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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. After reading a recent post about the benefits of having Permanent residence in Phillipines I am seriously consideringh moving there,I am really tired of all the visa non-sense here-the work permits necessary even for residents etc,the non-sense re-entry permit,90 day report,certificate of residence which is never confirmed.Gawd,what a flippin nightmare.

    the Philippines is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia.

    The people speak English, and the beaches are truly stunning.

    Apart from rental accomodation, (In the Big Cities, Such as Cebu). which gets you a great rental price if you want to buy. Everything else is about half the price of Thailand.

    The ladies are great, its so refreshing to take someone out and have a laugh, because they understand you.

    There are exceptions of course. But in the main these girls are not money driven, they just want a better life, than the slums they are in at present. Give that to them and they will be so grateful, and what a turn on, to have someone speak to you in English when your having sex hahaha.

    I left Thailand, where I still have many friends after 9 years to go to the Philippines and I have not looked back one bit.

    i will return to Thailand to visit my friends, but the Philippines is my home now.

    And, by the way, dont believe all the crap you hear about it being dangerous, the people are great, just dont go where not not suppose to, same same as in Thailand.

    Not sure where you get your figures, but after spending lots of time in the PI it is hardly half the cost of Thailand... In fact some items are twice the price of the same item in Thailand or even the west... Like a pizza for example... If you want decent housing it will cost much more than in Thailand... Not too mention wholesale poverty and violent crime... Of course your milage may vary, especially if your idea of living the good life is living in a nipa hut in the provinces...

    Then comes medical care in the PI which is a joke... This from a person that has almost died there twice due to poor mexical treatment in private hospitals...

    The PI may be your thing, but it hardly as rosy as you have portrayed... I have found that the PI attracts foreigners that would make cheap charlies in Thailand appear to be millionaires...

  2. If the OP cannot think of overwhelming convincing reasons to get married, then don't do it... IMHO, the only reason to get married in this day and age is if you plan on having kids... If not, then why, other than showing commitment to someone you obviously have doubts about... Why else are you here asking the peanut gallery?

    • Like 2
  3. Don't forget the Tuk Tuks, they will take you anywhere you want to go, but at a higher price than the Song Taews...

    The traffic around the moat and in the old city is pretty bad, especially around Tha Phae Gate... The biggest hinderance to traffic are the tourists themselves, which are bloody clueless as to what is going on around them...

    • Like 1
  4. Ah, great, such news are now pouring in on a daily Basis. laugh.png

    Didn't the Thai tourism minister say yesterday that "all problems have been addressed and everything is fine now " ?

    Maybe invite that guy (after he recovered if he does) to the next THIS IS THAINESS festival at Suan Lumpinee so to teach him about local custom before things happen ;-)

    try drinking in city bar anywhere round the world and then try to fob half the bill off.

    not nice he got beat up but we only got half the story. there are some serious mouth merchants from the UK in pattay who think the world owes them a living and the locals they regard with utter disdain.

    who knows he may have had it coming

    Do you not know how to read or are you being intentionally obtuse?

  5. What is the common denominator in most of these scenarios? It's the fact that the plod are either part of the scam or complicit and take a cut from the perpetrators... Every one of these scams would cease overnight if the cops did their jobs... How long before the junta does something about it? My guess is never...

    • Like 2
  6. Yeah, I am. angry.gif It'll be a huge pain trying to get her a K3 visa. I tell my Thai wife it's hard to get a visa to come to America. Not same for me to come to Thailand. It has been several years and I still can't get her a marriage visa. She's stuck in Thailand and can't visit the US because our government thinks everybody wants to immigrate to America(they don't) and is going to sponge off the welfare system(which is close to non-existent).

    You are obviously doing something wrong as thousands have successfully navigated the K3 process... If you can't do the paperwork and have your marriage vetted by consul staff, consider hiring a Thai attorney to "fix" it for you... That is unless your wife has a doggy past and sets off the warning bells at the consul... Not meaning to be harsh, but the facts are the facts...

    • Like 1
  7. Here's one for our expert...

    I had to attend to some business at the local governmental office today... As my Thai is marginal to convey exactly what it was I needed, I asked the lady I was speaking with in Thai if she spoke any English... Her answer was "mai dai"... So I muddled through and got my business taken care of... As I walked away, I hear her talking to a co-worker, saying in perfect English "Falang want to know if I speak English... hahahahaha"...

    How would you handle this?

    1. Clench your teeth and walk away...

    2. Call her out for her rude behavior...

    3. Ask to speak to her boss and convey you displeasure...

  8. A bit of advice, get fitted for a set of clubs... You wouldn't consider going hiking with a pair of boots that don't fit, the same holds true for golf... Once fitted, you can shop for a set of used clubs or buy new online or from a discount shop...

  9. You call that garbage? You should see the monk-dump behind the wat, now that's garbagetongue.png

    Really ? Why is the park authority not doing something about it ?

    Where do you think you are? Here's a hint, you're not in Kansas anymore...

  10. I'm liking that. Is that stock or did you add the tires and gold wheels?

    That's the CFR250M... M is for Motard, which is delivered as shown in the photo...

    I would be really surprised if Honda discontinued this model as CRF250L is quite popular worldwide... Perhaps they are doing away with the M model as it is only sold in Asia to my knowledge... I also believe they wouldn't upgrade from a single cylinder 250 to a 300 twin as it would change the entire power curve for the bike...

    I had a XR400 in the US for years and is the same bike except for a few more cc's... The 250 just doesn't have enough grunt for me... Hard to beat a big thumper...

    The 300cc is also a single cylinder.

    Cool, didn't know that... Now if they would just bring back the 400 I would be happy...

  11. I'm liking that. Is that stock or did you add the tires and gold wheels?

    That's the CFR250M... M is for Motard, which is delivered as shown in the photo...

    I would be really surprised if Honda discontinued this model as CRF250L is quite popular worldwide... Perhaps they are doing away with the M model as it is only sold in Asia to my knowledge... I also believe they wouldn't upgrade from a single cylinder 250 to a 300 twin as it would change the entire power curve for the bike...

    I had a XR400 in the US for years and is the same bike except for a few more cc's... The 250 just doesn't have enough grunt for me... Hard to beat a big thumper...

  12. selfish corporate greed is driving this , i see no need for GMO whatsoever ....


    We have lost control of the food chain and each generation is getting sicker and weaker.

    In fact with declining fertility and testosterone levels in males we could face our own extinction.

    What better way for TPTB to reduce the population of the earth by 80% to remove the "useless eaters"...

    Does anyone really believe any of this is by chance?

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