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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. Who's 'they'? The Vice-President didn't need anyone. She did a fantastic job of reducing that pitiful, vengeful wreck next to her, entirely on her own. I assume that 'they', refers to the moderators, but their role included fact-checking and pathetic man-child had already agreed to that. He was the one who created wild fantasies from his warped and shriveled brain. It was he that destroyed himself. Raving and ranting through every subject, wild accusations, imaginary scenarios created by his own twisted and bitter mind and his total collapse to a woman who stood her ground and made him look utterly stupid and weak! 'They' had nothing to do with it it.
  2. In a dramatic and dynamic statement, the new PM stated, "Concern Over Floods in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai'. Then she went back to bed. Never mind, she thought to herself, as she slipped back into sleep before dreaming of all the important things Daddy wants her to do, "The water will drain away eventually, nothing here to see". zzzzzzzzzz!
  3. You have to smile at all the deniers and obvious users of whatever drug sucks their boat. They say anything to make everyone believe that drugs are good and 'safe' to use. Maybe they should just own up to addiction, look closely at themselves and admit that their little lives are ruled by whatever drugs they take. Let's face it - they can't live without it! Yes, It's called addiction! Never taken them - never needed to in 80 years. But I can enjoy an occasional gin & Tonic, or a beer, or a glass of wine now and again, without feeling the need to steal a taxi! All I have to do is sit back, and patiently wait for the deniers to tell me all about alcohol being 'just another drug'.
  4. The 'sticky tape Pimpernel'! 'We seek him here, we seek him there We seek that hero everywhere'! Great idea - hope it catches on!
  5. Stop posting this nonsense, stop bragging how horny you are and give us your wife's name and telephone number. She deserves far better than you, for starters! And we could inform her for you, so that you can shag as many as you wish. I just hope she does the same to you, but more!
  6. Also, pratts who perpetuate these kind of sneering remarks !
  7. Not sure where or what my aorta is, but If I find out I will check it out. What do I check it for? And how much will a Thai hospital overcharge me for doing so?
  8. You know that? Have you been here for decades? How do you know that? Hearsay?
  9. The staggering amount of defensive replies to this man's actions is unbelievable! 5 pages. Most of you appear to think that it is absolutely normal for a 41 year-old foreigner, a 'teacher' at that, believing it was OK to invite a 14 year-old girl student to his home, without any apparent check that her parents knew about it? It was stated that he only held her hand and hugged her. Why would he do that? Alone with a young girl, none of you even think that gestures like that are a typical grooming ploy? How do you know what this American was thinking? She probably looked up to him as a respected teacher and placed her trust in him. She may even have given him the impression that she was interested in being alone with him. But the bottom line is that he is/was a teacher. He is supposed to honourable, trustworthy, of good moral character and this is definitely and in no way, that such an person entrusted with vulnerable young people, especially a young girl, should act. You all know that. He was totally wrong to allow this to happen. The fault lies with him. absolutely. How many times on this forum have I seen you all baying for blood and justice when a Thai teacher, or even another foreigner teacher attempts something like this? Is it because he is an 'American'? If he was a Brit, you would all be screaming about him with the usual racial hatred many of you have for them. Disgusting Trump-like show of the way women are viewed by many men! It is shameful!
  10. This is one case where the husband, vile and loathsome creature that he is, fully deserves the most heinous, and most sadistic torture and abuse, to be used repetitiously to punish him on a daily basis, for a period of years into the future. Even then, he would not suffer as this poor woman has in this almost unbelievable and repugnant criminal act imposed upon her by him and dozens of other, like-minded animals.
  11. And you sir, what sh*t-hole country are you from, pray tell?
  12. Great idea! Display attitude of heartbreaking' decision to put 3 savage killer dogs up for adoption. Pass same savage killer dogs on to another person. Who will likely be savaged by them They should be killed immediately!
  13. There can be nothing more pleasant than a whacking out a good Gurfurgle with a twenty-something cute, Thai girl from just about anywhere.......... providing that as an old guy, your GF/wife, whatever is no longer around. Of course, like all of you, I look at beautiful girls or women. It is man's most time-consuming pastime. But I also know that the hurt I would cause to my current wife, (should I stray.......), would be heartbreaking, in that I would cheat on her like that. I just couldn't do it. I also know that if my current wife were to stray, I would be forgiving and head straight out to shag the living daylights out of whichever young cutie gave me the opportunity! 'IF'.................I could still get it up! Or, 'IF' the adorable young cutie - would even contemplate such a monstrous idea!
  14. Why do you specifically want to befriend Thai men? You could be friendly, but they will never be your 'friends' You are who you are, apparently..........!
  15. So the Spanish guy objected to a sexual assault by the victim and he fell, hitting his head on the bathtub. They were in the bathroom together? Or in the bath together? Conundrum! Still, no point getting lathered up about it - back to my coffee.
  16. I'm amazed to discover that they actually have such a document!
  17. And if she's Chinese, where did the machine come from? Did she bring it on the plane? Did she take it with her when she left? Do the police even care? Did they even check? Didn't any policeman see her on her travels? But she's 'gone'. Problem solved!
  18. This news article was responsible for my 1st immediate thought .........that submarine! Easy to submerge, not so easy to surface. Nothing on God's earth would persuade me to enter one - let alone a collapsible tunnel!
  19. I hate to post as a possible 'Spelling policeman', paddypower, but I must point out that you seem to have made a small spelling error, which is important: Your use of the word 'annals' in this context, has only one letter, 'n'!
  20. Koh Samui officials should hang their heads in the shame at this foreigner-inspired clean-up. I used to go to Samui every year back in the early '90s when it was a stunningly beautiful, tropical and almost empty paradise. I recall the first evening that my then English wife and I spent at Chaweng beach. we could look left for about 1Km and then right down that curved 2Km stretch . It was nearly empty, clean, enchantingly beautiful and it remained like that for the next 2-3 years. We then started to noticed the garbage drifting across the sea from Koh Koh Phangan, syringes, plastic and other flotsam/jetsam that washed up daily. Two years later, Samui was a construction site of concrete, low quality tourists, garbage-strewn beaches, all supported by a vast variety of blaring music, outrageous pricing scams and the increasing number of Mafia organisations from various countries taking over and we decided there and then that we would never go back and we never did. I still live in Thailand and have done so for 20 years. The problems listed above have not been resolved. They have just become worse and the garbage is top of the list. I will never return to Samui. The fantastic times we had there are just fading memories - just like many other such places.
  21. Here we go again. Some self-righteous, puffing important foreigner know-it-all has decided yet again that he/she is self-promoted to become the older man/younger companion police ageist-checker! What on earth has it got to do with you? Your repressive beliefs are of no interest to the majority of posters on this forum. However, I recognise your right to have these prim, repressed and virtuous views, but am prepared to give you some alternative advice, old man, which is: Don't be so intimidated by beautiful young women, whatever their profession, nor underestimate the desires or needs of men, regardless of age, to be attracted to these lovely sirens. It's their choice, not yours, Maybe go and try it out for yourself? Forget mummy's advice about 'dirty' women', go dip your wick! - Lap the lips If Ladyboys, boys, the burnt plum or animals are your thing - go for it. Just don't try to impress normal people that their lives are your responsibility. There's a good chappie!
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