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Posts posted by nemrut

  1. Could be a bit of a debate about this. Basically, if you're keeping up with what passes for a flow of traffic here, you should be allowed as much of the lane as anyone else (car, bicycle, motorcy), but if you're going significantly slower than the flow, you should keep left/out of the way. It's speed rather than just position that's key.

    You could say the same for riding a bike in the US but that doesnt mean it's prudent(esp in US) nor culturally acceptable. If there are no cars parket on the shoulder and no car pulled too far out of a side street, you should do as the locals do and stay as far left as possible.

  2. Why are so many Farang riding their scooters in the middle of the road vs on the far left as is customary in Thailand? Noticing it more and more and often by a certain gender.

    It can't be attributed to simple ignorance as most Thais on scooters stay in the far left unless passing. Are they trying to make a statement?

  3. When Thailand becomes a rich, world power and relies on continued influx of immigrants for economic growth, you can bet they will adopt many of the same policies as your home country.

    Until then it is still a poor, developing country with an infrastructure barely capable of supporting its own citizens let alone the hordes of farangs seeking a low cost alternative western lifestyle.
    As for racism, it's in every country. Some more overtly so than others due to homogeneity and fewer immigrants. How racism manifests itself though is very different in US, Europe(an based) and Asia.
    Verbal/physical abuse due to one's skin color or country of origin is almost unheard of in most Asian countries but occurs frequently in the US and European based countries (including Australia, S. Africa). There is plenty of documented violence against immigrants and non-white citizens in these countries not to mention the daily rudeness, hateful stares, poor service, disrespect, etc. many if not all minorities have to experience while living there. Just ask any 3rd-4th generation Asian in US/UK whether they feel integrated or still treated like an outsider.
    So when you as farang complain about Thais, Thailand and any perceived racism, consider how well you have been treated in this country while not being subjected to verbal/physical harassment and worse that most minorities have to endure in your home country.
  4. TV posts often complain about such things as corruption, bad driving, garbage, short fuses/violence, bad air, etc.

    How do these compare to your home country...are they absent, less visible, common?

    Here is a list of things that are common in the US that is far less likely to happen or have never occured in Thailand:

    - Pervasive rude behavior, sense of entitlement (eg, I'm right, you're wrong often leading to bad endings)

    - Constant honking out of anger/aggression

    - Road rage that commonly results in violence and/or shooting

    - Reckless driving (at least Thais signal)

    - Getting into verbal confrontation because of someone's poor behavior

    - Getting verbally abused or attacked because of your skin color

    - Neo nazis, Skinheads, KKK harassing, assaulting people

    - Overly aggressive, in-your-face behavior often resulting in verbal confrontations

    - Mass shootings (eg, 1 or more people shooting scores of others)

    - Frequent, random gun fatalities (eg, confrontations, family arguments, children getting hold of firearms, police shooting innocent citizens)

    - Pervasive, underlying sense of paranoia that danger is lurking everywhere

    - As with above, a sense one always has to be on guard

    Probably missing a few things in the list, but by and large, for such a rich and prosperous country the US seems for more hazardous to one's well being than any of the common complaints about Thailand.

  5. Who are you to say what's morally and ethically acceptable for a developing, 3rd world country?

    Do you think your own country isnt full of corruption despite being a wealthy and prosperous western nation?

    If you disagree, tell us the country youre from and I guarantee there is plenty of fodder on google to dismiss any notions of moral/ethical high ground.

    The world is not binary, there are many shades of gray.

    • Like 1
  6. OP - did you signal your intention to turn? Did you slow down or maintain speed up until last minute before turning?

    It sounds like you've had numerous other incidents in your driving history and only giving one side of the story.

    Have you ever wondered why you hardly ever hear anyone honk in Thailand aside from mostly farang drivers?

    You seem to have reacted like many American/Canadian drivers presuming you have been done wrong vs giving other driver the benefit of the doubt.

    It's amazing how so many farang like you come to Thailand bringing your pre-conceived notions of what is right and fair in a developing, 3rd world country. Youre quick to complain and whine about the 'natives' when they dont kowtow to your notion of respect.

    It speaks of entitlement and arrogance.

    You say you've never encountered such aggression in the US when road rage and uncivil behaviour is the norm on the roads especially in the eastern corridor and metro areas of the west coast.

    I'm always amazed at how patient, tolerant and highly civil Thai drivers are given the lack of enforcement and chaos on the roads.

    You can bet if the US had as many scooters on the roads as Thailand the road rage would be much worse.

    • Like 2
  7. Nemrut, can you answer a few questions for me? A cat's diet needs to be comprised of 23 different amino acids, The cat’s body can manufacture 12 of these amino acids. The other 11 amino acids, however, must come from dietary meat and vegetables.

    1. Do you know which of he 11 amino acids you need supply when you cook meals for your cat?

    Cats require dietary sources of fats, both linoleic acid and arachidonic acid. The requirement of both fatty acids arises from cats’ inability to synthesize arachidonic acid from linoleic

    2. What do you cook that provides these two?

    Cats are incapable of converting beta-carotene from vegetables to Vitamin A. Additional vitamins and minerals may lead to excesses or may unbalance the diet.

    3. How do you insure your cat gets enough?

    4. How much is enough?

    Many commercial cat foods are designated for particular stages of a cat’s life. Such diets have been developed for groups such as kittens, pregnant and nursing queens, and older cats that may have special nutritional needs. Cats are often considered as being senior at 7-8 years of age and geriatric beginning at 10-12 years.

    5. Do you vary your cooking ingredients to suit your cat's age?

    6. By what method do you ascertain your cat's nutritional needs?

    7. Simply because the food costs 4x more, or the label says it's 'special,' what makes you so certain that it's any better than Purina, Royal Canin, or any of the other well respected commercial brands recommended by vets?

    You're confusing me with another poster who cooks for their cats.
    Unfortunately, I dont have the time nor inclination so the best compromise is to find the highest quality/affordable cat food (ie, low carbs <7-8%, low fillers, less flavoring, etc). These foods have been independently tested/ingredients verified.
    Lower quality pet foods (Purina, Sci Diet, RC) contain less actual protein and more fillers like grain, low grade processed meal and artificial flavoring that is not good for your pet.
    Just as processed foods sold for human consumption are considered safe (eg, frozen meals, chips, soda, etc) why would you consume them knowing they contain unhealthy ingredients like hydrogenated oils, artificial colors/flavors, high fructose syrup, etc?
  8. My wife is very careful to wash the cat's water dish every day.

    Unfortunately, the cat doesn't give a damn and is often seen drinking from the catch tray under neath plants, mud puddles, or any place wet.

    She's been raised on Royal Canin dry food and Whiskas foil pouch food. There is always a bowl full of dry food available to her 24/7, and when she's hungry (at exactly 5pm... ) she asks for and get a foil packet of the Whiskas wet food, a different 'flavor' each day.

    She's twelve years old, never been sick, and still very busy playing with toys. Just exactly what is it that paying four times more for 'gourmet' cat food, or spending a half hour cooking would do for her?

    ...and many Farang don't give a damn what they put in their body, often over eating, smoking and drinking too much, too lazy to exercise. Most Farang live well into their 50-60s but often not much much older. Had they been a little more conscientious about their health and what they consumed, they might have enjoyed many more years.

    At least cats have sense enough to get a little exercise each day.

    FolkGuitar's post was one of the best in the thread... and you come back with this wacky response.

    Have you been smoking some of Precious' catnip?

    unable connect the dots?

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "Looking for quality cat food brands (Innova, Natures Balance, Wellness, etc) but all major stores only carry low quality foods like Mee-o, Friskies, Royal Canin."

    This really has the underlying tone of elitism, wouldn't you say? OP, is your cat genetically superior to others that it can't eat normal cat food?

    "Looking for quality cat food brands (Innova, Natures Balance, Wellness, etc) but all major stores only carry low quality foods like Mee-o, Friskies, Royal Canin."

    This really has the underlying tone of elitism, wouldn't you say? OP, is your cat genetically superior to others that it can't eat normal cat food?

    Do you drink water straight from the tap? If so that might explain a lot...

    My wife is very careful to wash the cat's water dish every day.

    Unfortunately, the cat doesn't give a damn and is often seen drinking from the catch tray under neath plants, mud puddles, or any place wet.

    She's been raised on Royal Canin dry food and Whiskas foil pouch food. There is always a bowl full of dry food available to her 24/7, and when she's hungry (at exactly 5pm... ) she asks for and get a foil packet of the Whiskas wet food, a different 'flavor' each day.

    She's twelve years old, never been sick, and still very busy playing with toys. Just exactly what is it that paying four times more for 'gourmet' cat food, or spending a half hour cooking would do for her?

    ...and many Farang don't give a damn what they put in their body, often over eating, smoking and drinking too much, too lazy to exercise. Most Farang live well into their 50-60s but often not much much older. Had they been a little more conscientious about their health and what they consumed, they might have enjoyed many more years.

    At least cats have sense enough to get a little exercise each day.

  10. The OP and those responding in kind are good reminder why Thais often refer to white visitors/residents as Farang. Why? Because time and again Farang prove themselves to be arrogant know-it-alls looking down on others while displaying ignorance/disrespect for the people of their host country not to mention other Asian cultures.

    I thought it was only Thais who behaved like this, good to see we aren't alone.

    What is a Farang?


    It seems that we have encountered yet another disrespectful pompous know it all, who is incapable of practicing self analyses.biggrin.png

    That is the obvious definition along with other meanings Thais attribute to the term.

    Haole is a similar term used by many native Hawaiians to allude to other meanings beside the official definition.

  11. Yep, you nailed it too. The Chinese are different.... AND they're all the same. wink.png

    I respect diversity of opinions, but...

    Honestly, a dog seems to have more sense. coffee1.gif

    Compared to China, US has only 350M people and thankfully theyre not all like you nor the OP.

    Unfortunately too many are...

    I was being sarcastic coffee1.gif

    Fortunately, OP knows that clap2.gif

    Oh yes, because it's so easy to dismiss veiled racism as being sarcastic...how clever.

    Nemrut, he's on the same team as you. He was claiming my comparison of dogs to Chinese was harsh.

    Btw, I am not sure how you think it is your place to stifle a discussion by crying racism, but in case you haven't noticed, no one agrees with you.

    I am wondering if you've ever heard of the 'Ghost Cities' in China. I would like for you to point out where else in the world this phenomenon can be observed. Could you answer me that if people who are conditioned to a society that has this, and other completely different day to day occurrences, might have a different perspective and view of the world?

    Really which team is that? You want to make racists comments expect to be called out on it.

    Ghost cities easy enough to research while learning more about the Chinese economy. It will also answr how a communist dictatorship with almost 1.5B people literally transformed into capitalist economy overnight. Where else in the world has that happened? Do you understand how simple minded your questions sound?

  12. Yep, you nailed it too. The Chinese are different.... AND they're all the same. wink.png

    I respect diversity of opinions, but...

    Honestly, a dog seems to have more sense. coffee1.gif

    Compared to China, US has only 350M people and thankfully theyre not all like you nor the OP.

    Unfortunately too many are...

    Handsome, well educated, funny, good at speaking Thai, tons of attention from women, athletic, modest... Ya, it's a real burden...

    I think you missed giibaht's point. I won't be too harsh on you about that, though. Interesting your penchant for stereotyping Americans. I really love those Euro's I meet that despise us. I wonder what the fascination is, why are some people inclined for such animosity towards the World's superpower. Speaking of the Chinese..... Maybe it would be better if they were the world police?

    I will be back later, I gotta go have lunch with my children's Chinese grandmother.

    I like cats, but being a cat person makes you a bit weird. Btw, there's a pet show at Airport Plaza today, you might find the high end cat food you're looking for.

    Please share more about how perfect your life is and your enlightened world views.

    Blaming others for stereotyping yet failing to see it in yourself...what do you think cat owners are weird?

  13. Yep, you nailed it too. The Chinese are different.... AND they're all the same. wink.png

    I respect diversity of opinions, but...

    Honestly, a dog seems to have more sense. coffee1.gif

    Compared to China, US has only 350M people and thankfully theyre not all like you nor the OP.

    Unfortunately too many are...

    I was being sarcastic coffee1.gif

    Fortunately, OP knows that clap2.gif

    Oh yes, because it's so easy to dismiss veiled racism as being sarcastic...how clever.

  14. You're barking up the wrong tree if you think labeling me as a racist bothers me. I'm sure you're a cool dude with your designer cat food. I bet you're a real good time.

    "What's next environmentalists, vegans, prius owners... " Mac users.

    There is no doubt youre proud of your own racist, narrow-minded views. It's your own ignorance and stupidity you fail to acknowledge hence your inflammatory posts revealing deep seated resentment toward those who don't fit your black/white view of the world.

  15. Yep, you nailed it too. The Chinese are different.... AND they're all the same. wink.png

    I respect diversity of opinions, but...

    Honestly, a dog seems to have more sense. coffee1.gif

    Compared to China, US has only 350M people and thankfully theyre not all like you nor the OP.

    Unfortunately too many are...

  16. I am entertaining you more than I like, but perhaps you could realize that I was speaking in terms of the way the Chinese behave on roads. I really have not seen anything close to it. Anyone that goes outside will tell you this. It is unthinkable that someone could observe what's happening and not find it the least bit strange.

    China is a different place, with a different culture and society. Some people have given some explanations for why they are oblivious to 1 ton masses moving at them at 80km/h.

    I don't think the Chinese are unintelligent. I think the opposite, they are survivors. It's tough to get by over there.

    It is surprising to me, though, that people who are posting on a board of expats, don't seem to realize that we are in a different place with different customs and behaviors. I think the differences are interesting, and I love learning why. At first it seems things are irrational, but then, when given the correct explanation it all makes sense. Some of you should try it too. Or, you can just live in denial, perched up high on your politically correct pedestal, and keep telling yourself how well educated you are, because some liberal arts prof in University told you how to see the world.

    Nothing about the OP nor your replies indicate a yearning for understanding but rather ridicule and intolerance. You criticize those who disagree with you for not understanding customs or behavior yet you fail miserably in your own attempts at 'enlightenment.'

    Maybe you need to do your own homework first to understand Chinese culture their country, population, etc. before posting half-baked inquiries veiled as racist insults.

    The last sentence of your reply speaks volumes about your narrow view of the world based on misguided stereotypes. What's next environmentalists, vegans, prius owners...

  17. "Looking for quality cat food brands (Innova, Natures Balance, Wellness, etc) but all major stores only carry low quality foods like Mee-o, Friskies, Royal Canin."

    This really has the underlying tone of elitism, wouldn't you say? OP, is your cat genetically superior to others that it can't eat normal cat food?

    Do you drink water straight from the tap? If so that might explain a lot...

    • Like 1
  18. OP seems to have a history of race-baiting posts with facetious comments about the 'natives' for example:

    "Had they never seen or heard of it before, and someone recently introduced it to them?"

    "Was there a famous Thai cyclist that made it catch on, similar to Thaiger Woods mainstreaming golf?" (wow..that's cute play on words)

    ...and last but not least, "What does this phenomenon tell us about our neighbors?"

    Does OP sincerely want to understand this 'fad' (like there are no fads where he comes from) or is he just lonely, bored and trolling for clever quips that support his veiled racist views...

    • Like 1
  19. It's sad there are so many openly racist Farangs in Thailand not to mention Chiang Mai. One would hope Farangs coming to live in Thailand do so because of love for the people/culture and not just for the relatively inexpensive tropical climate.

    OP is clearly race baiting by making direct comparison between Chinese and dogs. Those defending OP and making further inflammatory comments about Chinese behavior should be ashamed of themselves but are probably too ignorant and narrow minded to grasp their poor behaviour.

    The OP and those responding in kind are good reminder why Thais often refer to white visitors/residents as Farang. Why? Because time and again Farang prove themselves to be arrogant know-it-alls looking down on others while displaying ignorance/disrespect for the people of their host country not to mention other Asian cultures.

  20. Looking for quality cat food brands (Innova, Natures Balance, Wellness, etc) but all major stores only carry low quality foods like Mee-o, Friskies, Royal Canin.

    Surely with all the high priced housing geared toward Farang in Chiang Mai, there must be some boutique pet stores that carry high quality cat food?

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