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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. Well, if they were on a surfboard - out at sea, they were private, (or so they might have thought). Meanwhile, some nasty little perv, searching and zooming was looking for his little bit of fame for creating outrage and shock horror for Thai netizens. And it wasn't on Karon beach either, was it? It was way out on the oggin, where they couldn't really have expected 'a-zooming and a-watching' creepies. Storm in a teacup! I wonder if the photographer uses his zooming lens on windows of high rise apartments? You know, looking for a boob or two or an 'exciting' flash of whatever to satisfy his needs? Nasty bit of work - should mind his own business. Wonder what his dark little secrets are, eh?
  2. No problem. Deport them! UK does not need vermin such as this. We have our own British culture and traditions. Muslims that refuse to acknowledge the facts are not wanted here. Go away!
  3. "Chinese government awards US$4.1m for local projects in Thailand" Attached strings include the following 10,000 scam grabs: To be announced after the grifters have taken their share of brown envelopes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. etc., etc., Xi - world ruler! !
  4. Good! Can you go today, please - and stay there for the next 20 years? Thank you. Billions will thank you in numbers, "never seen before - across the world".] Everyone will be saying "What a great Jesus man he is - so saintly! Much quicker.
  5. No, its probably made in China. Inferior goods!
  6. Is that the same as stark naked? Or Butt faced? or Butt ugly? Who cares?
  7. Probably, only useful if you can read and understand Russian?
  8. Does that include politicians and the police force? Or the illegally working russians on free Visas? Or the illegally overstaying, working Chinese on free visas? Or ..........................
  9. Silly 'manchild'. Seeking attention. You, the poster, I mean!
  10. Why come back, (if you actually went somewhere), and post like that? Why do you place your name below your silly post? Do you think that is funny and clever?
  11. Why not - they were public steps on a public beach. What a nasty, vindictive little person you are. Wait till someone kicks you in the back for no reason at all. Bet you would whine like spoiled baby.
  12. Just like the stupid Swiss, the stupid frenchman, the stupid russians, the stupid Europeans, the stupid Australians and of course, the stupid Brits! Jeez, there's no end of this stupidity is there? Where are you from pal? Somewhere just as stupid?
  13. And you are from.......Iran? China? N.Korea? We prefer to stay away from the likes of you, too! Nobody really likes pompous, self-important, holier than thou mouthpieces. Or really cares what you think - or even what I think.
  14. We're not fooled sunshine - you ain't going anywhere. Smoke and mirrors! You've gone into hiding....... Hahahahahahahaha.................
  15. Sorry, are you famous or something? Please enlighten me as to why anyone would stalk a farang expat here on Asean Now? Are you an 'andsome man' by any chance?
  16. I wonder how many BJ's did she provide to get only a 500Baht fine?
  17. OK - which of you is going to show this post to 'Bob's' wife'?
  18. Some people just can't keep their mouths shut can they? Some advice - you're not funny. The guy was asking a serious question. Stop trying to be clever!
  19. My wife has just turned 40 and she too is suffering from hair loss, and although to me it is minimal, to her, she is losing, 'a lot'. She has longish hair about shoulder length, maybe a little longer and I have said to her many times that if she were to cut her hair short, she would encourage growth. But while she has it 'trimmed', occasionally, she won't go for the short, 'Bob' style that many western women will adopt, simply because, a), her hair has 'always' been long b), because she believes people will think she is a 'Tom'. I try to encourage her to keep it short as I read somewhere, many years ago that when your hair, (Women, I am mainly referring to), is longer then the weight of their hair, hanging down is actually placing stress on the roots, not to mention the 'top knot' that many Thai women favour sometimes when working, or the swept back from the forehead fashion, also adopted by Asian women that stresses the roots as well. Yet I know she would look really great with short hair and very cute. But, as the saying goes, "You can take a horse to water - but you can't make the horse drink it", right? however, often repeat my advice for a short style. Maybe one day she will listen - but perhaps I am wrong - yes?
  20. Somebody needs to explore the meaning of the word, 'giant'! It's just a big creamy looking buffalo.
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