal Regulations related to the status of records created and maintained by the Executive Office.”

  7. Has a formal complaint been lodged with the Police about this alleged KIDNAPPING, ASSAULT & ROBBERY ?

    What help are you expecting to receive from a forum?

    Koh Chang is small island. I can`t report ot too the police.....they were part of the gang that kidnapped us!

    There`s no "alleged" about it. It happened, it was terrifyingly real. I have proof and witnesses.

    I have reached out in desperation to lots of people. I have never been in this situation. I have no idea what to do. The Army seem powerless. The British Embassy can do nothing. I reached out to this forum to see if any members had any advise on what the hell I should do. I am scared for my family.

    What`s your advice for me and my family?

    Err, get off the island, move, vamos, get the hell out of Dodge...

    Besides that, I'm not sure what you think anyone on TVF can do for you...

    • Like 2
  8. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-13/why-dollar-rising-global-monetary-bubble-craters

    Why The Dollar Is Rising As The Global Monetary Bubble Craters

    Yet I am constantly braced with questions about the US dollar and its impending demise. The reasoning seems to be that if America is a debt addicted dystopia—-and it surely is—- won’t the US dollar sooner or later go down in flames as the day of reckoning materializes? Won’t you make money shorting the doomed dollar?

    Heavens no! At least not any time soon. The reason is simply that the other three big economies of the world—Japan, China and Europe—are in even more disastrous condition. Worse still, their governments and central banks are actually more clueless than Washington, and are conducting policies that are flat out lunatic—–meaning that their faltering economies will be facing even more destructive punishment from policy makers in the days ahead.

  9. I have 3bb in CM and can confirm that the circuits have been up / down like a yoyo for the last few days... Usually during the day with slow throughput to the US and some intermittent 100% down-time... I'm on the 3bb 30/3 plan with fiber to the house... There have been other similar threads in the past few days over the same issue in CM...

  10. Name and shame? Post their picture on their local newspaper back home? In USA, fine about $10,000 USD....I will email Thai official now and let them know. Good luck getting mad for getting caught drinking and driving. Nobody will feel bad for you, unless you really do need help. Speaking of which, if you were in Spicy earlier, I think the fine should be doubled and pictures sent to facebook immediately!!!! lol.

    I simply flash them my elite card, speak my fluent thai, show them my thai gf who loves me very much, and then i am escorted to the moo baan!!!!

    Are you serious or simply demented? Serious question...

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