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Posts posted by nemrut

  1. A lot of people claim to be vegetarian but many lack the will power to maintain it and resort to binging on junk they crave. This could be the problem combined with a heavy diet of dairy products makes most farang smell more than their non-dairy consuming counterparts.

  2. The first time I ever got into a crowded Chinese elevator, the stench of garlic just about gagged me. (It's just as bad wherever garlic is prevalent like it is in China)

    After living there a few years, I would often ask my friends if I had become one of the garlic people. We had an unspoken agreement that we'd tell each other if odor became a problem, because it's impossible to tell when it follows you 24 hours a day.

    Why do farang-especially from N.America, all seem to have an aversion to the smell of garlic. It's a beloved aroma in most of the world including Italy.

  3. You seem to have brought American expectations and cultural norms to Thailand which explains your disappointment in the service. What you describe is also very common in restaurants throughout western Europe where wait staff are highly trained and take pride in the fact that they are unobtrusive but available when called upon. This is also typical for many Thai restaurants outside of hotels. If you need service, it's up to you to make yourself noticed and request it, otherwise waitstaff will leave you alone. Hinting with American style gestures(eg, hands behind your head) and expecting Thais to understand them is simply going to add to your disappointment.

  4. Is Thailand doomed? Perhaps but it will not be due to the Ex-Pat. We could all pack up our tents and leave and Thailand would revert to where it was 60 years ago. Yes, Education sucks it needs to be reformed but until it is there will be a steady stream of another generation of taxi drivers, factory workers, street vendors and sex workers. Does the exchange rate suck? Sure it does but my money still goes further here than back home. Now, Thai drivers are some of the worst I have ever encountered but they are the most loving, gentle people in the world...until they get behind the wheel of a car and you are in their way. Hate is too strong a word and is hardly accurate.

    Thai drivers are no worse than western drivers were when they started driving en masse with little if any regulations/enforcement.

  5. So dislike of corruption and bad road manners is "hatred"?

    Are you saying there is no corruption or bad road manners in the west? Are you stupid?

    No but you are as it seems as you seem to think the thai level of corruption is the same in the west. Take off your rose-tinted glasses and smell the shit in Thailand, your delusions of Thailand is at an alarming level.

    You seem oblivious to the fact that youre in a developing country. As for bad manners, just look at the level of road rage in your home country compared to Thailand. Go to youtube for dose of reality.

  6. Well.... Hate is a bit strong, I think that rather "dislike" or "not enjoying fully" might be a better word(s). It is a bit different to actually live here compared to just spending a fortnight as a tourist boozing, partying, sunbathing and (in some cases f*cking).

    It's definitely not a paradise, but I find it quite livable since I usually just adapt and don't give a shit about the annoyances. I've been living here for about three years now mixed in with 6 years in Malaysia and before that 3 years in Dubai. Each place have its ups and downs, and I would get the hell out of here if the downs was too many compared to the ups.

    If you can't bitch about stuff that annoys you then you'll just bundle up everything inside until shit happens - and you throw yourself of the balcony at the 20th floor.... So complaing away :-)

    Curious what's your take on Dubai? Did you happen to start a business there?

  7. This guy Deters sounds pretty much on the ball, compared to many prosecutors.

    I question the wisdom of a prosecutor coming out with statements declaring it a definite murder, calling it a "chicken crap" traffic stop, and claiming the guy should have never been a cop.

    He may be correct on all accounts. But I think tempering his statements previous to the trial (at least jury selection) would have been prudent.

    Once again, the thing that disturbs me is the discrepancy between the "gold standard" sworn police report and what actually shows up on the video. Gotta wonder how many bogus charges have cost millions of people billions of dollars ($$$$ tens of billions if you include tax money spent on and in jails and courts) when cops covered up their misdeeds with a falsified report.

    Thank goodness for dash cams, body cams and cell phone cams.

    Though I suspect there are a small but significant minority of cops sweating bullets about their "habits" that are going to be tough to break.

    Gotta wonder how many bogus charges have cost millions of people billions of dollars ($$$$ tens of billions if you include tax money spent on and in jails and courts) when cops covered up their misdeeds with a falsified report.

    Thank goodness for dash cams, body cams and cell phone cams.

    It really calls into question the validity of crime data collected from police precincts by the FBI and how much it skews data on black crime.

    One can only guess the frequency of such police abuse and malfeasance toward blacks before dash/body cams were used.

  8. Why is it that in almost all of these mass shootings in the US, the perpetrator is a white American male? And every time it happens it's written off - mainly by other whites, as being an anomaly and primarily due to mental issues. Never any self-reflection nor acknowledgement of the prevalance of dysfunctional upbringing common in white families which often encourage violence and confrontational behavior. Yet when a non-white person commits an act of crime, its open season on poor upbringing, skin color religion, etc.

    Contrary to what many Thai bashers on TV would have everyone believe, Thailand pales in comparison to the dysfunctional, often violent/confrontational behavior of farangs from the US/UK/AUS.

    It's interesting that you accuse White people of "dysfunctional upbringing" and then lament "open season by skin color." Do you see the contradiction there?

    But since we're having an honest discussion, let's use facts.

    First let's look at the numbers of black and white people in the United States. This is from the 2010 to 2011 US Census. https://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/asrh/2011/

    Black: 40,750,746

    White: 243,470,497

    Total (Black+White): 284,221,243

    By percentage of Total (Black+White people)

    Black: 14.34%

    White: 85.67%

    Here is the racial breakdown of total murders committed by race from the FBIs own crime statistics (2011). https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3

    White 4,729 Black 5,486 Other 256 Unknown 4,077

    From this we can find the percentage when the assailant is known and was either White or Black,

    Black 53.7%

    White 46.3%

    The numbers do not support your White "dysfunctional upbringing" hypothesis, but do support alternative hypothesis based on skin color. Like you however, I detest conversations based on race and you should interpret this as merely a repudiation of your race based assertions.

    It's interesting that you accuse White people of "dysfunctional upbringing" and then lament "open season by skin color." Do you see the contradiction there?

    Cherry picking words pointing to irony trivializes the issue and misses the bigger picture. Namely that a large segment of the US population(whites) continues to disenfranchise, disrespect and demonize a much smaller segment of the non-white population(often blacks), while continuing to blame them as the source of rising violent crime and societal dysfunction.
    The real irony here is that whites in US are responsible for just as much, if not greater violent crime/dysfunction that they accuse blacks of. Heres another table courtesy of FBI which shows an almost 50/50 split of murder rates with whites leading by a small margin:
    The question here is how much of the crime by whites go unreported considering they far outnumber black population by almost 6:1. One finds it hard to believe that the largest segment of US population commits violent crime only marginally higher than a much smaller segment of the population given the high rates of divorce(>50%), single parent households and spousal/child abuse in the US.
  9. Why is it that in almost all of these mass shootings in the US, the perpetrator is a white American male? And every time it happens it's written off - mainly by other whites, as being an anomaly and primarily due to mental issues. Never any self-reflection nor acknowledgement of the prevalance of dysfunctional upbringing common in white families which often encourage violence and confrontational behavior. Yet when a non-white person commits an act of crime, its open season on poor upbringing, skin color religion, etc.

    Contrary to what many Thai bashers on TV would have everyone believe, Thailand pales in comparison to the dysfunctional, often violent/confrontational behavior of farangs from the US/UK/AUS.

  10. You may be confusing the terms Visa vs Border runs. Those attempting to obtain visa exempt entry stamps(30days) will likely not be able to do so, however, the same does not apply to those simply using an entry on an existing multi-entry tourist visa.

    The former is considered a Visa run while the latter is considered a Border run.

  11. Its probably off topic, but I think there is an underlying feeling that Thailand needs to do more than they did 10 years ago both for tourists and foreign residents.

    Its not dirt cheap as it was when I first visited. Everything associated with tourism has skyrocketed in price. Food, liquor, lodging, transportation.

    The place needs to be cleaned up, if you are going to pay higher prices you need to be able to sit andd swim on beaches that are not littered with garbage. You should be able to walk on sidewalks that are not taken up with vendors instead of stepping out in traffic. There needs to be the assumption of safety. I'd suggest a walking police presence in all tourist areas..beat cops.

    As for foreign residents, make new rules that make life easier, both for the aliens and the authorities.

    To put it in my own personal perspective. I have a pension. Its an lifetime pension. I am married to a Thai national. We have our own home.

    Since my income never changes, my address never changes and (I hope) my marital status never changes then why, in Gods name, do I have to check in every 3 months and show the same documents for income and address every year? Wouldn't it be easier to just require me to inform immigration if anything changes.

    I'm not a Thai basher, for the most part I enjoy my interactions with Thai people and I love the country. With the exception of the lunacy I see on the roads.

    My biggest issue is dealing with the senseless, needless, bureaucratic hoops I have to go through to spend the rest of my life here.

    Hear this often from farang that theyre somehow entitled to better conditions/treatment in Thailand which is the gist of your post. Why does Thailand need to do more for tourists and foreign residents? It's a developing country with an infrastructure barely capable of meeting needs of its own citizens let alone the hordes of farangs relocating here for 1st world lifestyle at 3rd world prices.

    Has it occurred to you why 'everything associated with tourism has skyrocketed in price not to mention the price of real estate? How much has your home country improved the standard of living for its own citizens over the last 10yrs?

    Is this your standard reply to everything?

    Why should I fix my roof because it rains sometimes?

    I presented a list of doable things that would improve conditions. The government has recognized this themselves and, to their credit, are doing something about some of the major beaches and street vendors.

    Tourists are just that. They will come, explore and if they enjoy their experience come again and recommend the place to their friends. Likewise if they don't, they will explore other places and choose them instead costing this developing nation billions in foreign revenue.

    As for long stay residents, why wouldn't you want to accommodate them. I have several friends who considered relocating here in retirement. They were likely to spend over 50 million baht here over their remaining years.

    One went to Mexico instead where he can get a 10 year visa and come and go freely to visit his home country. Others decided that the were going to just snowbird and stay at different places every year.

    So that's a couple of hundred million baht Thailand is not going to get to help their development.

    As to what my home country does, my neice married a foreigner. It took a year before he could get his permanent residency card but now he can stay forever barring any criminal activity, he can work and he can come and go freely without reporting continually to the authorities.

    And please save yourself the trouble of typing " if you don't like it, there's the door". Its tiresome and completely disrespectful of the fact that this now home for myself and my family.

    I'd just like to try and fix the roof.

    And who will pay for this pristine, safe environment you yearn for in a relatively poor, developing country. You seem to forget how privileged you are to be able to live here at far greater standard of living than most Thais who are scraping to get by.

    For every farang you think will contribute to the Thai economy, there are many more - tourists/residents alike, who do not and actually strain the system with their often dysfunctional, criminal and self-destructive behavior(eg, altercations, fighting, suicides, etc). Do you think dealing with these farang problems come at no cost?

    " if you don't like it, there's the door"

    Well yes, if you have unrealistic expectations about the infrastructure of a developing country, then maybe you should find greener pastures. Nothing disrespectful about it. What is disrespectful and appalling, is the behavior of long-term resident farang who like to openly criticize Thailand, it's people/culture often treating them with contempt while comfortably enjoying relative affluence amid most who live on far less.

  12. Its probably off topic, but I think there is an underlying feeling that Thailand needs to do more than they did 10 years ago both for tourists and foreign residents.

    Its not dirt cheap as it was when I first visited. Everything associated with tourism has skyrocketed in price. Food, liquor, lodging, transportation.

    The place needs to be cleaned up, if you are going to pay higher prices you need to be able to sit andd swim on beaches that are not littered with garbage. You should be able to walk on sidewalks that are not taken up with vendors instead of stepping out in traffic. There needs to be the assumption of safety. I'd suggest a walking police presence in all tourist areas..beat cops.

    As for foreign residents, make new rules that make life easier, both for the aliens and the authorities.

    To put it in my own personal perspective. I have a pension. Its an lifetime pension. I am married to a Thai national. We have our own home.

    Since my income never changes, my address never changes and (I hope) my marital status never changes then why, in Gods name, do I have to check in every 3 months and show the same documents for income and address every year? Wouldn't it be easier to just require me to inform immigration if anything changes.

    I'm not a Thai basher, for the most part I enjoy my interactions with Thai people and I love the country. With the exception of the lunacy I see on the roads.

    My biggest issue is dealing with the senseless, needless, bureaucratic hoops I have to go through to spend the rest of my life here.

    Hear this often from farang that theyre somehow entitled to better conditions/treatment in Thailand which is the gist of your post. Why does Thailand need to do more for tourists and foreign residents? It's a developing country with an infrastructure barely capable of meeting needs of its own citizens let alone the hordes of farangs relocating here for 1st world lifestyle at 3rd world prices.

    Has it occurred to you why 'everything associated with tourism has skyrocketed in price not to mention the price of real estate? How much has your home country improved the standard of living for its own citizens over the last 10yrs?

  13. Not to be dramatic but just because you haven't gotten sick doesn't mean the water isn't doing longer term damage to your body. Cancer for example, takes years to show up and often without any symptoms.

    "Tap water quality in Thailand exceeds all international standards"

    Perhaps providing a source to back up this claim might help your credibility.

  14. This topic has been discussed many times on TV.

    The water is fine. Since about two weeks ago, it has a saltwater taste because sea water got into the system. It's fine to drink, it just doesn't taste very good. I have started buying water from the store just because I don't like the taste, but I ran out this morning, and drank the tap water again because I was thirsty.

    People don't drink the water because: 1) they aren't aware of the steps the gov has made, 2) they don't trust the gov to do anything correctly. They will often say, "The gov may have cleaned the water, but I don't trust the pipes." I have never met someone who drinks the tap water, Thai or non-Thai.

    I got curious if the tap water would make me sick, and as of 1 year ago, I started drinking it unfiltered straight out of the tap. I intentionally drink tap water all over Bangkok, and in all cities that I visit around Thailand that the gov claims are now safe. There is a list of cities on the waterworks website showing what areas in Thailand have drinkable tap water (sorry, all locations are in Thai).


    I have never gotten sick from the water. People are always shocked that I could do something as crazy as drinking the tap water, and people like to jump up and down and scold me for being so stupid. I guess it makes them feel good to do this.

    I posted a video about this earlier, here is the link again:

    Not to be dramatic but just because you haven't gotten sick doesn't mean the water isn't doing longer term damage to your body. Cancer for example, takes years to show up and often without any symptoms.

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  15. In my country people listen to criticism and take a lesson from it, but of course you wouldn't expect that from the hub of the universe, would you?

    Please tell us more about this utopian farang land where its citizens tolerate open criticism and contempt from tourists and immigrants. I'm sure fellow farangs in your home country treat immigrants far better than youre treated in Thailand.

  16. "Damn... this post could be a metaphor for the whole of Thailand. "

    And this thread a metaphor for the mindset of many foreigners who chose to live here with no other occupation or recreation than whiling away the otherwise idle hours attempting to inflate their shaky egos by putting down everything Thai.

    One can only wonder why, if things were so fantastic in farang utopia, those whose limitless expertise in all things must have netted them great wealth, would choose to live in a developing country. Possibly in their home countries they had run out of people willing to listen to lectures on the way things ought to be done.

    It's interesting how so many farang losers come to Thailand for low cost of living yet bash it for not have 1st world standards. Yet any small criticism of their home country and they flip out in their typical overly dramatic farang fashion.

    Where was ther Thai bashing in the OP?

    I posted a picture of a clearly dangerous construction, or is it not allowed to show real life situations for our resident Thai apologists.

    And what has this to do with the reason why I moved here? Does your home country have 365 days of sun?

    Mine doesn't, but that is still no reason for the country that likes to call itself the hub of the universe every other day, to endanger other peoples life.

    Do you think it would have been safer if they did nothing? Maybe given their limited resources, this is the best they can do for now until a more permanent solution can be implemented without inadvertently cutting off power to hundreds of businesses. Did you consider that scenario before making your 'I'm so concerned about others' post?

    It's sad so many farang use TV as a vehicle for any little opportunity to bash Thais while taking for granted their hospitality and enjoying a higher standard of living than most of locals.

    Don't you think it would have been safer if they had it done the proper way when they initially installed the pole several years ago? You think they don't have the equipment to dig a deeper hole and some sand an cement to pour concrete around it.

    Nothing to do with limited resources, it is the maipenrai attitude that is the culprit here.

    Did you look at that other post of mine, where I posted pictures of the pole they replaced opposite my house and where they came with SIXTEEN people including a university educated head engineer, and still couldn't do it right.

    Did you notice that I wrote in the OP that they cut the power to hundreds of businesses from 9am till 4pm that day, and one more time only 2 weeks prior to it?

    It is sad that there are farangs that live with winkers and don't see that what I posted happens here every day and is a prime example of incompetence and laziness, not about limited resources.

    How do you know what they have/dont have in terms of resources? Are you an expert in Thai culture and workplace dynamics? If you were so concerned about dangers to other, way did it take you years to post about it on TV as you had noticed the problem long ago?

    It's appalling that farang like you have the nerve to live long term in a foreign country while openly criticizing its culture and people. Do you really think it gives you and other farang a positive image or are you so arrogant that you could care less what Thais think of your open criticism of them.

  17. Where was ther Thai bashing in the OP?

    I posted a picture of a clearly dangerous construction, or is it not allowed to show real life situations for our resident Thai apologists.

    And what has this to do with the reason why I moved here? Does your home country have 365 days of sun?

    Mine doesn't, but that is still no reason for the country that likes to call itself the hub of the universe every other day, to endanger other peoples life.

    Nevermind the real losers here, who because of their emotional & financial investments in Thailand (some can't afford to go back even if they want to) can't stomach any small criticism of their adopted country and flip out in typically dramatic "burnt-bridges" expat fashion...

    Yes, projecting your own shortcomings on others justifies your petty, if not ungrateful behavior. You're a guest in LOS, maybe you should learn how to act like one.

    Strange how here on TV some seem to be under the impression that "acting like one" (i.e., a guest in the "Land of Smiles" - LOL at those still calling it that...) includes lining up for a frontal lobotomy. Well. Newsflash! It isn't. 'Hope you weren't charged the farang price for yours (not that you'd be "ungrateful" if you were of course...).

    Yes, because attempting to look witty and clever in the eyes of others trumps everything else. Acting like a guest means just that. Showing respect for your host and not openly treating them with contempt regardless of how you feel about their shortcomings. This seems to be foreign concept to low caliber individuals with weak character traits.

  18. "Damn... this post could be a metaphor for the whole of Thailand. "

    And this thread a metaphor for the mindset of many foreigners who chose to live here with no other occupation or recreation than whiling away the otherwise idle hours attempting to inflate their shaky egos by putting down everything Thai.

    One can only wonder why, if things were so fantastic in farang utopia, those whose limitless expertise in all things must have netted them great wealth, would choose to live in a developing country. Possibly in their home countries they had run out of people willing to listen to lectures on the way things ought to be done.

    It's interesting how so many farang losers come to Thailand for low cost of living yet bash it for not have 1st world standards. Yet any small criticism of their home country and they flip out in their typical overly dramatic farang fashion.

    Where was ther Thai bashing in the OP?

    I posted a picture of a clearly dangerous construction, or is it not allowed to show real life situations for our resident Thai apologists.

    And what has this to do with the reason why I moved here? Does your home country have 365 days of sun?

    Mine doesn't, but that is still no reason for the country that likes to call itself the hub of the universe every other day, to endanger other peoples life.

    Nevermind the real losers here, who because of their emotional & financial investments in Thailand (some can't afford to go back even if they want to) can't stomach any small criticism of their adopted country and flip out in typically dramatic "burnt-bridges" expat fashion...

    Yes, projecting your own shortcomings on others justifies your petty, if not ungrateful behavior. You're a guest in LOS, maybe you should learn how to act like one.

  19. "Damn... this post could be a metaphor for the whole of Thailand. "

    And this thread a metaphor for the mindset of many foreigners who chose to live here with no other occupation or recreation than whiling away the otherwise idle hours attempting to inflate their shaky egos by putting down everything Thai.

    One can only wonder why, if things were so fantastic in farang utopia, those whose limitless expertise in all things must have netted them great wealth, would choose to live in a developing country. Possibly in their home countries they had run out of people willing to listen to lectures on the way things ought to be done.

    It's interesting how so many farang losers come to Thailand for low cost of living yet bash it for not have 1st world standards. Yet any small criticism of their home country and they flip out in their typical overly dramatic farang fashion.

    Where was ther Thai bashing in the OP?

    I posted a picture of a clearly dangerous construction, or is it not allowed to show real life situations for our resident Thai apologists.

    And what has this to do with the reason why I moved here? Does your home country have 365 days of sun?

    Mine doesn't, but that is still no reason for the country that likes to call itself the hub of the universe every other day, to endanger other peoples life.

    Do you think it would have been safer if they did nothing? Maybe given their limited resources, this is the best they can do for now until a more permanent solution can be implemented without inadvertently cutting off power to hundreds of businesses. Did you consider that scenario before making your 'I'm so concerned about others' post?

    It's sad so many farang use TV as a vehicle for any little opportunity to bash Thais while taking for granted their hospitality and enjoying a higher standard of living than most of locals.

  20. Damn... this post could be a metaphor for the whole of Thailand.

    All it needs is some photoshopped construction workers with their heads buried ass deep in the dirt.

    "Damn... this post could be a metaphor for the whole of Thailand. "

    And this thread a metaphor for the mindset of many foreigners who chose to live here with no other occupation or recreation than whiling away the otherwise idle hours attempting to inflate their shaky egos by putting down everything Thai.

    One can only wonder why, if things were so fantastic in farang utopia, those whose limitless expertise in all things must have netted them great wealth, would choose to live in a developing country. Possibly in their home countries they had run out of people willing to listen to lectures on the way things ought to be done.

    It's interesting how so many farang losers come to Thailand for low cost of living yet bash it for not have 1st world standards. Yet any small criticism of their home country and they flip out in their typical overly dramatic farang fashion.

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