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Posts posted by nemrut

  1. Wasnt there an American tourist that did the same thing not too long ago while driving in Bangkok? As I recall this person not only drove the wrong way but crashed through multiple cars, motorbikes and at one point, was driving on the sidewalk no less.

    Oddly enough, this type of occurrence is quite common in developed countries like the US/UK where drivers not only will drive on the wrong side of the road, but use their vehicles to plow into large groups of people.

    ...crazy farang, always trying to prove that life imitates art

  2. How do we identify the farang macho tourists.......they ride a PCX

    got that; and thanks for the heads up.

    All PCX riders are now castigated.

    Theyre often not wearing helmets, and if they are, you can tell by their hairy legs, often wearing tank tops or driving in the middle of the road like they own the whole lane.

    But seriously, too many farang come to Thailand with a sense of entitlement as if they're above the law and can do anything they want. Unfortunately many of them will learn the hard way...

  3. "...he warned that overreacting to the Paris attacks would play into extremists' hands. "We will destroy this terrorist organization," he vowed..."

    What, pray-tell, is overreacting?

    ...and just how in hell will we destroy them without ground troops?

    Obama needs to bend over backwards and kiss his posterior. He is not qualified to be the "Commander of Chief".

    Overreacting is condemning all Muslims and rounding them up as guilty until proven innocent which too many farang would like happen.

    ISIS, ISIL, Daesh whatever you call it will be destroyed through intelligence and targeting of their leaders/terror cells -- not through sheer brute force with ground troops with itchy trigger fingers looking for any excuse to unload.

  4. It's a dangerous combination of that stupid, outdated "loss of face" issue and a general attitude that violence is an acceptable response. Add in the lack of real police law enforcement and the fact that you can pay to get yourself out of trouble and you get all too frequent situations like this.

    The fact is that Thai people just struggle to handle confrontation and there are too many of them that respond with violence.

    In this case the passenger insulted his position as a taxi driver, he complaint was likely very valid but the loss of face was too much for the idiot, scumbag taxi driver.

    I am sure there will be many posters who state the obvious "this happens everywhere, not just here" and of course Thailand does not have exclusivity on mindless violence. But it is a country that has an outdated "loss of face" nonsense that is so deep it is pretty unique and has no place in the modern word.

    I hope they catch him and I hope he gets the appropriate sentence... Note to all, sit in the back of taxis at all times...

    You seem to have little understanding of 'loss of face' so perhaps you can share what you think it means.

    Loss of face is when someone loses there standing, be it over their job, their word, marital affairs just about anything where a contradiction / insult occurs against that individual,, why what do you think it means?

    That's the typical western, individualistic interpretation. It's less about the individual and more about the social implications for the group or community. One's social standing impacts the group/community they associate with.

    Farang often talk about loss of face in a derisive manner while wrongly blaming it for the source of common character flaws.

  5. It's a dangerous combination of that stupid, outdated "loss of face" issue and a general attitude that violence is an acceptable response. Add in the lack of real police law enforcement and the fact that you can pay to get yourself out of trouble and you get all too frequent situations like this.

    The fact is that Thai people just struggle to handle confrontation and there are too many of them that respond with violence.

    In this case the passenger insulted his position as a taxi driver, he complaint was likely very valid but the loss of face was too much for the idiot, scumbag taxi driver.

    I am sure there will be many posters who state the obvious "this happens everywhere, not just here" and of course Thailand does not have exclusivity on mindless violence. But it is a country that has an outdated "loss of face" nonsense that is so deep it is pretty unique and has no place in the modern word.

    I hope they catch him and I hope he gets the appropriate sentence... Note to all, sit in the back of taxis at all times...

    You seem to have little understanding of 'loss of face' so perhaps you can share what you think it means.

  6. Lots of fine drivers but lots of idiots...............

    and some beasts as well.....................

    Depends in Bangkok pretty much on WHERE you take a taxi. Sharks have their hunting areas and so have a..holes . whistling.gif

    Fact is, there are criminals, professional scammers, posing as taxi drivers that pay the police a monthly rate to own the prime hunting turf in front of every tourist hotel and attraction.

    Every taxi driver parked in front of every hotel is a scammer and they are paying off the police.

    Honest taxi drivers are faced with intimidation and violence if they attempt to take a passenger in these areas.

    They will even stop an honest taxi that picks up a tourists in their turf and force the passenger to taking a scam taxi.

    They are out of control and are paying off the police.

    Last night a thai acquaintances took a taxi from Soi 11th.

    The Driver has robbed her and beaten her face to bulb.

    I try to persuade her to go still to the police and make a report.

    But she does not want to go out.

    She says that has no sense anyway.

    She can not remember the taxi number.

    The number of unreported cases of predatory taxi drivers is very high in Bangkok.

    For a woman traveling alone, the taxi driving is extremely dangerous at night in Bangkok.

    Are you making this up?

    Anecdotally, I've had far more problems with crazy, belligerent taxi drivers in US/UK than Bangkok.

  7. Silly thing to do, as they say youth is wasted on the young.and these fellahs are in a world of sh&&$t

    If they were Thai, they would be levied a 500 THB fine; as farang, "these fellahs are in a world of sh&&$t".

    So tell me, where is justice in Thailand?

    If on Koh Tao, you beat the sh*t out of Myanmar suspects to obtain a confession you do outstanding interrogation to obtain a 'legitimate' confession from the obviously guilty foreign suspects, but the same investigative team can't find or obtain a DNA sample from highly connected 'persons of interest' who have family on Koh Tao and happen to be Thai.

    So, what rock is 'justice' found under in the LOS? These two 'alleged suspects' could be as innocent as pure, driven snow, but I'll give you odds that they are convicted completely regardless of the evidence presented, or more telling, the lack of evidence. There's no such thing as the test of, "beyond a reasonable doubt". Something else is at work, and it smells to high heaven. Unfortunately the judicial system is more about finding 'someone' guilty regardless of guilt or innocence, for the sake of political expediency and 'face-saving' at the governmental level.

    Bottom line imho: Someone must be put to death so that tourism is not adversely affected, at least in the minds of government clones. And those death sentences will be an absolute international circus show if they are carried out, which in turn, will backfire and will more likely bring to light the absurdity of this case.

    If they were Thai they would be punished according to the laws of their country - Thailand.
    Since they are not and like so many other farang, don't understand theyre guests in Thailand and behaving like animals will not be tolerated, they should be punished accordingly.

    How many illegal border crossers are in my country absolutely flaunting the law in the faces of all the legal citizens, especially when murders take place. Your assertions has a gaping hole in the bucket.

    Beltrán-Leyva Cartel

    Los Zetas

    Colima Cartel

    La Familia Michoacana (drug cartel)

    Guadalajara Cartel

    Gulf Cartel

    Juárez Cartel

    Los Ántrax

    Los Negros

    Sinaloa Cartel

    Sonora Cartel

    Tijuana Cartel

    Solo Angeles

    Sur 13

    Vatos Locos


    Vagos Motorcycle Club

    Brujos motorcycle club

    18th Street gang

    Latin Kings (gang)

    Barrio Azteca

    Mara Salvatrucha

    Mexican Mafia


    These are just guests in our country who shouldn't be acting like animals, but are protected my a plethora of legal institution screaming 'racism' as loud as they can? True.

    Myanmar nationalists were just coming to Thailand to work, so in Thailand the accused legal team should be screaming racism!

    And I'm not a guest in this country. I'm married to a Thai National and in any other developed nation that would put me on the path to permanent residency and citizenship if I wished. Are you telling me that my friends who have taken their wives to the EU, Canada, US, and Australia, that their wives have the internal status of 'guests'? No they are not 'guests'. Are you that much of a simpleton? Thailand is one of the world's most backward, xenophobic nations in the world, and as such, should get the attention of the UN and other global human rights bodies. An apologist like you is totally ignorant and absurd. We are not 'guests' - We are the product of xenophobia gone to the extreme, which is essentially racism in it's ugliest and utterly demeaning form. I'm surprised I don't have to wear a star on my chest with the letter 'F' in capital letters meaning Farang.

    Why do you think these drug cartels, gangs, etc exist and so easily infiltrate the US? Because market demand enables their activities which is largely funded by US consumers - most of which happen to be white.

    Furthermore, being married to a Thai national doesnt entitle one to special privileges as so many farang like you mistakenly believe.

  8. I know I will probably be shot down for this but is the giving of donations in Myanmar and Thailand not out of generosity or for altruistic reasons, but rather for self serving purposes, i.e. making merit for themselves.

    Just like all the fundraisers in western countries isnt done for self-serving reasons such as socializing, making connections, greasing palms, etc.

  9. Bit puzzled why there's been no slagging off yet of the home countries where these lads came from? If they were English then the TVF execution squad would be out in force!!!!

    Could it perhaps be that the nationalities of these guys rarely make the news in such a fashion ?

    Unlike Brits, Americans and Australians, who seem to be in the thick of the shlt almost daily

    And don't forget the Russians. Yanks/Brits/Aussies/Russians all tend to drink too much and many tend to be belligerent loud-mouths even when theyre not drunk.

  10. Silly thing to do, as they say youth is wasted on the young.and these fellahs are in a world of sh&&$t

    If they were Thai, they would be levied a 500 THB fine; as farang, "these fellahs are in a world of sh&&$t".

    So tell me, where is justice in Thailand?

    If on Koh Tao, you beat the sh*t out of Myanmar suspects to obtain a confession you do outstanding interrogation to obtain a 'legitimate' confession from the obviously guilty foreign suspects, but the same investigative team can't find or obtain a DNA sample from highly connected 'persons of interest' who have family on Koh Tao and happen to be Thai.

    So, what rock is 'justice' found under in the LOS? These two 'alleged suspects' could be as innocent as pure, driven snow, but I'll give you odds that they are convicted completely regardless of the evidence presented, or more telling, the lack of evidence. There's no such thing as the test of, "beyond a reasonable doubt". Something else is at work, and it smells to high heaven. Unfortunately the judicial system is more about finding 'someone' guilty regardless of guilt or innocence, for the sake of political expediency and 'face-saving' at the governmental level.

    Bottom line imho: Someone must be put to death so that tourism is not adversely affected, at least in the minds of government clones. And those death sentences will be an absolute international circus show if they are carried out, which in turn, will backfire and will more likely bring to light the absurdity of this case.

    If they were Thai they would be punished according to the laws of their country - Thailand.
    Since they are not and like so many other farang, don't understand theyre guests in Thailand and behaving like animals will not be tolerated, they should be punished accordingly.
  11. For those living here, I am guessing that not being able to speak the language probably makes many feel isolated after the initial holiday rush wears off

    Learn to speak it, then.

    I don't disagree. Probably factors heavily into one's disillusionment with their situation. Probably a bridge too far for most though.

    No amount of speaking Thai is going to make you think Thai, and god forbid if you ever do, you would have just successfully dumbed yourself down to believing in things like "Face" (Dublicity) Ghost (Superstition) Status (Prejudice) and god knows how many other qualities we spent centuries educating ourselves out of in the west. (For better or worse).

    Spoken like a true colonialist - ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand

  12. Most of the "unfulfilled expectations" foreigners experience stem from the fact that they just can't handle being a minority.

    They're used to having all the clout, all the say, all the influence and, in Thailand, they ain't got jack . . . even with the benefit of big baht

    Certainly, there are some who manage just fine but there's a significant hardcore that yearns for the feeling of security and power that comes with being part of the majority that dishes out the crap rather than having to take it.

    The ignominy of having people they'd typically walk all over back home telling them not only when to jump but also how high is just too much to bear for some of the old colonials

    It's only hard to cope with if you think you should be treated better on account of the colour of your skin or the nationality in your passport

    Where I'm from immigrants and minorities are treated equally under the law and authorities. There may be a minority of national idiots who treat them poorly, but the law and authority does not. So you're comparing apples and pears.

    I have no unfulfilled expectations personally, I didn't move here without having been here enough to know exactly what to expect.

    From what I can tell, some people become dejected not because they are not given special treatment, but because they are not given equal treatment. TiT, we can tell them, because it is.

    Not being a minority nor an immigrant, how would you know what their experiences are with the majority populace? Obviously many if not most of them do not have the luxury of being an 'expat' so they wouldnt get very far if they mirrored the behavior of whiners on TV.

    The equal treatment you claim farangs yearn for is often none other than a sense of entitlement in disguise.

  13. Still, they were wrong. Drunk and break in. The Thai only defended his livelihood. Quality tourists making other farangs look bad.

    I'd say it was breaking-and-entering, theft, assault....these scumbags should get a few years in the slammer, deported, and blacklisted. Hope they don't get to pay their way out of it.

    OMG, have you never done something silly whilst young and drunk. A few years in a Thai jail is a serious penalty.

    If they

    "beaten" up persons would rather get some money and drop charges why the hell should you care.

    Some farang love putting down their own kind as they sit on a barstool with Noi stroking their poong just to justify their own inadequacies.

    he who cast the first stone and all that.

    Everyone does something stupid when theyre young but why is it often yanks/brits/aussies/russians who often cross the line into violence?

  14. As much as we all like to berate the Thais for their behavior in fairness we should really be on their side in this one.

    These kids are animals and think that they are untouchable.

    Do not lose sight of the fact that they broke into a private place and then did whatever they felt like doing.

    In their own country the police would have been all over them and then some. This is home invasion and is unacceptable anywhere in the world. A person should be able to go to sleep in their own place without worrying about morons like these.

    Just imagine if they did that in the US....they got off lightly.

  15. I suggest that you might be hanging around in the wrong places if your opinion of Aussies is that low. You could consider frequenting classier establishments to meet some genuine nice Aussies,

    There are also genuinely nice Yanks, Brits and Russians but far too often, theyre overshadowed by their countrymen who tend to drink too much, become belligerent and engage in violence.

    There are plenty of incidents on TV and in real life so why is that...

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