Some people have no pride. The whole country knows who won the most votes and who should really be PM. But those who grab the top spot by hook or by CROOK, don't give a rats behind what they look like or what is said about them. Their compensation is their snout in the trough and a chance to steal from the people.
Trumpo is too stupid to just keep his mouth shut. Yes. I know that that is very difficult for him. Had he not been so stupid, he would have realized that by knocking Biden's swift, excellent and adequate response to Hawaii, he would be opening the door to be faulted for his grossly inadequate response to the Porta Rico hurricane disaster.
I think they quadruple it, then divide by 4, double that and add 500, knock off 400 for bad behaviour immi denials and then have a committee input there thoughts and agree that something like 30 million sounds good.
"Jeans and a black skirt" ....... This doesn't sound to me like a clothing combination that a "model" would be wearing. Perhaps the word "skirt" is supposed to be "shirt".
Not necessarily. Maybe she was just a concerned and protective lady. I've been given similar warnings from a Thai gf who knows that I am not reckless. (I only do wheelies when she's not around).
But, but, but. What about all the other Thai politicians who have committed crimes. A few come to mind; having people murdered, accepting bribes, collecting watches nefarious means, operating illegal establishments ...........
On my first visit to Thailand a decade ago, I was appalled to see heaps of household trash a few feet away from what looked like a half decent home, not to mention the lesser homes (aka shacks). And then walking in various areas, to see garbage everywhere including in rivers that were flow-impeded by furniture and appliances. As a Canadian, I was mind-boggled when my new Thai lady friend told me that Thais generally toss their refuse beside the garbage receptacle (what few there were) as opposed to into the receptacle.