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Posts posted by nemrut

  1. What you actually see is biased reporting.

    There are bad events..and killings...everywhere. Not exclusive to the USA.

    You will be duped into believing that the USA has "Karma" or some other wicked, imaginary, powers instigating murders and such.

    There are events going on around the world....that you don't read about. (TV seems to concentrate only on the USA).

    In the philippines, for instance...people get murdered by other ways....bolo attacks (machete).

    American gun lovers are quick to point out that, contrary to popular belief, America is not the murder capital of the world.

    There are loads of war-torn, third world countries ahead of them...............................coffee1.gif

    There are a lot to be said about gun control in the US, and I am one who thinks a lot more of it is needed,

    but to say that the US is devolving into anarchy is hyperbole to say the least, the US is a large country with many diverse regions, any given day a lot will happen.

    But all and all is relatively safe place as compared to other parts of the world.

    US is relatively wealthier than many parts of the world but is that a good comparison?

  2. I shall not criticise those who overstay. Most don't set out to do such things. Your life can change in an instant and those plans you had and the preparation you believe was correct gets wiped out. I am speaking from experience. While I have never overstayed- I have had a good deal of money and property wiped out because of family illness. And I had medical insurance but it was not enough. Had I been in Thailand at the time, I may have had no choice but to overstay. It is real easy to cast aspersions on people you don't know when you are sitting well off. Be careful, be nice to the people on your way up, you may see them again on your way down.

    There probably are those who fall under such extenuating circumstances as there are likely just as many, if not more, who intentionally abuse the system give the number of farang who move to Thailand purely out of financial necessity.

    Given how "casually" the op and others who have posted similar stories go about announcing - almost bragging about their situation and how trivial it was to game the system, there is no doubt more will do the same.

    Thai immigration needs to crack down on those who intentionally abuse the system if they want to continue enjoying the lucrative revenue stream from farang visa renewals.

    • Like 1
  3. And amid all of these problems which are not unusual for any 1st world country, let alone a developing one, is the hordes of farang who come to LOS each year seeking a 1st world lifestyle at 3rd world prices.

    Many of which bring with them their attitudes of entitlement, loud mouth, belligerence and excessive drama. Who pays for all the extra overhead and manpower required to deal with the numerous altercations, street fights, fatalities and suicides involving farang?

    It's easy to criticize the shortcomings of other countries while failing to acknowledge those of your own country and fellow citizens.

  4. I highly recommend it. I do it primarily for the women, because I expect no less from them. But yeah, it does help one stay cool and hygienic overall. Don't shave with a razor, though! Order a good electric trimmer intended for the areas below the neck. There are plenty with dual voltage on Amazon...get one next time you're back in your country.

    Which electric trimmer do you use?

  5. Shaving/trimming will definitely help reduce sweating, decrease fungal infections (such as jock itch) and enhance comfort.

    Recommend for both sexes in this climate.

    Tip: Use a pair of nail scissors first to trim length (otherwise it is hard to shave). Then lather up, and run a razor over the area. It will not remove all hair if done just once or twice, but rather will thin things out. Depending on how much hair, maybe more than 2 times -- just until you have gotten things to the level that is comfortable for you.

    If you already have actual jock itch, which is a form of ringworm, you'll need to treat it with an antifungal cream. This too is easier and more effective to do once the hair is shaven.

    Sound advice and only concern is hair grows back coarser/thicker(like facial) and becomes uncomfortable. Depending on how fast it grows back before becoming scratchy, dont really want to get in the habit of shaving my crotch every few days.

  6. I used to get irritated at the slow merge into traffic, but as time has passed, I've realized that if a person did not slowly creep out, they would be waiting a long time for a satisfactory gap. With the proliferation of scooters, it's almost impossible to merge in at times like we would do in our home countries. Also, if there is a gap, some kid on a scooter will zip into it without any thought. So I've come to see it as a manageable means to merge in with the least amount of danger. Basically merge in until people have to stop. Seems dumb, but over here it works.

    Yes, better to be safe than sorry especially with so many motorbikes weaving in/out of traffic.

    Many farang get frustrated with Thai drivers because they bring their own sense of western entitlement and dont understand theyre driving in a developing country where laws are loosely enforced.

    Despite the apparent chaos, Thai drivers are, by and large, are very civil to one another compared to drivers in US/UK/AUS. One rarely hears any prolonged honking--except by farang, and there is almost zero road rage.

  7. "Whether Racist or not there is a big problem and much reason to be leery of a group which makes up less than 26% of the population and does 65% of the crimes."

    Can you provide a reference for such profound insight?

    African Americans make up less than 15% of US population but are not responsible for 65% of the crimes, that honor goes to whites per FBI data:


    Maybe educate yourself instead spreading lies commonly thrown about by right wing talking heads.

    As you said; blacks at 15% of the population do not commit the majority of the crime; but they are committing a vastly higher percentage of violent crime based on their percentage of residents. Black-on-white violent crime in particular dwarfs that of white-on-black. It is you that needs to do some research.


    FBI data(2013) provided in the link clearly shows white-on-white crime as leading source of crime in US yet rely on an infographic from 2010 with no credible source.

  8. "Whether Racist or not there is a big problem and much reason to be leery of a group which makes up less than 26% of the population and does 65% of the crimes."

    Can you provide a reference for such profound insight?

    African Americans make up less than 15% of US population but are not responsible for 65% of the crimes, that honor goes to whites per FBI data:


    Maybe educate yourself instead spreading lies commonly thrown about by right wing talking heads.

    As you said; blacks at 15% of the population do not commit the majority of the crime; but they are committing a vastly higher percentage of violent crime based on their percentage of residents. Black-on-white violent crime in particular dwarfs that of white-on-black. It is you that needs to do some research.


    FBI data(2013) provided in the link clearly shows white-on-white crime as leading source of crime in US yet rely on an infographic from 2010 with no credible source.

  9. From Wikipedia "In the meantime, the international community adopted a series of sectoral conventions that define and criminalize various types of terrorist activities. In addition, since 1994, the United Nations General Assembly has condemned terrorist acts using the following political description of terrorism: "Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them."[6]" Whether a lone wolf terrorist or not, Roof is a terrorist. Boy the racists have sure come out of the woodwork on this, doing anything and everything to mangle, demean, change the subject to where it looks like black people are the problem, not racist America. After all, white folks must be defended in general while they blame everything on blacks, especially Obama who has done absolutely nothing to invite a "race war" or black toward white hatred. Hell, he wouldn't have to do anything to get blacks to hate whites, history alone does that. That little prick was a racist terrorist, period.

    It's interesting that all the mass shootings in the US during last 20yrs, except for one, were by white males. Let's not forget the serial killers from Jeffrey Dahmer to Ted Bundy have all been white. Each and every time, the media along with most whites proclaim these individuals had mental issues and are isolated incidents. Yet they happen over and over again.

    At some point white Americans need to acknowledge the problem of violence among their own, and why as a developed society, there is so much of it compared to other wealthy countries.

  10. "Whether Racist or not there is a big problem and much reason to be leery of a group which makes up less than 26% of the population and does 65% of the crimes."

    Can you provide a reference for such profound insight?

    African Americans make up less than 15% of US population but are not responsible for 65% of the crimes, that honor goes to whites per FBI data:


    Maybe educate yourself instead spreading lies commonly thrown about by right wing talking heads.

  11. You know nothing about my country or its people.

    Racism and prejudice are not endemic in the American people, the vast majority of whom are tolerant, if not loving.

    Racism and hate is screamed from the rooftops, however, by our divisive government spokespersons, including the President, and very much so by western media, permeating both the journalistic and "entertainment" industries like the stench of rotted flesh on cloth. These people are the ones who are deliberately, methodically, seeking to incite us to hate each other, and so to commit violence against each other.

    Either you have been brainwashed, or you know this, and are too trying to brainwash the masses.

    So I take it that what I read about slavery and the Ku klux Klan is all in the imagination of some writers.

    Slavery ended in the U.S. in 1865. Today there are probably about 5,000 Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members nationwide and they are considered a subversive or terrorists organisation. Since you already read about slavery and the KKK you already know this, so what's up with the silly post.

    And once slavery ended daily lynchings continued to the 1920s-30s with cases reported to 1950s. Let's not forget segregation but that wouldn't fit into your narrative that because slavery ended long ago it should be a non-issue.

  12. You know nothing about my country or its people.

    Racism and prejudice are not endemic in the American people, the vast majority of whom are tolerant, if not loving.

    Racism and hate is screamed from the rooftops, however, by our divisive government spokespersons, including the President, and very much so by western media, permeating both the journalistic and "entertainment" industries like the stench of rotted flesh on cloth. These people are the ones who are deliberately, methodically, seeking to incite us to hate each other, and so to commit violence against each other.

    Either you have been brainwashed, or you know this, and are too trying to brainwash the masses.

    And you come by this knowledge of the American psyche how...a nation of 300million people?

    Care to explain why there are so many hate groups in the US which have only increased since Obama took office?


    You talk of govt and media inciting hatred among Americans when many if not most white southerners still proudly disply the confederate flag - a symbol of white supremacy.

    It appears you know little about 'your country or its people.'

  13. "Racism in US is not 'just one small reason' but the root of the problem in the US, as its history is grounded in violence and subjugation of non-white persons. Easy to conveniently forget that and deny any responsibility while being the primary beneficiary of such actions generations later."

    What an arrogant comment from a know it all liberal. Maybe you have benefited immensely from owning slaves but I sure haven't and

    how would it be easy to forget that there was a time LONG ago when slaves were owned in the US? The media reminds everyone constantly as

    do the know all's like yourself.

    Blacks have been given every opportunity to succeed over the past 40 years at least.

    If they choose not to do the hard work necessary to build a career then that's on them.

    So stop making excuses for people regardless of color when they refuse to do what's necessary to build a better life for themselves and their families.

    When it comes to racists, whites don't have that market cornered. There's many blacks who are just as racist as any other group.

    As far as what's the point about black on black crime it should be obvious, why isn't it?

    As far as weapons purchases I just wish voting in a US election had the same background and credential checks as trying to purchase a weapon. If

    ​that occurred I doubt seriously if Democrats could ever win a fair election.

    Let's address your points:

    " Maybe you have benefited immensely from owning slaves but I sure haven't and

    how would it be easy to forget that there was a time LONG ago when slaves were owned in the US? "

    Early US industry was built on the backs of slaves (eg, farming, cotton, railroad, etc). Without slavery, US economy would not have thrived nor attracted a steady flow of immigrants(ie cheap labor) which further fueled growth.

    The privileges, opportunities and high standard of living you enjoy as a white American would not have been possible without slavery driving the engine of early US economic growth.

    "Blacks have been given every opportunity to succeed over the past 40 years at least.

    If they choose not to do the hard work necessary to build a career then that's on them.

    So stop making excuses for people regardless of color when they refuse to do what's necessary to build a better life for themselves and their families."

    Have blacks been given 'every opportunity' to succeed?

    Let's not forget the breaking up of families during slavery, raping of mothers by slave owners, abuse/forced labor of children and black men forced to fight each other for sport.

    What about the daily lynchings of blacks which were deemed socially acceptable by white Americans up to the early 1920s until anti-lynching laws were finally passed.

    And what about segregation where blacks couldnt go to the same schools, eat in the same restaurants, drink from the same water fountain as whites up until 40yrs ago?

    So here we are today, 40yrs after desegregation, and data clearly shows blacks suffer more hate crimes than any other minority, are detained more often by police and suffer more abuse if not death by law enforcement officers.

    In your mind, is that sufficient time to heal such deep seated wounds?

    "As far as what's the point about black on black crime it should be obvious, why isn't it?

    What in your mind is obvious about black on black crime? What about white on white crime which accounts for most of the crime in the US?

    "As far as weapons purchases I just wish voting in a US election had the same background and credential checks as trying to purchase a weapon. "

    What would that achieve? US citizens already have to register to vote with verifiable information.
    I seriously hope you do some research on these areas mentioned to educate yourself vs spreading ill-informed opinions masquerading as facts.
  14. In Thailand the most common occurrence is when two thai are sitting drinking whiskey all day and one says the wrong thing or calls him something that offends him .... he goes home and comes back and shoots the other.

    In America it's a rant racist issue or problem and the guy goes home, comes back and shoots nine in a church.

    If there were strict gun laws in place and these people could not own and are not allowed to have a gun, then they cannot shoot anyone. !!

    how hard is it to work out. facepalm.gif

    "...Racism is just one small reason. Did you know that most of the crimes and murders against blacks in the US are committed by other blacks? You won't know that if your just listening to today's agenda driven US media. If you did come from the US then you already know there's strict gun laws in place."

    The main issue in the US right now about guns is you have the democrats who want to strip the right to own from law abiding citizens. The problem they have is that it's a constitutional right for law abiding people to bear arms and the leftist in the US can't stand that law. So they have an agenda to try and force law abiding people who don't agree with them, to give up their weapons. "

    Racism in US is not 'just one small reason' but the root of the problem in the US, as its history is grounded in violence and subjugation of non-white persons. Easy to conveniently forget that and deny any responsibility while being the primary beneficiary of such actions generations later.

    As for crimes committed by blacks against blacks what's your point? Most crimes against whites in US are committed by other whites. Do you have some silly graph about black violence increasing gun violence...

    No one is trying to strip rights to own guns 'legally' in US so quit talking nonsense. What has been attempted is to pass legislation, which the NRA strongly opposed and defeated, requiring background checks on gun sales at gun shows and on the Internet.

    Why should anyone be allowed to buy a firearm on the Internet let alone a semi-automatic online without any verification?

  15. Charleston is grieving ..... very sad that people can not even be safe in church.

    If the gun laws were similar to that of Australia ... there would not be so many shootings in the US.

    Guns kill people and the people who have easy access to guns kill people ... it's not rocket science ...coffee1.gif

    "....What is interesting, is generally speaking the people who would like to see firearms banned in America, want the death penalty banned as well."

    No one is saying ban firearms so quit speaking hyperbole. Many democrats own firearms so obviously trying to ban them will get no where.

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