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Everything posted by newnative

  1. Me, too. Currently watching Shogun--terrific. Latest seasons of Fargo and True Detective were great. Masters of the Air. Like the new version of Reacher. For a change of pace, The Gilded Age. I've liked lots of the Korean shows, as well. Plenty of good content, just need to look around a bit.
  2. Not even going out for bid until 2025. Glacially slow.
  3. I don't think The Edge has any 35 sqm condos, and not for 3-4MB that I can see with a quick Hipflat search. Hipflat does have 26 and 27 sqm Edge studios listed for 4 to 5MB and up. There's a 30 sqm studio listed for 6.49MB. Studio rents range from 20,000 baht to around 35,000 baht. You might be thinking of The Base, next door, which does have 35 sqm 1 bedrooms for 3 to 4MB.
  4. Prohibit tourists without a valid motorcycle license from renting any motorbikes of any size.
  5. My spouse and I have sold 2 houses in Pattaya and a number of condos in Rayong, Bangkok, and Pattaya. The majority of the condos were sold in Pattaya between 2011 and 2019, although we did have a couple condo sales during the covid years. Some condo sales were quick, some took awhile; just the nature of the game, as far as I can tell. Patience is a virtue. Both house sales were in the last few years and they sold fairly quickly. I won't hazard a guess as to what sells easier, houses or condos--too many variables, in my opinion. I will say that a good property, condo or house, in a good location and priced properly, will find a buyer if it is marketed correctly for Thailand. As in another recent post on real estate, we have had some posters disparage real estate agencies. Usually along the lines of, "I listed with an agency and they never brought any buyers to see my property." Likely to be true. Which is why you don't list with just one agency. Thailand has no MLS, so you need to list with as many agencies as you can. The goal is to get your property as widely known as possible. That's not done listing with one agency. With the last property we sold, I think I listed it with maybe 30 agencies, both big and small. Most of those 30 agencies did not bring a single buyer to see the property. But, that's ok, because some of the agencies, big and small, did bring buyers, one of which bought the property. You list with many agencies because, unless you are Carnac the Magnificent, you have no way of knowing which agency is going to have the right buyer for your property. As I've said before, we always try to sell our properties ourselves--and we make all the usual marketing moves every time to try to find a buyer. We have managed to sell some ourselves--yaa us. But, the vast majority of them were sold by an agent bringing a buyer to us--yaa agents.
  6. So true. My Thai spouse and I are building a new house and this morning he remarked that all the construction workers are from Burma.
  7. Hope the upgrades will include more cars on the trains and more frequent train intervals. Nice if they added reserved seating and express trains from Makkasan.
  8. Thailand does not have an MLS--Multiple Listing Service. You need to list your property with every big agency in Pattaya, starting with the ones closest to your property. I list with both big and small agencies, as many as I can find--you never know who will have a client looking for a property like yours. Also good, as already mentioned, a large sign on your property. Posters like to disparage agencies but most of our condo sales and both of our house sales were done with agencies finding and bringing buyers to our properties. Good luck to you.
  9. Who knows. As dear old Dad used to say, "We're all just penciled in." He lived to 95 and my Mom to 101. I am 72 and in relatively good health.
  10. If I was single I would be spending more but I want to make sure my spouse will be well-provided for after I am gone.
  11. Much ado about relatively nothing. 614 cases since Oct. 2023. So, a tad over 100 cases a month out of millions of tourists, with most of the cases, from the article, on the petty side. A handful of the 614, also relatively minor cases but blown way out of proportion, have garnered lots of publicity so something must be seen to be done. These high-profile but petty cases wouldn't have caused a ripple in the US.
  12. Much ado about relatively nothing. 614 cases since Oct. 2023. So, a tad over 100 cases a month out of millions of tourists, with most of the cases, from the article, on the petty side. A handful of the 614, also relatively minor cases but blown way out of proportion, have garnered lots of publicity so something must be seen to be done. These high-profile but petty cases wouldn't have caused a ripple in the US.
  13. Why not do some research for yourself? Which is what I did when I saw the statement.
  14. Good luck with your Whack-A-Mole. How'd that work out with whacking Future Forward?
  15. Two spoiled brats. Driving without a license charge, though--that's rich. True for about every tourist allowed to illegally rent a motorbike in Thailand--which too often leads to injury, death, or trouble such as this.
  16. Which is also a lie. More crime, including violent crime, is committed by legal Americans than illegal immigrants on a percentage basis. From one study: The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes.
  17. Tourists need to stop visiting CM. Period. Massive bad publicity and massive loss of tourist money would be the only spur to get any government action. Right now it's just blah blah blah, as always, plus some free masks thrown in. Pathetic. At least Pita has a constructive plan, for both short-term and long-term.
  18. How even a single person could support this unhinged, dangerous crackpot is beyond me.
  19. Don't become a member if, as you say, you think you will become 'part of the problem'. instead, become a member if you think you will become part of the solution. Not an easy choice to run for a condo board. It could be an easier choice if you know some other resident-owners with views similar to yours who might also be talked into serving--together as new blood you might be able to make some changes, especially if you can get the farang members already on the board to work with you, as well. Also helpful to have some resident-owners not on the board backing you up if you become a board member. You might consider starting, if you don't already have one, a Line group of condo owner-residents as a good way to keep in communication and exchange information on condo issues.
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