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Everything posted by neeray

  1. The problems with old escalators seem to be "escalating".
  2. This must have involved some very tall dollar business dealings and a heated, irreconcilable dispute, what with cutting one business partner into chopped steak. The murder tends to sound more like it happened impulsively as opposed to being planned. (if planned, not very good planning).
  3. To use that old adage, in enhanced form, "don't let the door slam your sorry butt too hard on the way out".
  4. Wasn't there another bridge incident in the past month? Best stay well away from bridges. Bad things come in threes.
  5. I believe that previous articles made it clear that the 3 million was for alive status, not dead.
  6. 13 million: That kind of gives credence to the comparison of, "The Wild Wild West".
  7. I think the lights have come on for the 'old guard' and they realize that the majority of Thai people want change. Resisting and/or delaying change through manipulation would be met with major trouble in the streets.
  8. I think maybe she was just checking to see if he had any food on his face before taking a birthday picture.
  9. I wonder how his daughters feel about him. Surely they can't be proud of his performance. Surely they must know where all the money darn well came from.
  10. Can't say anything good about the General but at least he didn't call it a rigged or stolen election.
  11. Many, many, many, many times greater. So great. The greatest.
  12. He'd better be extra careful not to pack any top secret documents in the boxes of personal items. Golf shirts and shoes should be packed separately.
  13. He wins the award for being the Classic Textbook Case of a Dirty Old Man.
  14. I would suspect that it means if they expose the truth this TIME about Prawit and the WATCHES, they may be guilty of defamation.
  15. Good for you. That's the way it was done when I was attending school. It says "sausages", that's processed (junk) food. I don't see any vegetables on that plate either.
  16. "a media company that has been suspended from trading and its shares have been delisted from the Stock Exchange of Thailand for about fifteen years." This statement would seem to make the argument a moot point. Time to MOVE FORWARD.
  17. If English interpretation was used, at a shop with this name, Tong Ou, a patron shouldn't be too surprised at what might take place. But then, the couple were Japanese and Chinese, so English interpretation may not apply.
  18. I give this "POST OF THE WEEK".
  19. Your last sentence is the crux of the matter. ("The question remains: What will happen on the streets if it plays out like this?")
  20. You are the first in this thread to comment on the stick. I certainly agree with you that the stick was the likely trigger. Quite possibly the child "playfully" or even "threateningly or teasingly" motioned harm to the dog with the stick. This story seems somewhat complex and the dog should not have been allowed freedom, particularly at this location.
  21. Your rationale is spot on. A reading of the linked article would be of great value to any person commenting on this topic. ITV is NOT a media company. It's frequency has been cancelled.
  22. It will be a long and winding road with many road blocks and anxious moments, but in the end, I expect that Pita will be PM. Just my POV.
  23. This is rewarding to hear of the bus driver's quick response. So much better than the "brake failure" stories.
  24. The election is over. You won (kind of). Now shut up until you know you really won for sure.
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