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Posts posted by nemrut

  1. Basically, all the people responsible for prosecuting this case were not only paid off, but well enough that  future generations of their offspring will be fabulously wealthy by Thai standards.  


    The alternative would have been generations of hardship for those involved if 'cooperation' was not received.

  2. One of the reasons why this guy hasnt prosecuted is due to negative repercussions exerted by the family.  


    With all their massive wealth -- especially for such a poor, developing country, they can exert a lot of power to affect the well-being of current and future generations of those officials who would be so bold as to enforce the law.


    Not an excuse, but to play devils advocate, if you were given a choice of lucrative bribe vs potential of negative repercussions (eg, education, employment, career adv, social opportunities,etc) to you, your family and their offspring, which would you choose...

  3. Every popular tourist destination around the world attracts scammers and opportunists looking to make money off tourists and Thailand is no different.


    That being said, the main difference with Thailand vs other popular destinations like Hong Kong or Tokyo is the greater purchasing power for many westerners in the former.   It tends to attract the budget conscious and often those struggling to make ends meet in their home country.  


    Suddenly farang come to Thailand and feel they can live much better lives which often leads to sense of entitlement and superiority over the local population.


    Even those who come without financial constraints often share this master/servant attitude where anyone who is non-white, brown skinned is less than and deserves to be treated that way.


    Obviously the Thais pickup on this despite their Buddhist upbringing, so naturally it stirs up resentment and hostility.


    Forums like TV where Thai bashing occurs regularly and unabated dont help Farang/Thai relations either.  Many Thais frequent these forums as well and share the criticism and offensive behavior they often read here with other Thais.


    Finally, imo the main source of conflict between Thais and farang along with other Asian cultures is just difference in upbringing and values.  


    Most farangs in Thailand come from western countries that value independence and self-centeredness as being most important, whereas in Thai and other Asian countries it's more about the group, family, and other affiliations.  


    That's why 'face' is so important in Asian cultures and not simply attributed to ego as many westerners falsely assume.

  4. 10 hours ago, jonclark said:

    But there are many, many more good ones than...its just they don't make the news. So the social stereotypes remain as accepted norms. 



    Are there or do you just need to believe that to validate the presence of so many farang in Thailand and much of SE Asia.


    I suppose many farangs dont make the news just as many Americans turned out to vote for Trump...

  5. Vietnamese are more cut throat than Thais when it comes to business and shameless about taking advantage of others even if it means blatantly lying.  The country is like an abused child that is still recovering from decades of war/famine resulting in dog-eat-dog up bringing.


    That being said, it is one of the safest countries in the world, even more so than many western countries.  VNs are still largely influenced by Chinese culture so hookups/dating are not typical vs investing in longer term relationships.


    Wrt to the infamous Vietnamese coffee, it will shock some that much of the 'awesome' coffee in VN is actually made from soybeans combined w/chemical additives and flavorings...ymmv.

  6. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    I will bet I am not the only one who is worried about today's youth. They seem to be growing up without much guidance, discipline, or parental participation. Many seem like wild animals. Little focus, and little sense of direction. It does make one give pause, about the future of the planet, under their guidance. Kind of makes me glad I am a bit older, and will not have to see much of it. Sounds like a dark, dystopian vision of the future, but when one really takes a good look at alot of today's youth, it is hard to avoid coming to a similar conclusion.


    Thailand has always been a relatively safe place. When I talk to my wife, she grew up with two very good, solid parents, who were not afraid to impose discipline, set limits, and show her when she was out of line. It created a very focused woman, who has alot of kindness and respect for others. How many of the kids today receive that kind of upbringing? Will Thailand be as safe a place ten, or twenty years from now, as it is today?



    imo, Thailand and other SE Asian countries still much safer than many western countries half their size.

  7. Such a western concept - measuring one's life worth based on happiness.  Life is a struggle for rich and poor while happiness is fleeting.


    My bet is that most 'expats' in SE Asia are actually economic migrants who struggle or are unable to survive in their home country.  As such, they already arrive with a negative mindset.


    It doesnt matter what developing country they migrate to, they will always carry with them pessimistic outlook and unrealistic expectations.


    Then there is the small but growing number of migrants who are self-proclaimed 'digital nomads,' who often wont last more than a 6mos-1yr and could care less about the local culture or country.  Most are idealistic 20 somethings with delusions of grandeur and aspiring internet entrepreneurs starting 'lifestyle businesses' (eg, get rich on the Internet, buy my course!)


    The remaining tiny percentage who fit the true definition of an 'expat' -- those sent over on the company dime, now feel much wealthier than ever yet whine incessantly and complain how everything falls short of 1st world standards.  This is a trait shared among many of the economic migrants(self proclaimed expats).


    Lastly, a common trait among many if not most 'expats' (ie, from white, euro countries) is this sense of superiority and colonial attitude toward the local population.  


    It is this very trait that, imo, leads to so much dissatisfaction among farang in Thailand.  They often broadcast their attitude openly and receive it in kind, resulting in anger, resentment and in extreme cases violent/sociopathic like the guy below:


    Lastly, let's not forget the plethora of western 'expats' in SE Asia looking to befriend little boys for intimate encounters.

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  8. 16 hours ago, connda said:

    If immigration did that in the US or EU, the progressive media outlets and various government leaders would immediately be screaming, "Racist" as loud and shrill as they can. 


    Here in the LOS, it's all taken in stride. 



    US/EU are not destinations attracting 'long stay tourists' (aka economic migrants) en masse, let alone allow them to stay 'indefinitely' through frequent visa renewals.



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