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Posts posted by nemrut

  1. During your 6yrs here, havent you noticed a lot more farang staying long term and making this their home just like you?

    Most come primarily due to the low cost of living without recognizing the fact they contribute to increased prices in their attempt to maintain a western lifestyle which also increases demand for western style services.

    Let's not forget the increased burden this higher standard of living and consumption places on an already strained 3rd world infrastructure.

    CM and much of Thailand can be a good place to live socially, but too many come here thinking theyre getting a bargain lifestyle without taking into account the lower quality of life in a developing country (eg, poor air, water, food, municipal svcs, etc).

  2. I spoke to four school principles who told me that they'll never ever employ Filipinos again, because all they made was bad experiences.

    I believe a lot of Filipinos have an inferiority complex whereby they are very friendly to caucasians but look down on other SE Asians.

    This could be due to Spanish colonization where they were treated very poorly and likely brain-washed into believing Anglo/Euro exceptionalism.

  3. Brits drink too much period. Being on holiday or at sporting events just gives them the excuse to drink even more excessively.

    This combined with lingering colonial mindset, and one can see why they get into so many altercations in Thailand let alone the rest of the world.

    They along with too many farang in Thailand often take advantage of Thai friendliness and politeness mistaking it for obsequiousness to their detriment.

  4. A lot of farang responding to this thread seem to believe this is an issue about bullying, appeasement and standing your ground.

    This is the kind of thinking that causes rampant road rage in western countries like US/UK/AUS/RUS. Both parties believing theyre right the other wrong, and as a result, wont back down for fear of appearing weak or being bullied.

    In this incident, the Thai taxi driver was doing what many if not most drivers do in Thailand not to mention much of SE Asia. IOW it is common driving behavior and non-event that escalated into a conflict because the farang would not acknowledge this and simply move aside.

    Any other Thai would have gone with the flow and moved a little to let the taxi by. Thai taxi drivers have hard enough time making a living and last thing they want to do is waste time getting in a fight.

    Too many farang seem to think they can live in Thailand/SE Asia based on western standards, principles and rule of law. This is the type of 'my way or the high way' type of thinking - that often gets them into trouble and makes the news.

  5. I like that you think you know what the taxi driver was thinking....I don't think he was thinking at all. The only time he started thinking was when he got out of the taxi to confront the farang standing there....you can see him hesitate when he realized this guy was at least a head taller than him and it would be a bad idea to start a fight with such a big man.

    Again, that's you rationalizing how you would behave in a similar situation and projecting it onto the Thai. You do notice the Thai had a small child in the car? I hardly think someone in his position is going to risk danger to himself with a child under his care.

    OTOH, far too many farang come to Thailand and elsewhere in Asia thinking they own the place and can do whatever they want without consequences. Naturally, this stirs up resentment not too mention hostility which can often boil over resulting in the numerous physical altercations with farang.

    "As for Thais not caring about accidents...I have had a couple of situations, one where the front brake on my Kawasaki locked on and I fell off. Some kind Thai ladies brought me into the hotel where they worked and got a first aid kit to bandage my leg. Later that day the brake locked on permanently and I parked it.....it was very hot and while I waited this lady with a cafe insisted on buying and bringing me bottles of cold water to drink......she would take no money. I have found Thais to be kind and helpful human beings......much like people all over this world of ours."

    Unlike many if not most westerners, Thais try and tend to be non-confrontational. Despite their relative poverty and less developed state, I find Thai drivers to be far more civilized and forgiving on the road than many in US/EU/AUS where road rage is rampant.

    It's good that you had a positive experience with Thais and sharing it with others rather than demonizing a whole country based on ignorant, narrow minded views so common among many farang living in Thailand.

  6. " ..... so we should all just let the more aggressive drivers bully everyone else while ignoring any need to practice any lawful right of way driving etiquette or practiced driving decorum "

    This attitude is the problem with many farang in Thailand and much of Asia - automatically assuming the worst in others by projecting their own character flaws or those of their countrymen onto the local population.
    Furthermore, expecting a 'lawful right of way driving etiquette or practiced driving decorum' in a develping country far different from your own is ignoring the local driving behavior while trying to impose the same standards as your home country.
    If the standards were as high and laws enforced as well, Thailand would likely be a far wealthier country with higher cost of living, which would defeat the purpose for many, if not most farang choosing to live here.
  7. If a Thai had been driving the white car, would they have been as obstinate or let the taxi driver pass?

    This is simply another example of Farang in Thailand believing their rights are being infringed upon, thinking they know better than the locals and therefore justified in their actions based on how things work in the their home country.

    The Thai taxi driver, along with many other Thais, have probably done this maneuver countless times without issues then comes across this farang. He was probably thinking who is the falang being an ass when I'm just trying to get by? Who does this arrogant f*kr think he is coming to my country and acting like he owns the road?
    By the looks of it the farang in the white car lives in Thailand and owns the vehicle. He knows how things work but refuses to accept them instead looking down on the Thais as being primitive and uncivilized which justifies his actions.
    His behavior is no different than the crazy farang woman complaining about roosters waking her up in the morning or the whining farang complaining about dogs crapping on the street.
  8. You said, "Is the sole purpose of having a dog *here*(Thailand) to let it poop in the street?" What did you mean by that if not implying this only happens in Thailand and not your home country(presumably US) or anywhere else?

    The bottom line is you're not entitled to anything in Thailand despite what the laws say. Youre a guest, in a developing country, where many laws are *loosely* enforced.

    You can yell, scream and create all the drama you want(which is very typical of Americans btw) but it's not going to improve your situation.

    To the Thais, all you do is come across as a whining little bitch.

    I did not imply anything. However it appears that you want to read more into what is written and fantasize.. This is a forum for Thailand and I was writing about Thailand. I know little of what happens in other countries having spent more than half my long life here. I did not write ONLY and most certainly did not mean ONLY. Perhaps you need new spectacles.

    "Not entitled to anything". BS. Again you're showing lack of backbone and NO balls. Of course I am entitled to the same protection of the law ... where does it say otherwise except in your writings.

    yes I will yell, scream,. and create drama even though I am not American (another dream of yours) because I am right not only because of the law but from the simple fact of being human. What human would allow their dog to poop in a public street outside their neighbors gate and expect to get away with it? A dirty, filthy, lazy, stupid one.

    To most Thais I would think you come across as a weak kneed individual who is somebody to be shat all over.

    Good luck with that attitude. You will give yourself a heart attack before long getting angry about such things that commonplace in Thailand.
    Constantly whining and creating drama about things you cant control is nothing to be proud of. It just shows everyone what an insecure, belligerent loud mouth you are.
    Maybe your entitlement mentality will have better results in your home country.

    And good luck to you being walked over for the rest of your life. Apathy must be your moto.

    I can guess who wears the pants in your house and it most certainly isn't you.

    You sound like that Farang woman complaining about roosters crowing near the house she was renting.
    Most agreed what an imbecile she was for creating drama about something that happens daily in Thailand.
    Are you that same woman?
  9. Why dont you ask the French that or many Americans...you think this only happens in Thailand?

    Youre a guest here, who are you to tell Thais what they can, cannot do?

    I don't live in France or America why would I ask them. Where have I stated that this ONLY happens in Thailand? Stupid comment.

    I may be a guest but am entitled to the protection of the LAW the same as anybody here. I am not trying to tell a Thai what they can or cannot do. I'm asking them to be decent people and comply with the laws that they made. Who can argue that dog sh!t in the street in a good thing. They all know it isn't but just try and get away with it....until they meet me that is.

    Grow a backbone and perhaps some balls.

    You said, "Is the sole purpose of having a dog *here*(Thailand) to let it poop in the street?" What did you mean by that if not implying this only happens in Thailand and not your home country(presumably US) or anywhere else?

    The bottom line is you're not entitled to anything in Thailand despite what the laws say. Youre a guest, in a developing country, where many laws are *loosely* enforced.

    You can yell, scream and create all the drama you want(which is very typical of Americans btw) but it's not going to improve your situation.

    To the Thais, all you do is come across as a whining little bitch.

    I did not imply anything. However it appears that you want to read more into what is written and fantasize.. This is a forum for Thailand and I was writing about Thailand. I know little of what happens in other countries having spent more than half my long life here. I did not write ONLY and most certainly did not mean ONLY. Perhaps you need new spectacles.

    "Not entitled to anything". BS. Again you're showing lack of backbone and NO balls. Of course I am entitled to the same protection of the law ... where does it say otherwise except in your writings.

    yes I will yell, scream,. and create drama even though I am not American (another dream of yours) because I am right not only because of the law but from the simple fact of being human. What human would allow their dog to poop in a public street outside their neighbors gate and expect to get away with it? A dirty, filthy, lazy, stupid one.

    To most Thais I would think you come across as a weak kneed individual who is somebody to be shat all over.

    Good luck with that attitude. You will give yourself a heart attack before long getting angry about such things that commonplace in Thailand.
    Constantly whining and creating drama about things you cant control is nothing to be proud of. It just shows everyone what an insecure, belligerent loud mouth you are.
    Maybe your entitlement mentality will have better results in your home country.
  10. Why dont you ask the French that or many Americans...you think this only happens in Thailand?

    Youre a guest here, who are you to tell Thais what they can, cannot do?

    I don't live in France or America why would I ask them. Where have I stated that this ONLY happens in Thailand? Stupid comment.

    I may be a guest but am entitled to the protection of the LAW the same as anybody here. I am not trying to tell a Thai what they can or cannot do. I'm asking them to be decent people and comply with the laws that they made. Who can argue that dog sh!t in the street in a good thing. They all know it isn't but just try and get away with it....until they meet me that is.

    Grow a backbone and perhaps some balls.

    You said, "Is the sole purpose of having a dog *here*(Thailand) to let it poop in the street?" What did you mean by that if not implying this only happens in Thailand and not your home country(presumably US) or anywhere else?

    The bottom line is you're not entitled to anything in Thailand despite what the laws say. Youre a guest, in a developing country, where many laws are *loosely* enforced.

    You can yell, scream and create all the drama you want(which is very typical of Americans btw) but it's not going to improve your situation.

    To the Thais, all you do is come across as a whining little bitch.

  11. Like many developing countries, there are many underage drivers and kids as young as 10-12 driving motorbikes and even trucks. And dont forget all the teens and indestructable 20 somethings who rely on two wheels as their primary mode of transport.

    Despite this, I personally find the Thais on the road to be far more civilized than many i've encountered in US/CAN/AUS/EU. If I hear honking it's almost certainly a farang acting out in hostile manner or likely Vietnamese doing it to call attention to their approach.

    Thais like their neighbors where motorbikes are heavily relied upon, focus on looking forward and trust those behind are doing the same. That's why you see many drive onto roads without looking because they trust others will see them.

  12. In N. America drivers tend to adhere to the law or face a stiff penalty. Otoh, there is less civility and more road rage incidents which often leads to accidents.

    In Thailand and much of SE Asia, there tends to be more civility and far fewer road rage incidents, though drivers tend not to adhere to laws as they are not strictly enforced, which often lead to accidents.

  13. When I want to eat I just pop one in the microwave for 2.5 minutes and I have a complete meal with brown rice, vegetables, and meat.

    Microwaving food in plastic containers is a bad idea. Despite claims on plastic containers proclaiming 'microwave safe' I would avoid doing so at all cost.

    Last thing you want is to eat food with plastic compounds in it.

  14. A lot of condemnation of the monks who ran this place and deservedly so.

    However, it would be unfair to only blame one side when it was the customers -- primarily farang who allowed this place to operate for so long.

    And what about all the farang volunteer/staff?

    Coming from a developed countries, how could any farang in their right mind believe it was ok to keep tigers in captivity to be petted and snuggled like kittens?

    Same goes for elephant safaris and gorillas in captivity. All farang know it's wrong but they deny it out of their own self-centeredness and the neverending desire for 'unique' experiences where they can take selfies to show everyone how special they are.

    Thais get a pass because most don't know any better and struggle to survive. But farang have no excuses for being involved with such deplorable places.

  15. In case it hasnt been mentioned already...

    The plethora of farang who constantly whine about how bad things are while projecting their own biases and character flaws on an entire country.
    Theyre often the very same people walking around with attitudes of entitlement, thinking they can do whatever they want whenever they want, which often results in physical altercations where they learn things the hard way.
  16. The biggest drawbacks of living in Thailand are what make it such a relatively low-cost and appealing place for many farang on a budget -- namely the poor infrastructure and lack of regulations or enforcement of existing ones.

    The first one enables a developing country like Thailand to operate on a shoe-string budget with minimal demands on its citizens resulting in lower cost of living.

    The second one provides people a lot of freedom to do what they want and skirt the laws as long as it's not harming others.

    Downsides to both are that corners are often cut and blind eyes turned resulting in poor water quality, high pollution, garbage dumped every where, and other environmental issues which materially impact one's health.

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