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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. Underage is one thing, trafficked is another... If a woman is of legal age and works in a bar of her own volition, how is that trafficking? To me it means that a woman has been more or less kidnapped and is working in the adult industry against her will... As with many terms, this one is over used...

    After being in CM for a few months and not interested in a LTR at this stage of my life, I have to say that it's a wasteland when it comes to adult night life compared to down south... Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places, but there is no sanuk factor from what I can find... Just some well-worn soapies, brothels, strip clubs and beer bars with ladies more interested in their cell phones than customers, all of which really doesn't appeal to me...

    CM is a good place for my reintegration to Thai life and to learn the language, after which I'll probably head to the coast... I know, no need to say it, don't let the door hit you in the a## on the way out...

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  2. Sorry NS, but Ukraine lost it's sovereignty when the US paid for and sponsored the coup last year, installing neo-nazis in Kiev to create war with Russia...

    One of the most frustrating things for me on this issue are the people who find it hard to believe that Ukrainians want better lives for themselves and their families. These ignorant people seem to think that Ukrainians were happy with the corrupt president and corrupt gov't bureaucracy that had been stifling the economy. Ukraine is a nation who was on par with neighbor Poland 20-25 years ago. Now they can see that Poland has pulled far ahead of them and they want the same for themselves. Of course, Putin never wanted "Little Russia" to progress because that would make Russians think the same about Ukraine as Ukrainians think about Poland then they too would want changes. "No, people don't want better lives unless the USA pushes them into it." Get over it all ready.

    Second, these lies about neo-Nazis in Kiev need to stop. There are no Nazis or even right-wingers in power in Kiev, never were. You want to see Nazis, look toward Russia. The Kremlin will arrest one pensioner with a sign protesting war in Ukraine, but it will allow thousands of right wing fascists to march through Moscow. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2014/11/russian-march-draws-thousands-haters-2014114161437560714.html

    1. After Yanukovich fled Ukraine last February and a provisional gov't took over (the Rada, or Parliament, remained the same) one of the first things they did was call for elections in 3 months time (May 25th). They had three months of campaigning, with many different parties, and the major candidates all Russian-speaking Ukrainians coming from the East and Southeast of Ukraine. Some had to learn Ukrainian as adults.

    When Russia took over Crimea did they call for elections? No, they installed their own puppet leaders. Did anyone watch Putin's speech prior to officially annexing Crimea? Once of his appointed leaders didn't have a suit and tie, only a black shirt. He is the leader of the motorcycle gang Night Wolves and a big supporter of Putin. Nope, Nazis don't need elections or qualified candidates.

    Then there was the joke of a referendum but that's an entirely different topic all together.

    2) Shortly after the Presidential elections in May, Ukraine announced Parliamentary elections for Oct 2014. Again, many parties ran campaigns. The far right parties won abut 3% of the seats. Much less than what far right parties won across Europe that year. Russia doesn't really have elections so we can't compare.

    The DPR also announced elections to be held shortly after the Ukrainian parliamentary elections. No one knows who the candidates were or what their platforms were. No one knows who even won. It was all a show. Nazis love putting on shows.

    So you are denying that Ukraine is nothing more that a vassal state of the US, doing their bidding to ferment war with Russia? If you believe that then you have drunk the koolaid and need to some more research... Did you even bother to follow the links that I provided?

    As far as the US sponsored coup, perhaps you missed the fact that Victoria Nuland of the US State Department was recorded having a conversation with the US Ambassador to Ukraine planning the coup and deciding who they would install in power afterwards... You know, the famous "F##k The EU" tape? If so, here's a refresher for you....


  3. There is a GNC at Kad Suan Kaew mall on the west side of town...

    No there isn't. But www.iherb.com has an excellent promotion at the moment. US $2.00 post to Thailand for up to 2 kg. i believe. Use promo code GEV414 for further discounts.

    I thought perhaps I was loosing my mind when I read your response that no, there is not a GNC at Kad Suan Kaew... I know there was as I've been by there a dozen times... I was on that side of town today, so decided to stop into KSK to check... Sure enough, there is a GNC in KSK, it is on the 2nd floor and it is open...

    Perhaps you should do a fact check before more or less calling someone a liar... coffee1.gif

  4. You will need to sign up on your states health exchange and/or will need to use the healthcare.gov site if your state does not have one. If you are signing up outside of the open enrollment period you will need show a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) of why you did not sign up during the open enrollment. Since you have been in Thailand and not living in the states, that would be a QLE. The insurance plans are horrible compared to any of the plans I have ever had through an employer, or private insurance before. The only good point is no pre-existing condition exclusion. They are expensive depending on your age and lifestyle (smoking etc). We can only hope many parts of it repealed in the coming year.

    I would recommend to STAY AWAY from the state or federally sponsored ACA health care plans... The premiums are astronomical and deductibles so high that you will never benefit if you need treatment...

    There are still state-specific 3rd party insurance providers that have policies available which are cheaper and provide better coverage than the ACA... The who, what questions are based on which state you are going to live in... My only other advice is to bend over and grab your ankles, because are not going to like the premiums... My example being myself as I still carry insurance coverage in the US... My premium is $904 per month, just for me and I have zero pre-existing conditions and am in perfect health... There are reports of families of 4 paying in excess of $2400 per month, just for health care coverage... I know you are not going to like this, but it's reality under the Obama regime...

    EDIT: Another option is to claim indigence and go on Medicaid... That's how the millions of illegals in the US get treatment...


    I wonder if Richard Sherman will shut his freaking mouth now?

    I doubt it since he had a good game. Can't say the same for Pete Carroll as he made arguably the worst play call in sports history.

    Sherman had a Pro Bowl worthy game, no reason to shut his mouth (other than it gets a bit repetitive.)

    Don't think Pete Carroll made that call....it's on the OC. Agreed though - handoff to Lynch and they probably win.

    I've got no problem with a player beating his own drum, but in Sherman's case it's way OTT....

  6. Perhaps someone with a medical background can confirm or refute this--I am under the impression that hormones and steroids are complex molecules that are broken down by the digestive system, so the only effective way to take them is by injection or creams.

    I'm not interested in taking these things (unless prescribed for a valid reason by a qualified doctor), I just like to challenge questionable supplement claims.

    Your understanding and mine are the same on this topic... Oral HGH is useless...

    • Like 1
  7. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front's cause and methods; a botched police action against Muslim rebels, in which two of the police officers killed were, themselves, Muslim (see your link) is hardly proof of the so called Muslim no go zones in Western cities which are the subject of this topic.

    Read the topic heading again, it does not say this thread is about muslim no-go zones in western cities...

    Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die
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  8. I think I read this fairly well:

    "... top secret mission - catch or kill...-"

    - isn't that clear enough?

    So, killers got killed in combat, and you don't need written posts around a battlefield telling you "STOP. THIS KILLING FIELD IS A NO GO AREA. Killing can cause severe damages to you or your environment", do you?

    Please don't be pedantic... Southern Mindinao has been a muslim no-go zones for over a decade... From which they kidnap Christians, hold them for ransom and then kill them... And you question the Filipino government for wanting to stop these heathens?

    Yes, the mission was to capture a known MUSLIM TERRORIST... Get a grip people...

    The topic of the thread is muslim no-go zones, no? If this area does not qualify, then what does... Doesn't matter if it's in western Yurrup or not...

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