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Everything posted by newnative

  1. Just as he inherited Obama's great economy in 2017. And, people did forget that 'in years to come'. The big mistake the Dems made in the 2024 election was focusing too much on Trump and not enough on the good economy and their plans to make it even better.
  2. Yes, exactly what I am talking about. The Dems, increasingly, have a more difficult time getting to 270 than the Reps, even when they hugely win the popular vote, as they did in 2020, by 7 million votes.
  3. I posted this on one of the other election threads but it might be more appropriate here. To use a term my dear old Dad liked, us Dems have had a shellacking in this election. I've said before that Biden winning by 7 million in 2020 was a landslide. Ditto for Trump winning by over 4 million this time. Quite an embarrassing swing for the Dems--going from a 7 million vote win in 2020 to a 4 million loss in 2024, and to a convicted felon. Shellacking. Lots of blame to go around, starting with Biden not announcing early that he would only serve one term, which would have allowed the Dems to select the 2024 candidate through a primary season. Harris might have still ended up the candidate but she would have gone through the process first, for better or worse. Perhaps a stronger candidate might have emerged, as well. 107 days was not nearly enough time to get up to speed, with the way presidential elections are run these days. James Carville famously said in 1992, "it's the economy, stupid." I would add, in presidential elections, it's always the economy, stupid. Other issues, such as abortion, might resonate in non-presidential election years but the economy's always the main squeeze in prez elections. With 20/20 hindsight, it was a big mistake for the Dems to focus so much on Trump, rather than on their plans to make the lives of Americans better, and, especially, better economically. Getting this economic message across could not be more important because the Dems are not doing as well as they should with young voters, Black male voters, and Latino voters--a good chunk of the future. It's easy to see that with these voters, the economy would certainly be right up at the top as a voter issue. This election, the Dems lost most of the 'Blue Wall'--and this after supposedly pouring maximum time, money, and effort into winning it. Clearly, focusing on Trump wasn't a winning message--the voters were more focused on their wallets. If the Dems can't get the 'Blue Wall' back it will be difficult for them to win presidential elections--that was abundantly clear as I watched the election map and Trump quicky built a big Electoral College lead with all the very reliable 'Red' states reporting in. Quite simply, at this point the Reps have far too many very reliable red states and, lately, the Dems don't have enough very reliable blue states. That was also the case in 2020, where Biden easily won the popular vote by 7 million but just barely won the Electoral College. To make matters worse, some of the so-called 'swing' states weren't really so swingy. Trump won North Carolina fairly easily--51.1% vs 47.7%--and Nevada and Arizona look to be going Republican by more than a few percentage points. Georgia was a little closer but looks to be, along with the others, a leaning red state rather than a swing state. A lotta work ahead for the Dems.
  4. There are certainly some agents that fit your description. That's why I listed my last property for sale with around 40 different agencies. Some just listed it and I never heard anything else from them. Others, however, did more. Some agents came to personally view the property. Others sent photographers to take their own photos, even though I had sent photos with my email. A few also sent videographers to make a video for their website, and to also show clients. As with most of the 20some condos and houses my spouse and I have sold in Thailand, our latest house was also sold because one of those 40 agencies we listed with found and brought a buyer, who liked the house and bought it. We always try, of course, to sell a property on our own but the majority have found buyers with the help of a not useless agent.
  5. To use a term my dear old Dad liked, us Dems have had a shellacking in this election. I've said before that Biden winning by 7 million voters in 2020 was a landslide. Votes are still being counted but ditto for Trump winning by over 4 million voters this time. Landslide. Quite an embarrassing swing for the Dems--going from a 7 million vote win in 2020 to a 5 million loss in 2024, and to a convicted felon. Shellacking. Lots of blame to go around, starting with Biden not announcing early that he would only serve one term, which would have allowed the Dems to select the 2024 candidate through a primary season. Harris might have still ended up the candidate but she would have gone through the process first, for better or worse. Perhaps a stronger candidate might have emerged, as well. 107 days, we now see, was not nearly enough time to get up to speed, with the way presidential elections are run these days. Trump started 4 years ago. James Carville famously said in 1992, "it's the economy, stupid." I would add, in presidential elections, it's always the economy, stupid. Other issues, such as abortion, might resonate in non-presidential election years but the economy's always the main squeeze in prez elections. With 20/20 hindsight, it was a big mistake for the Dems to focus so much on Trump, rather than on their plans to make the lives of Americans better, and, especially, better economically. Getting this economic message across could not be more important because the Dems are not doing as well as they should with young voters, Black male voters, and Latino voters--a good chunk of the future. It's easy to see that with these voters, the economy would certainly be right up at the top as a voter issue. This election, the Dems lost most of the 'Blue Wall'--and this after supposedly pouring maximum time, money, and effort into winning it. Clearly, focusing on Trump wasn't a winning message--the voters were more focused on their wallets. If the Dems can't get the 'Blue Wall' back it will be difficult for them to win presidential elections--that was abundantly clear as I watched the election map and Trump quicky built a big Electoral College lead with all the very reliable 'red' states reporting in. Quite simply, at this point the Reps have far too many very reliable red states and, lately, the Dems don't have enough very reliable blue states. That was also the case in 2020, where Biden easily won the popular vote by 7 million but just barely won the Electoral College, with a very shaky 'Blue Wall' even then. To make matters worse, some of the so-called 'swing' states weren't really so swingy. Trump won North Carolina fairly easily--51.1% vs 47.7%--and Nevada and Arizona look to be going Republican by more than a few percentage points. Georgia was a little closer but looks to be, along with the others, a leaning red state rather than a swing state. A lotta work ahead for the Dems. And, a final note to Jill Biden, whom I used to like and respect--heck, she was a professor at one of the other campuses at the community college where I used to work. Wearing Reagan Red on Election Day? Very disloyal, childish, and extremely petty.
  6. I've been doing my 90-day reports on-line for some time now. However, I am traveling out of the country in December and my next 90-day report on-line may be rejected and I may need to do it in person. If I remember correctly, I used to only bring my passport to Jomtien to do the 90-day report and they would put the new slip in the passport. Can you tell me what 'forms and copies' they are requiring now? Thank you.
  7. I'll wait until it is a requirement to do my visa renewal.
  8. Thailand does not have an MLS system--Multiple Listing. In America, you list with one agent and the agent puts your property on MLS and all the agents and agencies can see it and it will come up when they do a property search. If you have only listed with one agent, only one agent is aware your property is for sale. The sign on your property is a good idea--make sure it is clear and very visible. Maybe add some photos to it. By all means, list on Facebook, Craigslist and other Thai websites yourself. BUT, my best advice, having sold about 20 condos and houses in Thailand, is to list with as many real estate agencies as you possibly can, starting with the ones closest to your property. The objective is to get your property for sale known as widely as possible. One agency listing isn't hacking it. Do web searches for real estate agencies, get their email addresses, and then send them an email with detailed information on the property and good photographs. I mostly do Pattaya so I don't know Bangkok that well. But, to give you an example, with my last house sale I sent the listing to about 40 agencies. The house had a contract on it in a couple of months. Once you send your email out, you should hear back from some of the agencies. If you are uncertain regarding price, you should be able to get some feedback from the agencies regarding pricing--but don't go with the opinion of just one agency. Try to get several to compare their thinking and pricing. Good luck!
  9. If they are coming it's highly likely they do not know about Asean Now. I didn't discover it until I had been here for awhile--and I still run into people living here who have never heard of it.
  10. Thank you for giving the same answer I would have!
  11. It's not 'modern America' to blame. It's Trump. He is the sole cause of the ridiculous idea that the 2020 election was 'stolen' from him--this after he lost by 7 million votes. He is directly responsible for The Big Lie, which has resulted in America being in the state it is right now. It's all on Trump.
  12. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
  13. i certainly hope he will lose--and that will be the last of him. Good riddance.
  14. Happy here. Great lifestyle. Beautiful home. Pattaya has everything I need for everyday, year-round living--with Bangkok an easy drive away.
  15. Never supported Trump--I have a working brain.
  16. Watched it. She was absolutely terrific!
  17. Terrific news. Harris is competitive in Iowa due to women voters. Hopefully, women will turn out in record numbers in all the states in this super close election. Meanwhile, Trump just said he shouldn't have given up the presidency after he lost by 7 million votes in 2020. He should have refused to leave. What more evidence does anybody with a functioning brain need to finally understand how dangerous he is to America? With those comments he is telling you loud and clear that he does NOT just want to be a dictator for a day. Wake up and smell the coffee already.
  18. Wait a minute. I thought this only ever happened in Pattaya--and only ever to Indian tourists.
  19. Don't sugarcoat it. Trump's stark raving mad.
  20. Let The Big Lie, 2024 edition, begin.
  21. Jail time, followed by deportation and at least a 10 year ban.
  22. Interesting story today on Yahoo showing Harris actually polling ahead of Trump in Iowa, in the latest polling. And, as you say, her lead there is mostly being driven by female voters.
  23. Hope the court tosses it in the trash--where it, and Trump, belong.
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