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Posts posted by Srikcir

  1. "Borwornsak Uwanno, the chief charter writer, once said the new constitution was written for all 65 million Thais, and not just 5,000 politicians."

    Borwornsak is out of touch with the Thai people's rights and liberties.

    He has a constitution written for 65 million Thais by a couple hundred people appointed by the Junta and without the permission or approval of the 65 million Thais. The 2007 constitution was at least approved marginally by 51% of the Thai electorate but still failed support of the 3,000 flag officers. Maybe if Borwornsak put the sovereignty of the Thai people ABOVE and BEYOND THE REACH of the power of the military, a representative constitution for the Thai majority would be acceptable.

  2. " as if to mock the authority of the police - and the law."

    "The resulting outcry drew the attention of Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, who duly ordered the Army to punish the non-commissioned officer for presuming to be above the law of the land."

    How about an outcry for complete insanity?

    Under Article 44 the police are under military command that is the LAW. The sargent was perfectly correct to ignore the police who have no jurisdiction over the military forces.

    Gen. Prayut had no problem violating and abolishing the 2007 constitution as the law of the land to establish the Junta's own contrived laws and provide immunity from prosecution of all military within the chain of command for any actions carried out under the Interim Charter. Immunity would include the sargent's actions.

    How then does General Prayut justify imposing a conflicting standard on the sargent? It is becoming more difficult to blame Prayut's erratic actions on good intentions than it would be to blame ineffective leadership.

  3. "Two thirds also said Thailand has no necessity in hosting elections within this year"


    "Thailand" is the surrogate for the government and the Junta has stated elections will NOT happen in 2015. Thus, there is no necessity in hosting elections within this year, regardless whether the public wants them this year or not.

  4. "Shame on the democratically elected politicians who failed to do so."

    No...shame on the majority electorate who elected the politicians who failed. In a democratic system the electorate is the decision maker and if they make the wrong or bad decisions, they suffer the consequences. And it is the electorate that will decide the change. There is nothing efficient with a Junta-led government making education decisions as invariably PERSONAL influences of the Junta leader are interjected. Mandatory teaching of Prayut's 12 Values is a classic example.

  5. Was progress being made in the solving of problems left behind by previous governments, and in laying down long-term performance guidelines?

    Despite the shutdown of the Yingluck government during 2013 by anti-gpvernment protesters and abandonment of the democratic institutions by the Democrats, the annual GDP growth rate for 2013 was 2.9.

    The Centre of Economic and Business Forecast now believes that 2015 growth could be achieved at 2.5 to 3%.According to Deputy Transport Minister Arkhom, during the first quarter 2015, gross domestic product was up 3% year-on-year.

    It seems the only progress the Junta-led government is making is increasing its own delusions of economic success.

  6. In August 2014 the Junta had its Interim Charter endorsed as the law of the land. Did the judges then miss Article 44 of the Interim Charter which gave the Junta the power to circumvent the entire judicial system? Last month Gen. Prayut invoked Article 44. And NOW they're objecting to the draft 2015 charter which merely incorporates Article 44 permanently. Their judicial complacency is only matched by their political bias that deceived them into believeing they were truly independent.

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  7. "the only recent matter of concern is the slowing growth of exports"

    Try ZERO growth for 2015 that was just predicted yesterday by the Kasikorn Research Centre!!!

    Exports contribute 70% of Thailand's GDP. Remove that from GDP and you have a serious economic problem. Big deal about the VAT revenues. Thailand has the world's worse tax collection percentage, has had to revoke new tax measures, and slowing of expensive imports further decreases tax.

    The downward slide of Thailand's GDP began with interruption of the government operations from the Democrats and PDRC in 2013 and continuing into 2014 with the coup. Since the coup the economcy has continued to worsen, partly beyond the Junta's control and partly to belated and failed Junta economic policies. It is not a recent matter for slowing of exports nor will the slide of the GDP abate anytime soon.

  8. Section 280 looks like it will cause some fun. My understanding is that it empowers the unelected National Reform Assembly to propose new legislation, which the Senate (unelected, but no doubt good people) can themselves alone approve.

    This will end well.

    Yes the NRA and/or NRSC can propose Bills, but only directly related to "reform or reconciliation". The Senate can bulldoze such Bills with a 2/3 majority. Section 280 expires within 5 years.

    The 200-member Senate includes 77 directly elected representatives from each province (albeit with each of the maximum 10 candidates per province/constituency having been pre-screened), 58 representatives (also screened) from diverse sectors, 30 Agriculture/Labour/Academic/Community/Local organisation representatives selected by themselves (no screening); 15 representatives from existing registered associations (again self voted, no screening), plus 20 former Permanent Secretaries or equivalent.

    To state the the Senate is unelected is not quite accurate; but to state that is is wholly elected would also be inaccurate.

    It seems someone with the necessary level of energy, and (equally important) high boredom threshold has actually taken the time to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the draft document.Perhaps he might even have a conclusion in due course though from a recent article in Big Chilli I fear it will be tinged with the colour of gold, butter and ripe lemons.

    In the meantime Bloomberg has a sensible editorial on the whole sorry business


    Bllomberg: "Any constitution that tries to get around basic democracy will only ensure that another one needs to be written in a few years." So true for Thailand.

  9. what a joke of a man, he was the ptp's puppet and did whatever they told him too or should I say whatever thaksin said to do. When we look at some of the bullsh*t cases he pushed for them while ignoring any concerning ptp/red people its easy to see why he is now under investigation. Already found with his fingers in the pie of illegal land so no surprises here, thaksin took care of his henchmen very well financially when they did as he told them

    There is no one better than the Puppet Master Prayut. No one can question his wealth and its sources while he pursues corruption within the CIVILIAN population.

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