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Everything posted by newnative

  1. If Trump's involved, the next debate won't be a debate, it will just be another campaign stop for him. The networks should stop enabling him. I invite you to watch what a debate is, maybe Kennedy-Nixon.
  2. Don't be so anal. He broke the first rule of a debate, answer the question posed to you. I invite you to go back to the debate and listen to his answer to the question regarding child care. Or climate change. Basically, he showed up and regurgitated big chunks of his campaign speech, with assorted other lies thrown in. The moderators were terrible with letting him make a mockery of what a debate should be.
  3. Too rich! No, Donald, nice try but you have the dishonor, you alone, of being the worst president in history. Yes, that's you. Not Biden. And, no, sorry, it's not something like a hot potato that you can pass along. Sorry, again, you're stuck with it. It's you. The worst. Not Biden. You. You can try to trot out your Big Lie once again, this time that Biden's the worst, but nobody's buying it. And, it's not for you to say, anyway. Must gall you to no end to be the worst--maybe better to take it like a man and not always be such a whiny crybaby. Every time you try to bring it up we just all remember once again that you are the worst. Get over it.
  4. Not lying, of course he broke the rules. Get real. The moderators were horrible letting him hijack what was suppose to be a debate and turn it into just another campaign stop. My point is Harris needs to do the same thing if they 'debate' because Trump's just going to do it all over again.
  5. Too funny! Lying! Womanizing! Trump has likely lied more than all the other presidents combined, so he's got that record sewed up. As for womanizing, Trump is tops once again as a convicted rapist. We could throw in first convicted felon president. What a guy.
  6. Answered in my earlier post. To recap, he didn't debate, he mostly didn't answer the moderator questions, and, instead, gave chunks of his stump speech. As I said, Harris should do the same thing if she 'debates' him. No sense following the rules when Trump doesn't.
  7. Didn't forget them, couldn't list everyone because they are ALL ranked higher. Every single one. Once again, Trump is dead last, nobody behind him in line. How hard is that to comprehend? By the way, RFK wasn't a president. You might be thinking of JFK, my personal favorite.
  8. Sure, and then completely ignore the debate rules, exactly like Trump in the first debate.
  9. It boggles the mind that anyone would be 'thinking of voting for Trump', judged the worst president in US history. The absolute worst. Bar none. Don't look behind you, Donald. Nobody there. You're dead last of the long line of presidents. Cheneybush ahead of you. Taft, the one that was even fatter than you, ahead of you. Buchanan. Andrew Johnson. Every one of them ranked better than you. And, yes, I do enjoy typing 'worst president in history', especially since it is so very true.
  10. Even better then for her to 'debate' the same way as Trump.
  11. Maybe--but only because Trump doesn't debate at a debate. Instead, no matter what debate question is asked, he spits out different parts of his campaign stump speech. Go back to the first debate and check his answer to the child care question. The whole 'debate' on his part was much the same. At some point I just stopped watching. I'll be the very first to say that it was effective, what I watched. And, more entertaining for the great unwashed than an actual debate can sometimes be, listening to facts supporting a debate argument. Lies can be so much more fun, can't they? If the debate had actually been scored as a debate, he would have narrowly lost. But, he won big by being the most entertaining in spinning his tried and true lies. Sadly, such is American politics in the 21st century. Lazy Trump ddn't actually even have to do any prep for the debate--just remember his stump speech. Poor Biden was actually debating, or trying to. He should have immediately pivoted and followed Trump's lead--disregard the debate question and, instead, throw out some choice parts of his stump speech dealing with Trump's lies and misdeeds. Should Harris choose to debate Trump, she needs to go on the attack first, ignore most debate questions, and put Trump on the defense from the get-go. She can always start each response by saying, "I'll get to that question if I have time but I'd first like to address the lie my opponent has been telling regarding___________. " Go get him.
  12. I think it was the right decision for Biden to step down. He was unable to turn the tide back in his favor and it was smart to see that and get it over with. He will go down in history as a good president. And, as the president that saved America, and democracy, from a second term of the worst president in US history. No small feat. He will always have that to look back on, with pride. Poor Trump must be gnashing his teeth down to nubs. Now, he's the old, semi-senile fart running--and, positively ancient compared to Harris. From stories I've read, he's already regretting his very poor choice for VP. I would be regretting it, too. I think Harris will be a strong candidate for the Democrats. Hopefully, she will pick a strong running mate that will help deliver one of the swing states. She will easily win the popular vote--Biden did by 7 million--but the cursed Electoral College is the beast that must be fed.
  13. The beaches are neither dirty nor poor. Pattaya's beach has been widened and now they are working on widening Jomtien's beach. Both are being kept clean. If you actually knew Pattaya, you'd know that it 'ticks' far more boxes than the two you mentioned, as a post before yours by shdmn attests to--and lots of us enjoying living here don't even have the 'nightlife box' as one to tick.
  14. There is a movement to modify the cursed Electoral College, the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. States signing on to the Compact agree to award their Electoral College votes to the candidate that wins the 50 state popular vote. So far, 17 states and the District of Columbia have signed on. To be activated, it needs enough states signing on to reach 270 Electoral College votes. Currently, it is at 209 EC votes. There is pending legislation in a number of states representing 50 EC votes. Still a ways to go but something hopeful for those who believe presidential elections in the 21st century should be determined by popular vote, and not a relic from the 18th century.
  15. The judge who handled the case disagrees with you.
  16. Trump might win in 2024 but no way will it be a 'landslide victory'. Let's remember that he lost by 2.8 million votes in 2016 and did even worse in 2020--as a sitting president--losing by a horrendously embarrassing 7 million votes. In both elections he could not even garner 50% of the vote. No 'landslide' with the voting for Trump in either election. Far from it. Likely the same in 2024.
  17. Definitely Trump's mental fitness should be considered, just as much as Biden's. I think they are both way too old and way too addled. The US has a minimum age to be president, why shouldn't there be a maximum age? 35's the minimum, maybe 75 as the maximum.
  18. What you have here is an excellent example of the Big Lie theory working, sadly, quite well. First used by the Nazis and dusted off by Trump, it's very simple. Tell a big lie long enough and often enough and, eventually, a certain percentage of the population will come to believe the Big Lie to be true. And, Trump told a whopper of a Big Lie with his loud and long and frequent false claim that the 2020 election was stolen. Obviously, that 75% figure of those believing the Big Lie that were Trump voters in 2020 were also predisposed to want to believe the Big Lie. My guy didn't win, Trump must be right, the election must have been stolen, I feel much better knowing my guy did win and I didn't choose the loser. Phew! Investigated to death with no evidence found to support Trump's Big Lie, nevertheless a certain percentage of the population has come to believe the Big Lie. Theory proven, once again, sadly. It didn't help that with the 2020 election we had the perfect storm of massive mail-in voting for the first time, massive voter ignorance as to how election day and mail-in ballots are counted on election night and the following days, and massive lying about the election by the sitting president. As for the thread itself, we have a good example of yet another reason to ditch the cursed Electoral College. In the tread's blurb and title, we have 'landslide' and 'blowout' both being used to describe what might be the 2024 election result. The fact that one candidate might win 330 electoral votes and thus have a 'landslide' 'blowout' victory gives a very false impression of the election, itself, and the will of the actual American voters. In 2024, Trump will likely lose the popular vote yet again--he did by 7 million in 2020 and he is now a convicted felon--but if he wins 330 Electoral College votes suddenly he's won a 'landslide' victory--when nothing could be further from the truth. How have you won a 'landslide' victory when the actual voters have rejected you for the third time?
  19. Plenty of retired expats in Thailand with money. Pattaya has lots of housing projects with starting prices of 10MB or more. Many houses at the Siam Royal View project are over 20MB, with some over 100MB. One is listed for 200MB on Hipflat.
  20. What dynasty? Too funny. In two presidential elections Trump never received even 50% of the vote. Lost badly by 2.8 million votes in 2016 and even worse in 2020, by 7 million votes. 7 MILLION! Horrendous for a sitting president with all the powers of incumbency, but, quite understandable when you're ranked the worst president in history, bar none. The actual voters have soundly rejected him not just once, but twice. Loser. And, a whining, crybaby loser, at that.
  21. I try to be a decent person. I'm not religious and dislike organized religion but I try to live by the Golden Rule. I try to not let negative things that happen upset me and, instead, try to 'bend with the bamboo', one of my Dad's favorite sayings. I try to always be a 'glass half-full' guy. Note, a lot of 'trys' there. Not always successful but trying. I think i's a good idea to not take everything too seriously. Some things, yes, of course. But many other things, not such a big deal when you think about it. I still remember a line from some movie I've forgotten the name of. The line was something like, 'One hundred years from now nobody's going to give a sh*t what happened to you today'. Shake it off and get on with your life. One thing I have learned over the years is that sometimes something negative happening can turn into a positive with time. I remember right after college going for several job interviews and not getting the job. I was very down, but then I interviewed for a job at a community college library and got the job. This job was a much better fit for me than the other jobs I had tried to get--and I ended up working at the community college for 35 years. Lousy salary but great job, great co-workers, and great benefits, including a traditional retirement pension with COLAs I am grateful to have.
  22. So true! Lost by 2.8 million votes in 2016, appointed president over the wishes of the actual voters by the cursed Electoral College. After 4 years of the worst presidency in history, lost by 7 million votes in 2020.
  23. I guess that 'camp' will be concentration camps non-MAGA people will be sent to.
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