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Posts posted by nemrut

  1. I see the TVBTV (Thia Visa Blame the Victims) Group is out if full force on this post.

    It's amazing all the folks out there who know the whole story, without knowing any of the actual details, and have drawn the conclusion that the fellow with the knife wound and 'Dad' are clearly at fault. Amazing how many clairvoyants and psychics we have as TV members, especially among the TVBTV crowd.

    The one thing that we do know of sure is that this happens at Chang Klan Karaoke bars consistently, and the PTB who should do something about the situation do nothing. Why? TIT. <cha-ching> ฿฿฿฿฿฿

    What's to know? Hundreds if not thousands of low-life farang come to Thailand every year and try to pull the same stunt, not only in bars but restaurants and countless food stands. That's why the term 'farang' can often be used by Thais in a derisive manner reflecting the negative encounters theyve had with many farang who often mistaken Thai kindness and hospitality as signs of weakness and try to take advantage of it.

  2. So all you farang apologists don't think people get beat up for not paying their tab in US/UK/Australia? Stuff like this happens all the time there and often it goes unnoticed, and in worse case scenarios, victims are never heard from again.

    Yes, Thais can be guilty of over charging but if you stay in a bar and drink until 6am, expect to be taken advantage of anywhere in the world. Sadly many farang bring misfortune upon themselves with loudmouth, belligerent behavior while treating Thais like dirt.

    And tell me who many places in US/UK/Australia presents a 20k bill instead of 2K to foreigners (arbitrary numbers).

    And minorities in those countries have been overcharged for decades by white owned businesses and still do today. It wasnt until 40-50yrs non-whites were allowed to eat/drink in the same place as whites.

  3. So all you farang apologists don't think people get beat up for not paying their tab in US/UK/Australia? Stuff like this happens all the time there and often it goes unnoticed, and in worse case scenarios, victims are never heard from again.

    Yes, Thais can be guilty of over charging but if you stay in a bar and drink until 6am, expect to be taken advantage of anywhere in the world. Sadly many farang bring misfortune upon themselves with loudmouth, belligerent behavior while treating Thais like dirt.

  4. On John Lott and his 'graph' - a simple Google search turns up these gems on Wikipedia:


    "In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences conducted a review of current research and data on firearms and violent crime, including Lott's work, and found "no credible evidence that the passage of right-to-carry laws decreases or increases violent crime."[

    "The Associated Press reports that Prof. Lott's fellowship at the University of Chicago is funded by the Olin Foundation, which is 'associated with the Olin Corporation,' one of the nation's largest gun manufacturers. Maybe that's a coincidence, too. But it's also a fact."

    "In January 2000, criminologist Otis Dudley Duncan questioned Lott's statistics because the NRA was not citing them."

    "...work by several authors supporting Lott in a special 2001 issue of the Journal of Law and Economics had not been peer reviewed, Lott had paid the University of Chicago Press to publish the papers, and that papers with results opposite of Lott's had been blocked from publication in that issue"

    "Lott created and used "Mary Rosh" as a sock puppet to defend his own works on Usenet and elsewhere. After investigative work by blogger Julian Sanchez, Lott admitted to use of the Mary Rosh persona.[61] Sanchez also pointed out that Lott, posing as Rosh, not only praised his own academic writing, but also called himself "the best professor I ever had"

    It's clear TV has an overly zealous fan of John Lott and has been proclaiming his research as gospel. We can safely conclude that John Lott has little to zero credibility.

  5. This type of incident happens far too often in the US, and most likely, occurs much more often when victims are fatally wounded but do not die and goes unreported.

    USA - land of the free, negligent and living in denial.

    BS - More children under the age of 5 drown in backyard swimming pools than by gunshots.

    But don't let facts get in the way of an ignorant rant.

    And just how does someone get "Fatally wounded, but do not die" and incredulously, "goes unreported"?

    Just because one type of event occurs more often than another doesn't dismiss the severity of the situation. People expect car accidents but they dont expect gun rampages of which the US leads by far of any developed country.

    Based on your logic we should dismiss gun incidents in the US as trivial because far more people die from car accidents not to mention 5yr olds drowning in swimming pools.

    There are too many gun incidents in the US where young children are injured that go unreported even if they are documented by health personnel. The news media deems which are newsworthy and which are not (eg, child shoots parent, child shoots self, child kills shooting instructor).

  6. This type of incident happens far too often in the US, and most likely, occurs much more often when victims are fatally wounded but do not die and goes unreported.

    USA - land of the free, negligent and living in denial.

    Doctors and any medical facility are required to report any injuries from a gunshot to be reported to the police. There are pretty accurate records of the number of injuries.

    True but they happen so often that theyre not newsworthy events unless someone dies.

    It would be great if some public entity could take the fatality data and publicly display a real time ticker of how many kids have been wounded by firearms.

  7. Safety in any shape or form in Thailand just does not exist....

    Agree ... Safety and Thailand in same sentence is a Non Starter. Its all about me me me and demanding first right to driving - hope the truck-driver will not kill anybody in the future since he is obviously not right in the head crazy.gif

    Read the list on this link and see who had the most grade crossing accidents and realize what a narrow minded statement you made. .


    Thailand is no more guilty of lack of safety enforcement than any other developing country.

    Australia, the United States and Canada are contenders for the highest number of reported grade crossing accidents..

    Which is why high-speed rail would never work in the US - the malignant few(of which there are many in US) spoil it for the rest.

  8. Everyone in the family has to work to survive because of the huge cost of living increase that Thailand has seen over several years. Those very things that have destroyed the West are now evident in Thai society. The vast increase in prices in land, house and basics are more and more out of reach of the average person both in the West and in Thailand. In the long term, it is not sustainable. The wealthy are in line for a huge lesson in how to survive the redistribution of their wealth. They won't survive it. A very wise man once said the poor shall inherit the Earth. Believe it!

    How much of this do you think is the result of retirees and influx of foreigners moving to Thailand for its low cost of living?

    Here in CM, amazed at how many billboards pop up advertising luxury condos when I know most Thais couldnt afford to live in them. What's going on in their minds when theyre constantly bombarded with huge advertisements promoting luxury and excess?

  9. If the UK police were armed the death rate would be higher.

    Perhaps the US just has a lot of very bad people, like 70 times as much as other ( so called ) first world nations.

    The US is a nation of immigrants. Give the UK another ten or fifteen years of its er, um, well, immigration and get back to me. coffee1.gif

    UK is full of immigrants with all the baggage it entails. Despite their colonial past they dont have the baggage of slavery and violent gun culture of the US.

  10. Ref: US Bureau of Prisons, 1st Qtr 2015.


    Race # of Inmates % of Inmates Asian 3,212 1.5% Black 78,219 37.5% Native American 3,954 1.9% White 123,140 59.1%

    Blacks make up less than 20% of a population of 300M yet according to the chart, they account for almost 1/2 crimes committed in the US? It's obvious that they are targeted by law enforcement more often and severely than white counterparts as evidenced by the numbers and documented violence and killing of innocent blacks.

    I have yet to hear of any whites being shot in the back by police while running away.

    But that's not what you said. You said blacks are incarcerated more than whites. That doesn't appear to be true.

    As far as being shot by police, it appears whites lead in that area too. I can't vouch for the accuracy, but have a look at the link in Post #18.

    It was in response to post showing inmates by race, but yes blacks are incarcerated more than whites when you account for their relatively smally population size compared to non-hispanic whites.

    The link you provided is very informative and it's shame the US cant provide that sort of data about it's own country.

  11. Many police do not know ( although it is in their handbook ) something called " Right of Way ".

    You need to lose the 'Right of Way' entitlement mentality. It carries little weight in a developing country whereas 'opportunity' carries much more. When you see scooters navigating traffic, it's the opportunity mindset that dictates behavior(eg,there's room to move forward, there's a gap to move into, there's a way to maintain momentum without stopping).

    By and large, none of this is intentionally malicious, rude or even arrogant behavior but rather the mindset of a developing country, for many of which are just barely getting by, and looking for any advantage they can get. And you know what, it largely works without the usual anger, hostility and roadside drama one often encounters driving in western countries.

  12. facepalm.gif ....the writer obviously knows very little about the causes and reality of the situation in the U.S. but by the end you can see why he bothered to write, an attempt to weaken the validity of U.S. criticism of the Thai "situation". facepalm.gif

    Say what you like about the causes but the U.S. is a deeply troubled country. Sociatal and racial issues continue unsolved. Simply look north to Canada to see what could when society is more balanced and equitable. It's true that freedom of the press in the West assures that, with time, these issues are exposed. This by no means leads to society moving toward a solution. I agree that the dirty laundry does not get exposed dillegently in Thailand. However, do you really think that the the Thai public at large is unaware of the rot in their own society? Everyone gets to legitimately point fingers. No place is perfect.

    Canada is a sparsely populated country with a land mass greater than the US but only a fraction of the population. They've benefited throughout their history by riding coat-tails of US economic growth.

  13. Why are there more minorities in prisons? It's because they commit a disproportionate amount of the crimes.

    Or perhaps it 's because they're more often targeted by a largely white police force. The US majority is still non-Hispanic, whites yet relatively few are incarcerated compared to blacks/Hispanics not because the former commit less crimes but rather they are often released or served much lighter punishment.

    Ref: US Bureau of Prisons, 1st Qtr 2015.


    Race # of Inmates % of Inmates Asian 3,212 1.5% Black 78,219 37.5% Native American 3,954 1.9% White 123,140 59.1%

    Blacks make up less than 20% of a population of 300M yet according to the chart, they account for almost 1/2 crimes committed in the US? It's obvious that they are targeted by law enforcement more often and severely than white counterparts as evidenced by the numbers and documented violence and killing of innocent blacks.

    I have yet to hear of any whites being shot in the back by police while running away.

  14. Why are there more minorities in prisons? It's because they commit a disproportionate amount of the crimes.

    Or perhaps it 's because they're more often targeted by a largely white police force. The US majority is still non-Hispanic, whites yet relatively few are incarcerated compared to blacks/Hispanics not because the former commit less crimes but rather they are often released or served much lighter punishment.

  15. You're even more likely to get shot in the US yet there's no shortage of road rage there.

    Really? I have no idea what goes on over there,but here its a fact, it happens all the time,and i mean ALL THE TIME buy the way Thai news today 35 killed on the roads today


    Do you have proof that it happens all the time? The video you posted is 1 incident in 2014 vs 100x as many posted from UK/AUS/US etc.

    Have a look yourself,there are so many, I also see such things daily. Please tell me do you drive here? if so where,and how many km per day. If in town it does not

    count, Its when you get outside,thats where it all happens,and at speed. They are not yet experienced enough for speed. period

    There's plenty of reckless driving by western standards but the norm for developing country like Thailand. What I don't see is raging hostility as a result of it and two drivers pulling over and start beating on each other which is a common occurence in western countries.

    If you can prove otherwise, take video of it and post it to Youtube for all to see.

  16. There is one very simple reason, 9mm pistols, Road rage!! never thats if your head is screwed on, you are very lighty to get shot.

    Hence the question, why are there so many road rage incidents in the UK and relatively far few of them in Thailand?

    Most car owners here have smart phones with video capability so there's no doubt such incidents would be captured and posted to Youtube yet there are very few from Thailand but a plethora from the UK, as well as, Russia, Australia and US - other western countries with supposedly 'higher driving standards.'

    You're even more likely to get shot in the US yet there's no shortage of road rage there.

    Really? I have no idea what goes on over there,but here its a fact, it happens all the time,and i mean ALL THE TIME buy the way Thai news today 35 killed on the roads today


    Do you have proof that it happens all the time? The video you posted is 1 incident in 2014 vs 100x as many posted from UK/AUS/US etc.

  17. For the most part we (UK) are trained to a higher standard than the average Thai Driver... Not many people would dispute this.

    In context: The example I provided of the accident I was involved with pointed out that the police didn't dispute this either.

    Hence the question, why are there so many road rage incidents in the UK and relatively far few of them in Thailand?

    Most car owners here have smart phones with video capability so there's no doubt such incidents would be captured and posted to Youtube yet there are very few from Thailand but a plethora from the UK, as well as, Russia, Australia and US - other western countries with supposedly 'higher driving standards.'

    There is one very simple reason, 9mm pistols, Road rage!! never thats if your head is screwed on, you are very lighty to get shot.

    You're even more likely to get shot in the US yet there's no shortage of road rage there.

  18. I argued that I'm British, we are trained to a high standard, when I make a turn I use my indicator at all times.

    I'm geniunely curious, if British drivers are so highly trained why is there so much road rage in the UK? There are many road rage incidents from the UK posted on Youtube which probably just the tip of the iceburg.

    For the most part we (UK) are trained to a higher standard than the average Thai Driver... Not many people would dispute this.

    In context: The example I provided of the accident I was involved with pointed out that the police didn't dispute this either.

    Hence the question, why are there so many road rage incidents in the UK and relatively far few of them in Thailand?

    Most car owners here have smart phones with video capability so there's no doubt such incidents would be captured and posted to Youtube yet there are very few from Thailand but a plethora from the UK, as well as, Russia, Australia and US - other western countries with supposedly 'higher driving standards.'

  19. motor bikes here are supposed to stay in the left hand lane

    This was argued in a previous thread and most farangs on TV believed they were entitled to occupy any lane they pleased-- especially the center of the right lane which they deemed the safest.

  20. I argued that I'm British, we are trained to a high standard, when I make a turn I use my indicator at all times.

    I'm geniunely curious, if British drivers are so highly trained why is there so much road rage in the UK? There are many road rage incidents from the UK posted on Youtube which probably just the tip of the iceburg.

  21. Besides, even if I'm on the far left hand side of the left hand lane, there still isn't room for a car or truck to fit in the lane with me. I ride a PCX 150. Not a 'big bike' but certainly not small enough to fit in a lane with another car right next to me unless it's a Mini Cooper or something. I still need that space between the car in front of me and the car behind me. Moving over a foot and a half to the left won't change that.

    Staying on the far left when it's safe to do so, is not only common sense but allows vehicles with much greater mass to safely pass you. Most Thais stay on the left-unless passing, because it enables both scooters and cars to move at a constant flow without massive bottlenecks.

    If everyone on 2 wheels did as you and felt entitled to as much space as a car, you could be sure the traffic would be much worse.

    You realize that I'm talking about being in the center of the left lane, correct? I'm in the left lane, but not on the far left side (right up against the curb) of the left lane. There is no reason for a car to attempt to be in the left lane WITH me. They won't fit even if I'm as far over to the left as humanly possible. There just isn't enough space for the both of us in that one lane. They can pass in the next lane over, no problem. My being in the center of the left lane does not impede that.

    I will also drive in the center of the left lane if it's safer due to parked cars, drain gratings, etc, otherwise mostly stay on the left like most other Thais which allows cars to more easily pass around me.

    Even when going with the flow of traffic, there will always be someone in a hurry and driving faster looking to get past for whatever reason. Otherwise, just go with the flow as it largely works in Thailand despite any mishaps.

  22. Besides, even if I'm on the far left hand side of the left hand lane, there still isn't room for a car or truck to fit in the lane with me. I ride a PCX 150. Not a 'big bike' but certainly not small enough to fit in a lane with another car right next to me unless it's a Mini Cooper or something. I still need that space between the car in front of me and the car behind me. Moving over a foot and a half to the left won't change that.

    Staying on the far left when it's safe to do so, is not only common sense but allows vehicles with much greater mass to safely pass you. Most Thais stay on the left-unless passing, because it enables both scooters and cars to move at a constant flow without massive bottlenecks.

    If everyone on 2 wheels did as you and felt entitled to as much space as a car, you could be sure the traffic would be much worse.

  23. Many of you advocating for riding your bike in the center of the lane are being as selfish as the Thais you often criticize. You've brought your entitled 'my way or the highway' western mindset which will not serve you well in Thailand.

    Given the high number scooters on the road, how practical would it be if most scooters occupied the center of the lane? The roads would be backed up for miles as youre essentially giving each person on two wheels the space of a car. How do you think this scenario would play out in your home country if the same percentage of scooters were on the road? Not very well I believe.

    Many Farang don't seem to understand that theyre in a developing country where laws, regulations and driving habits are still evolving. As such, you need to adapt to the culture and go with the flow instead of expecting Thais to respect your sense of entitlement.

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