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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. As the article points out, the method of calculation is prescribed in the Constitution. So what the Parliament votes as a change does not in itself change the Constitution. There will have to be a Parliament and Senate vote for a Constitutional Amendment. Considering that the current 2017 Constitution was approved by public referendum in 2016 (for 61% vs against 39%) that would include present day seat calculation, an amendment without another referendum might be very contentious, especially with more political opposition to the current pro-military political coalition in Parliament. While a junta-appointed Senate will guarantee an amendment, without another referendum the pro-military Parliament coalition might collapse even further. That's a risk to Prayut's regime.
  2. According to THAI's Rehab plan submitted to the Official Receiver in March 2021, THAI's new vision is "A Private High-Quality Full-Service Carrier with a Strong Thai Brand...." (ref. March 1, 2021 wwwthaiairways.com) If true, that means no more State bailouts and profit-motivated services (vs. free passage and/or services for government, military or political related parties). Good for the Thai taxpayer who has been carrying a majority of THAI's debts. As THAI's past revenues contribute 7% of Thailand's GDP, Thailand's economy can only improve.
  3. 'part of the Natinal Development Strategy' 20-year plan approved by the military "junta-controlled NLA" in 2018 preceding first national elections in 2019 since the Charter Court nullified the last election held in February 2014. During these years the military junta was firmly in control of the government. Any public input would be irrelevant and likely unappreciated. Note that the 20-year National Strategic Plan was made binding and a constitutionally protected feature by the junta drafted 2017 Constitution. The junta argued that "Thailand needs a comprehensive strategic plan that will help steer national development on a proper path towards security." (Ref. National Strategy 2018-2037 Summary by Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board). But hey, NOW the former junta chief and current PM Prayut regime is open to input from the Southern communities affected by it. Given the Prayut junta failed to "resolve" the southern Muslem insurrection since 2014, it may be no surprise that the Prayuth regime is now trying a more nationalistic push in the south through more economic deceptive plan. Is this really a just strategic pre-election gesture with little expectation of real community input? The Malay Muslim South might prefer autonomy to determine its own economic path that the Thai military will not concede. Meanwhile the South still remains under a state of emergency imposed by the junta since 2014. To the South, can't we all just get along together and cooperate? We're "all ears" with our fingers on the trigger.
  4. Two factors decide the LTR for me. 1. Annual income is gross (I use all legal tax breaks available to significantly reduce my global taxable income). Income letters that use to come from some embassies didn't distinguish gross vs. net income and accepted by IO. 2. Health insurance required can come from a foreign provider vs. Thai provider. My foreign health insurance is limitless both in duration, age and cost for inpatient services. The group premiums do increase based on cola; but that is offset by cola adjustments to my income. For outpatient I have a 15% copayment plus annual deductible, but when the annual amount exceeds a certain limit, the provider then covers 100%. I last read LTR registration will begin Spetember 1st, the beginning of the government's fiscal year. Hopefully, Immigration does not charge to register, only to find requirements are less advantageous than currently presented.
  5. The LTR requires a tm47 once a year vs. 90-days for non O-A and O visas. Immigration does not charge for tm47.
  6. Pump more oil to lower oil prices. Not exactly an economic strategy that I'd think S.A. wants to follow. At least not without some serious political concessions by the West.
  7. Claims she was not found quilty beyond a shadow of doubt. But the jury unanimously did. Not liking a jury verdict is not grounds for appeal. Epstein committed suicide after his conviction. She can't force him into court on appeal for testimony or cross examination. It took too long for her trial and verdict. A confession would have greatly sped up the process. Not enough time to prepare her case. A fault of her lawyers, not the prosecution. The Constitution guarantees a speedy trial. Embrace your rights. One jurist is alleged to be a secret victim of sex abuse. Now her lawyers claiming? If true her lawyers failed to question the jurist under oath and/or use an automatic challenge to dismiss the potential jurist. Her appeal will fail.
  8. Wouldn't a shrine and ceremony at the cave be more relevant? But then it would not it be the Minister of the Interior who would lead the ceremony and not the Airport Director? Part of the role of the MoI is emergency management, ie., within Thailand lands.
  9. This policy is directed towards "foreign tourists." What about expats living in Thailand for long stay? History shows no differentiation with dual pricing, no matter the visa nor wealth of the foreigner.
  10. Or link to current daily currency exchange rate. However, a floor rate would be established to rate slways remain favorable to Thailand.
  11. What can you expect of government leadership that originates from military coups? Add to that a culture of state-owned enterprises, government officials/military on the board of directors of alleged private enterprises or direct government oversight of alleged free enterprises.
  12. There are times I wish Thai programmers (assuming they do not based on my experience) would beta test their e-systems intended for foreigners first with foreigners before release. Not only for filling in required data but also for logic of sequential steps. Not all foreigners are equal with regard to language tradition and culture. In the subject case, what if the foreigner has no middle name or a hyphenated last name? Would that reject the application?
  13. July 1, about 57 rubles to US$1. Makes Thailand look like an economic powerhouse.
  14. Well Mr. Chief Obvious, if the police force must be warned, better extend your warning to hospitals, ambulance drivers, military on duty, MP's sitting in Parliament, travelling motorbike/auto taxi drivers, etc.
  15. As an aside, if you qualify for the new 10-year LTR visa (available for registration Sept. 1), you need no re-entry permit.
  16. If Russia is willing to accept Thai chickens and durian fruit in payment - it would be a perfect exchange.
  17. Health insurance is key factor for me. If the US$50,000 coverage can be provided by a foreign health insurance provider, I will consider the LTR. Currently, my foreign health insurance is paying 50k baht per month for my medical treatment to a Thai hospital. My annual premium nor age is not affected by this cost.
  18. Translation: The bail-out plan prevents massive loans. It's not an option for the airline nor the government as a stakeholder.
  19. An EV joint venture with a Thsiland state-owned enterprise will have the success of Thai Airways. Zero. Meanwhile, BYD (ranked worldwide #3 in 2021 for EV sales) will be exporting its EV's into Thailand (currently zero import tax) and Indonesia will host world's largest EV manufacturer (2021) in global units sold with American privately-owned Tesla, Inc., including a battery factory. Not sure why unranked EV manufacturer Foxconn is interested in EV manufacturing in Thailand when it plans to build EV factories in much more lucrative US, Europe and India markets by allegedly 2024. Foxconn's Thailand EV deal seems more of a Taiwan-to-Thailand government deal than a commercially motivated enterprise. Aka politics?
  20. The Mig 29 is a formable fighter vs F-16 in a "one circle engagement." F-16 favors a "two circle engagement." But two F-16's vs one Mig 29 in visual range (vs BVR), the Mig 29 is dead no matter the manner of engagement.
  21. Unlikely as he may have a freedom of speach issue. Last year he was sentenced by the Criminal Court to five years for his role in street rallies to force PM Yingluck out of office. Other PDRC leaders were sentenced from five to 11 years.
  22. While trying to decide where to wear a mask, remember May-September is fluenza season. If you didn't get your 2022 flu vaccination, best to wear a mask in crowds or where there's no social distancing, ie., BTS/MRT/buses.
  23. Marijuana is now treated as a market product in Thailand. So now the crime should be illegal importation (avoiding Thai customs), not illegal drugs. If the 500k is abandoned, it becomes the property of Thailand customs for disposition.
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