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Posts posted by Srikcir

  1. Why didn't the EOD Unit use a robot to investigate the suitcase than risking human injury or death?

    The Nation 2014-09-01

    "Cheaper domestically developed bomb defusing and disposal robots are set to be used by the Explosives Ordnance Disposal unit in the strife-torn far South thanks to a development project by King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok. The Thailand Research Fund backed the three-year-old Bt4.36-million project. The university recently handed over the three prototypes to the Royal Thai Army's Ordnance Department so it could test them out.

    Asst Prof Pumyos Vallikul, an engineering and aerospace lecturer at the university, said the development of the robots was based on the Explosives Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit's in-the-field methods."

    Maybe there are still only 3 prototypes. Like, what's the hurry?

  2. "only make all information available when needed"

    That comes close to an open invitation for corruption. What does it take for "needed" - money, favors?

    Reporting should be mandatory and immediate as a precursor to taking office. If not complied with in a short time period, say 30 days, the position will remain open and another candidate will be nominated within 30 days for consideration.

  3. With oil at a decades low this is the time to lift all fossil fuel subsidies.

    What will be debateable is how much the fuel tax will be as prices rise over the next five years. Currently, the Thai government has lost billions baht in revenue from lower value offshore oil and gas. It may find itself in the situation that fuel taxes will rise as much as any near future increase in fuel prices. Thus far, the Junta has not shown it can make hard economic decisions because of its vulernability to being a legitimate government.

  4. "The Ministry of Defense is working under the policy of the government and upholding interest of the nation as our basis."

    General Prawit Wongsuwan is the Chairman of the Board of Consultamts for the NCPO, Deputy Prime Minister for Security Affairs, and Defense Minister who was appointed by General Prayut, Chief of the NCPO and PM.

    Prawit working under the policy of the Junta-led government is a foregone conclusion. Whether he upholds the interest of the nation or just the Junta is another matter.

  5. “All of these should be launched as soon as possible to ensure that the Thai economy meets the projected 3.5% growth for 2015.”

    True, but too little, too late for 2015:


    “The military has promised to unleash billions of dollars on much-needed infrastructure projects. But the money is yet to kick into the economy. As Barclays Capital put it in a note last month: "The main impediment to growth at present is the slow pace of fiscal spending, which is also delaying investment and consumption decisions."

    The Nation 2015-03-04

    “Thailand’s three most powerful private-sector organisations have expressed concern over delayed budget disbursement in the government sector, as well as falling crop prices, which could lead to an economic slowdown and low consumer spending.”


    “Sommai Phasee, the finance minister, admitted yesterday that the country’s economic growth projections will stand between 2 – 3%.

    The Nation 2015-04-08

    “The Thai National Shippers Council recently changed its export growth target to zero expansion in 2015.”

    Exports contribute 70% of Thailand’s GDP growth with the balance divided between tourism, government spending, and personal consumption. Government spending comes from collected revenues that have fallen sharply; household debt continues to increase to abate consumption.

    Unless the Junta generates funds from massive amounts of Treasury bond debt, it will be unable to provide the substantial economic stimulus needed to jumpstart the economy. But Prayut is dead set to increase the nation’s debt.

    The nation’s economy for 2015 will flutter in the Junta’s hot air for a better future.

  6. "The city administration plans to seek the military intervention"

    Why not go to the Minister of the Interior or the PM - oh, same-same. The Junta.

    When you have a highly centralized government ruling with absolute power, no one in the rank and file of government will take any initiative to solve problems. There's too much risk of punishment. So "Not my pay grade" reaction.

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  7. "Washington could have lowered the level of diplomatic ties with any country it deems as problematic by not appointing an ambassador at all."

    This is either a fantasy or ignorance.

    Where has the US refused to have an ambassador assigned to an embassy? NONE.

    There are only four countries and Taiwan where there are no official diplomatic relations with (nor an embassy in) the United States: Cuba (work -in-process), Bhutan, Iran (work-in-process), and North Korea (still offically in a state of war with South Korea).

  8. What is glaringly missing is any Junta's economic and security agreements with its immediate neighbors Malaysia, Vietnam, Mayanmar, and Cambodia; and somewhat further removed, Indoneasia, Borneo, Singapore, and the Philippines. The Junta's choices have isolated the nation geopolitically. This is most notable on the commencement of the ASEAN Community at the end of 2015.

    The Junta's decisions for protecting its elitist power base may actually expose the nation to greater economic and security dangers. But I suppose so long as the Junta has unrestrained access to the nation's treasury and absolute power over Thai sovereignty, it's not going to worry aout the sacrifices Thais will make for its survival. Unless Thais act otherwise.

  9. For all the excellance its LOWER level education has to offer, how does Finland's universities rank in comparison to the top ranked 400 universities in Europe? 4 Finish universities:

    #109, #251, #301, #351 (one university per ranking)


    Compared to the top ranked 400 universities in the World? 4 Finish universities:

    #103, #276, #301, #351 (one university per ranking)

    One Thai university ranks #351 !!!


  10. This is a political boon for Democrats and just in time for the 2016 Presidential elections. There are two million Cuban-Americans, largely in the populous S.E. Florida region that was carried by Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Obama's handling of the renewal of diplomatic and economic relations with Cuba can also spark Democratic political support from the US' large hispanic populations.

  11. Better to be paranoid than complacent.

    Fear of US protectionism? The US through Presdient Nixon opened the closed Chinese economy to the world, and ever since then, China has maintained strict protectionist policies to control foreign competition in China against chinese private and state-owned enterprises. Yet in the US it's an open market without any state-owned enterprises.

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  12. "Bowing to pressure from Republicans and his own party"


    Obama's persistance got the Republicans to charge in reverse to craft legislation that would not be vetoed. Obama and his Democrats showed how a minority party led by a strong President can check & balance a majority political party. When you read the specifics of the bill, you'll see that the Republcans got a moral victory but gained little in terms of a political victory. They did not subvert the President's power to conduct foreign policy nor did they significantly obstruct the Deal still being negotiated in detail.

    The bill has a win for Obama who retains his right to veto any attempt by Congress to scuttle such a pact if the time comes, the Democrats, Corker, and Senatoral moderates.

    There were losers. Presidential hopeful Marco Rubio was checkmated. Netanyahu (pronounced Nyet Any How) bid to get the Republicans to STOP the deal failed.

  13. "The government has not yet told consumers and the seafood-processing industry to reject raw materials procured through forced and labour on the seas."

    I don't know how the consumer can know the source of raw materials unless seafood packages are labeled "fresh from slave labor." But certainly the seafood-processing industry should know and can provide guarantees or risk being fined by the government (assuming no conflict of interest with government officials).

    The industry should conduct its own inspections, use government certified inspectors, or reimburse enforcement authorities for the service. If the industry isn't held accountable, no amount of government enforcement will prevent slavery. Boat owners should also suffer fines and/or confiscation of catch, boat, and/or loss of license.

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