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Everything posted by newnative

  1. Agree. They are all taking way too long. Get him tried, convicted, and locked up.
  2. Democracy! That's rich. Trump says he wants to be a dictator. How does democracy fare under a dictatorship? Yes, I know he said he only wants to be a dictator for a day but given his countless lies . . . I agree with Biden, Trump's a nightmare. As Tug says, lock him up already!
  3. Chonburi's turn for blah blah blah. Next up, Chiang Mai, followed by Bangkok.
  4. Not sure there is a 'typical' buyer, of any nationality. We sold a studio condo for 3.25MB to a single Chinese man in his late 20s. We also sold a 2-bedroom condo for 10.5MB to a Chinese married couple in their late 30s. We had another 2 bedroom condo on the market for 7MB, and had a different Chinese man look at it. He liked it but wanted something bigger and had a budget of 10-12MB. At one of the projects where we lived, we had a retired Chinese couple buy the unit next to us--it would have been in the 12MB range. Several years ago we bought at a new Bangkok condo project, which had a separate sales staff with it own area just for Chinese buyers at the sales office. That project was priced from the low 2MB to I think around 6MB and it did attract a number of Chinese buyers. I suspect the Chinese sales in 2023 would be something like the above examples, with buyers at most of the price points.
  5. No matter how many times you read it, the initial, very poorly written sentence said she died. She plunged almost 20 meters to her death, says the sentence. 'Almost' doesn't really figure much in the sentence as written, except to indicate that the fall was not quite 20 meters. Take it out and it reads '...she plunged 20 meters to her death...'. Still dead. If you had just this sentence to go on, your take would be she died, and her heirs received no payout from her insurance. The initial sentence: An insurance company left a Scottish woman hanging after they refused to pay out after she plunged almost 20 metres to her death off a cliff on Ko Lanta island in West Thailand.
  6. Instead of concentrating on my glass, maybe read the article. On his own, he crashes first, at a high rate of speed. Then is struck or run over by the car driver. Had he not been recklessly speeding, he might not have crashed. His fault. From the article: The rider, an unidentified Thai male believed to be between 25 and 35 years old, sustained fatal injuries despite the prompt response of emergency services. Eyewitness Mr. Phongsathorn Wiriyarat, 27, reported seeing the motorcycle rider traveling at high speed before losing control and crashing. Sadly, before Mr. Phongsathorn could assist the injured rider, another vehicle struck the individual and fled the scene.
  7. And, many tourists do. They keep all the tourist attractions like the water parks, Nong Nooch Gardens, the aquarium, Floating Market, T21, and so on open. They also keep all the nice resorts and hotels, such as Centara, Cape Dara, and Centre Point Space, open, as well.
  8. My goodness! I can see lots of potential new members for the Just Can't Quit Pattaya Fan Club. Be patient, your applications are in the mail. Meanwhile, keep reading and commenting about anything and everything to do with Pattaya, wherever you are, while you wait.
  9. Being a glass half-full guy, we can all count ourselves lucky this reckless, highly irresponsible motorcyclist has departed for likely warmer climes without having killed or maimed anyone but his selfish, foolish self.
  10. Put the 200 million baht towards an engine for the submarine. Or, my offer of my lightly used lawn mower engine still stands . . .
  11. Probably the best example you will ever see of why any supposed violations of Section 112 should be limited to filings by the Royal household only. Now, any Tom. Dick, or Harry can file a trumped-up Section 112 violation on anybody else--as shown here. Terrible law, being weaponized, and deeply in need of change, which the MF was trying to do.
  12. They left the place dirty and messy? Big deal. That's called running a hotel--which is what you are doing. If you don't want to be in the hotel business, where guests leaving a place dirty and messy is par for the course, don't be. Rent your villa long-term and then you only have to deal with 'messy' and 'dirty' at the end of the long lease.
  13. Indeed! Many haven't even recovered yet from Pattaya being named the 15th most visited destination in the world by Mastercard and now this!
  14. I've told this story before. I have a brother-in-law in the US who is actually a manager at a Virginia CVS store. He has been told by the local police to not call them unless someone steals more than $150 in merchandise. They cannot be bothered to respond. Get lost. Don't waste your dime--we won't answer. Don't even try; nobody's home. You're on your own with all those thefts and good luck. Hence, the merchandise under lock and key. The state of the US today.
  15. Totally agree. I never saw the need even from the get-go and it's certainly not needed or wanted now, except possibly by Republicans. It has literally turned US Presidential elections into travesties where only the 'swing' states are deemed important and 'safe' states are pretty much ignored by the candidates. Ludicrous that the will of the voters was ignored in 2016--two million more voters wanted Clinton over Trump and a handful of votes in a few states were able to flip the cursed Electoral College. Another handful of votes here and there and Trump could have won in 2020, even though he lost the popular vote by 7 million. Madness. Ditto for the 2000 election with Gore getting more votes than Bush--we would have been spared 8 years of the Cheney presidency. Time for US presidential elections to listen to the voters and not the cursed EC--the voters are usually right.
  16. She did beat him in the 'actual vote' so the polls were correct. Trump was saved by the cursed Electoral College. In two presidential runs, he has never gotten even 50% of the vote. Lost to Clinton by 2 million actual votes and Biden by 7 million--after Americans had seen Trump's very poor job as President for four years. Always embarrassing when an incumbent President loses with all the perks he has going for him being President. With oodles of serious criminal indictments hanging over his head, I can't see him doing any better in 2024, likely worse. Way too much baggage for most sane voters.
  17. Total nonsense. The court should throw out both petitions.
  18. They need to work way faster and 24 hours a day. The work they are doing by the North Pattaya Road intersection is a huge bottleneck causing long traffic tie-ups.
  19. Absolutely disgraceful. Sets a horrible precedent. How are laws relating to the government ever going to be allowed to be amended if the lawmakers are prohibited from even bringing up some subjects for debate? In my opinion, the worst part of Section 112 is the part that allows anyone to acuse anyone else of violating 112. So ripe to be abused, with a prime example this very court case. Don't like someone, accuse them of violating Section 112. It should only be the Royal Bureau, or whatever it is called, to decide to invoke Section 112 and bring charges. How is asking for that completely sensible change attempting to topple the monarchy? Just ludicrous. Thai spouse is probably even more digusted than I am.
  20. Good idea. But, as others have said, it should include Canada, NZ, and OZ.
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