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Posts posted by neeray

  1. 14 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


    Back in the day when it was physical stamps if you used them and got change in coins you got to keep the coins. So me and my dad would go from store to store I would use a dollar stamp to buy a one cent gum which was allowed. so we would get 99 cents in cash for every transaction. The gum I sold at school later for 10 cents a piece. Which was a nice little side hustle.


    Aside from that when I got a little older around the first of the month when the stamps came in the mail I would buy them for 50 cents on the dollar from crackheads and druggies. Go buy some gum and get my 99 cents. 


    Anyway aside from that if you are able bodied in the USA you should get a job. Go to any temp place and you are working the same day until you find something better. People can not find enough workers to do the jobs here at the moment. 

    It is a rare occasion that I agree with you "cryingdick". 

    I never give to able-bodied-looking beggars but I will pay the overage for a persons groceries if they miscalculated when paying at the grocery store check out.

    • Like 1
  2. 18 hours ago, toast1 said:

    >Welfare was never intended to be a career position. It was rife with fraud and waste after obama gave away the farm. Now it's time to be responsible. Plenty of jobs.


    Eh? I don't understand.

    Where is your hysterical, angry, Orange Man Bad rant. 
    Usually posters on TV just shriek fascist racist, whenever Trump's name is mentioned

    Well, some of us are not shrieking on this one, as in my opinion he just might be right (for a change) and has granted some grace period as opposed to his usual style of "will take effect December 25, 2019" (as an example).

    I am a believer that there is a "job" available for everyone who wants to work.

    • Like 1
  3. Nothing helpful for you in my comment but I'll throw it in anyway. It was always my understanding that an agent is almost never used; word of mouth is how it's done (but I know you have already made that effort). I trust that there is a sign posted on it !


    Noted already; Everything has a buyer. Price is the determining factor.


    Good luck.

  4. On ‎12‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 8:06 PM, webfact said:

    There are fears that the dispute over Hong Kong could impact efforts by Beijing and Washington to reach a preliminary deal to de-escalate a prolonged trade war between the world's two largest economies.

    I've just read all 3 pages of responses to the OP. My take is a little different.

    It is in this statement (see above in full).


    I personally do not see any quick end to this trade war. New obstacles keep rearing their heads and must be solved. More obstacles are probably yet to come. Maybe even a POTUS change.

    So my suggestion is just learn to work within the new "tit for tat" pricing. Treat business as usual, Strive to derive new export markets if that is what you do. Pretend this is the new economy, until it isn't. Get over it. Work within it.

  5. On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 6:52 AM, possum1931 said:

    I love the pork mince, but a friend told me that in the markets, all the leftovers are put in with the mince and I have not bought any from the local market since.

    My understanding is that your friend is correct, including any that falls on the floor; just toss it in with the sausage meat.



    • Haha 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, Prairieboy said:

    They are slowly chipping away at the opposition parties (FFP) numbers as they are perceived to be a threat to the ruling 'junta' elite.

    I'm open to being corrected but my search does not show "the Palang Pracharat party" as being aligned with FFP.

    Search: Palang Pracharath Party, also spelled Palang Pracharat is a Thai political party with ties to the National Council for Peace and Order, the military junta ...


    I repeat; I'm open to clarity.

    • Thanks 1
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