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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. Wild? More like 'domesticated' Duck cafe. "Come and feed our quack-quacks - then you can eat them"! Brilliant idea!😒
  2. Oh! It wasn't the vermin dogs that attacked people, then - it was the Swiss Guy, right? Here we are folks, with the standard aggressive vermin dog apologist! Every post relating to this kind of subject always contains one such drivel post.
  3. I too was raised in the UK and never really considered travelling abroad until I joined the Royal Navy at 16. That one event spectacularly changed my life forever, arriving here in Thailand at the age of 20, (the Med and Europe before that), again at 24 and yet again for a two year stint in Hong Kong in the early '70s visiting Thailand twice. That was followed by 10 years backpacking annually for 3-4 weeks around Asia, always starting in Bangkok and ending with a beach holiday one month later - in Thailand. I moved out here in 2004 and have never regretted it.
  4. Even before I opened this post I kind of guessed who sent it! Is there anything that this guy likes in Thailand - or does he whine and bleat about everything? Why is he even here? I've been living in Thailand for 20 years now and have only had reservations about one Thai meal in all that time. Politeness and manners cost nothing and even that incident was corrected quickly. This is nothing else other than attention seeking and self-aggrandisement! And it's getting boring.......
  5. Just living here for 20 years! No complaints.
  6. While the rest of us who are thrilled not to be American, rejoice as you travel empty-headed and empty-handed into financial and economic disaster under your driveling clown of a 'king' and your own oligarchs.
  7. You wanna take a long hard look at your own countrymen before you start slagging off the Brits!
  8. Try taking a photo of them. It's not rocket science, is it? Just make sure one of your bar girls is in the picture........ As an aside, every ridiculous story you relate, you always end up in an argument. Every story. Maybe it is YOU and not the Thai people who ar at fault.
  9. The real question is - which one are you? I think we can all guess
  10. This is just another daily attempt to get some attention. The other day it was some diatribe about Harley Davidson Motorbikes. I imagine some fat little sad man who sits in his apartment squalor and creates these fantasies in order to find a bit of excitement to satisfy or justify his somewhat dreary existence in Thailand. Probably spent all his money on hookers and alcohol, this pathetic little story indicates just how little he understands about Thailand. If you are fluent in Thai, you don't need to state, "I said all the Thai words correctly ..... you would know, from the long experience of learning 'fluent' Thai, how to behave in a market or how to conduct yourself after an accident. silly attempt to sound relevant.
  11. You said, quote, "I still insisting this issue replied of personal stubborn manner" It comes across that it is you - by your own personal and stubborn insistence that it be resolved, that you are unwilling to accept any advice from this forum. By complaining so publicly, you can guarantee that the officials involved will just dig their heels in even further and you will receive no help whatsoever. Lighten up and politely, (in a pleasant manner), contact them and enquire if there is something you can do to speed up the process. That's how things are resolved in Thailand - you smile a lot, act and speak in a friendly and don't raise your voice or speak badly to them. Without that - you will get nowhere. It's quite easy, .............try it. Good luck!
  12. So, what 'quality' tourists does Thailand get from your part of the world then? Or are your lot so perfect and superior?
  13. This very sad post just highlights the immature, uneducated, illiterate and white supremacist mentality that is currently destroying the once great United States of America. R.I.P. Welcome to the new satellite of the reincarnated USSR! Long Short live the President King!
  14. I don't know...... might just have turned you on - and then, Whopped one up her! Never gurfurgled in a rice field before. nor a Russian woman for that matter!
  15. No, but we can all tell from this comment above - just what kind of person you are.
  16. Aren't you the clever one? Nothing about the poorly ill-advised woman who lost her hands/forearms. Just as long as you use the correct terminology, eh?
  17. November 28, 2653 -- Thai government considers moving capital from Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima. Ministry of Interior tasked with exploring... November 28, 2699 -- Thai government considers moving capital from Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima. Ministry of Interior tasked with exploring...
  18. This clown constantly talks out of his a*se. This is a world leader? Really?
  19. I wouldn't be so proud of it if I were you .................
  20. Sorry - we seem to have replied at the same time.
  21. AWOL - Absent without leave!
  22. Could you please direct me to where it says he is unemployed? The Thaiger article doesn't mention it, nor the article above, (as far as I can see). Or, do you know him personally?
  23. Garden shears, no anaesthetic and no sympathy. I despise the reporting for using they/their pronouns for this low-life. He is a disgusting excuse for an inadequate, self-serving shyte creature who uses his perversion to defile and rape young girls? I have 3 daughters. I can't imagine how they or I would feel if this happened to them. I know I would do everything I could by waiting, seek him out and destroy his life. A punishment he would never forget.
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