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Posts posted by nemrut

  1. I swim at my condo. I try and swim at least 3-5 times a week, but I was lazy for several months and didn't swim at all. One lap is 500 meters and takes me about 15-20 minutes. After I get done swimming I usually do 50 curls or 50 push-ups. I used to like to weight train more, but the equipment here is too expensive and I don't have the room for it. I hate the gyms in Pattaya and would not set foot into those hot dirty places. I only use the gym at high end hotels while on vacation.

    500 metres,thats a hell of a pool.
    Yes it is. 250 meters long. Runs the full length of the 4 buildings at my condo complex.

    I've never seen a pool that big at condo in US/EU let alone Thailand. Can you share name of condo? I have to see this on Google maps for myself.

  2. Absolutely, especially if youre living in a developing country and exposed to all manner of pollution, fire burning, low quality water/food etc.

    Key is variety on regular basis so you dont get bored (eg, cycling walkng/running, swim, etc). Once you get into a routine, your body will crave the physical activity and feel like crap otherwise.

  3. Let's make this more interesting...

    What if it were middle-aged Thais, Chinese or other Asian men going to US/AUS/EU and picking up young white women while proudly displaying them in public?

    Wealthy Arabs do that all the time in London.

    Nobody notices or cares.

    What if they weren't wealthy but rather like your average middle-aged farang in Thailand and far more numerous...would there still be indifference?

  4. Retailers are adept at getting consumers to spend money. Most big chain stores are like this in SE Asia as it creates a lively, almost frenetic atmosphere encouraging shoppers to impulsively buy things they wouldnt consider otherwise.

    Same thing happens in the US/EU but it's typically music that appeals to consumer segments with the most purhasing power.

  5. Let's make this more interesting...

    What if it were middle-aged Thais, Chinese or other Asian men going to US/AUS/EU and picking up young white women while proudly displaying them in public?

    Imagine the uproar and ensuing violence.

    Farang just dont appreciate how tolerant Thais are toward them and how good they have it in Thailand.

  6. "I am bored with the recent changes in Thailand..."

    What were you expecting, rioting and chaos in the streets to make life exciting for you?

    You seem to want to be spoon fed basic information easily found via google. Good place to start would be Wikipedia to learn something about the country history and culture.

    Vietnam expelled the Chinese after being under their yoke for 1000yrs, beat the Mongols(3x) who gave up to invade eastern Europe, kicked out their French colonizers and beat US military despite carpet bombing their country for years.

    This should tell you something about the character of the people. They can be genuinely nice but dont take shit, least of all from Farang. By and large the Vietnamese are very driven, hard working and family oriented.

    Don't go there expecting to be fawned upon or treated like a rock star.

    • Like 2
  7. "How important you appear is more important than what you achieve – or style over substance as we would call it."

    Another misguided farang spreading ignorance disguised as insight.

    Too many farang mistaken 'face' for ego because that's the only mental model they have to explain the inexplicable.

    What many farang don't seem to understand or disregard is that the concept of face in Asian cultures has profound implications as it relates to one's family, community and culture -- IOW, group oriented vs 'me' oriented.

    So the concept of 'face' in Thailand and elsewhere in Asia is not simply about preserving one's ego and the individual(western interpretation) but rather their reputation and its reflection of their group affinity.

    Lastly, far too many farang posting on this topic keep reiterating the notion of respect and their entitlement to being treated with such.

    You're in a different culture and need to ask yourself what makes your definition of respect more valid and deserving of special treatment?

    Too many farang come to Thailand with this attitude of entitlement expecting to be treated as 'rock stars' and anything less unacceptable and lacking respect. These of are ones that learn the hard way and spend all their time complaining.

  8. Why do farang believe theyre entitled to do whatever they want in foreign countries?

    Maybe the guard should have towed away the bike but he was dealing with an obvious bully who repeatedly parked where he was repeatedly told not to.

    My guess is that if a Thai/Asian person did the same in US/UK/AUS, they would likely not only have their bike taken away but taken a beating or even shot(in US) with little provocation.

  9. Take them all down, one at a time. I'm sure they got CCTV proof as all of that was filmed from multiple camera locations around the police station.

    Way too many criminal youngsters around.

    But the real solution would be prevent them from turning into criminals in the first place. That wont happen anytime soon though.

    For that they'd need a good outlook into their future which most sadly don't have. If they can't gain respect and happiness through work, they'll turn to gangs to at least get the respect part plus some cash from drug dealing.

    Which all reverts back to all the failings, discussed many times before, of the education system, especially the methods of education, and the class numbers which means so many kids receive next to zero valuable knowledge and skills for their future.

    Plus, so many kids growing up nowadays with absent parents who are working in other parts of Thailand, etc. No bond with parents, no guidance from parents, no observation or discussion from parents about right and wrong.

    Their bond is with their same age friends who also have no idea of right and wrong, no plan for the future, plus no positive role models, etc.

    Sounds a lot like farang kids in US/UK/AUS who feel entitled to behave in belligerent and violent manner.

  10. Start drinking watered down black tea, progress to green tea then ginger tea which great for the throat, stomach and digestion.

    Despite industry paid studies proclaiming benefits of coffee, it contains high concentration of caffeine which is a drug many have become addicted to despite their denials.

    May take a while to kick the habit but it can be done.

  11. I have a small HK based online business, though I am completely passive so don't need a WP. If you're working I guess you should have one to be legal proper and correct (and the requisite number of Thais employed to do what you can do yourself, though just to show you're not taking jobs from Thai people).

    As Onetime above states, I only pay taxes on any business with people in HK, which is insignificant in my case. It works well and HK has their sh1t together in this area.

    How much did it cost to setup and what do you pay yearly to maintain it?

  12. Despite your experience and relation with other Thais, you're merely projecting your western notion of what is right and wrong--and that will cause you unending frustration if not anger and grief.

    You're in Asia, this is Thailand, the culture different as well the mindset.

    Many others on TV have voiced similar opinions such as yours attributing it to inconsideration, poor driving, etc. Why is this perception so common among farang? Because it's all about me and how youre inconveniencing me or being a potential threat to me..do you see theme here?

    At the end of the day we're all human, but if I had to pick a country with the most courteous drivers it would be Thailand. Even in Nordic countries where drivers tend to be more civil than other countries in EU, there is a sense of entitlement and selfishness on the road leading to mild passive, aggressive road rage.

    Ever wonder why many Thais rarely look the other way when entering the road? Because there is an unspoken rule/understanding that others will see them entering and give them the right of way.

    If you think the drivers in Thailand are inconsiderate try Vietnam. The traffic in the larger cities is much worse and far more chaotic but they make it work. There is method to the madness along with a high amount of civility that allows the traffic to flow despite misguided perceptions of what is right/wrong by foreigners.

    Why? Because it's not about me, me, me - it's about us. Many farang simply dont understand this while ignorantly attributing behavior they disapprove of as 'losing face.'

    Culture is often used in an attempt to excuse the inexcusable... Added to which your argument becomes fundamentally flawed when Thai's have and voice exactly the same opinions and criticisms...

    I'm not sure where you've been driving in Thailand, but curtesy is definitely not a trait I'd generally associate with driving in Thailand. However, I do agree that 'road rage' and acts of 'aggression' are minimal here in Thailand - but why is that? I'll answer my own question: Its because once the switch has been triggered the resulting violence is devastating... think Guns, machetes etc... no one wants that, so acts of aggression which could trigger violence are avoided at all costs.

    On another point you made: Why Thai's rarely look the other way when entering a road - your overlooking the simple answers - stupidity, carelessness, lack of attention... In those cases whereby people don't look the simple answer is that they are just dumb, there is no way of dressing this up to make it more polite or less offensive...

    Again, you're simply imposing your western notion of what's right/wrong despite what youve heard from other Thais.
    You don't seem to understand or cant accept that youre in a different culture with a different way of doing things. Not looking the other way is form of unspoken trust, but like many farang, you distort positive attribute into an negative one preferring the more cynical perspective.
    As an example, it's common sense for Thais and Asians to take off their shoes when entering the house but not the case for most westerners. Are the latter stupid and lacking common sense or is it just a different value system?
    There are inconsiderate drivers in every country but I would rather take my chances with the relatively few I've encountered Thailand than the far more numerous ones in western countries like US/UK/AUS.
  13. Despite your experience and relation with other Thais, you're merely projecting your western notion of what is right and wrong--and that will cause you unending frustration if not anger and grief.

    You're in Asia, this is Thailand, the culture different as well the mindset.

    Many others on TV have voiced similar opinions such as yours attributing it to inconsideration, poor driving, etc. Why is this perception so common among farang? Because it's all about me and how youre inconveniencing me or being a potential threat to me..do you see theme here?

    At the end of the day we're all human, but if I had to pick a country with the most courteous drivers it would be Thailand. Even in Nordic countries where drivers tend to be more civil than other countries in EU, there is a sense of entitlement and selfishness on the road leading to mild passive, aggressive road rage.

    Ever wonder why many Thais rarely look the other way when entering the road? Because there is an unspoken rule/understanding that others will see them entering and give them the right of way.

    If you think the drivers in Thailand are inconsiderate try Vietnam. The traffic in the larger cities is much worse and far more chaotic but they make it work. There is method to the madness along with a high amount of civility that allows the traffic to flow despite misguided perceptions of what is right/wrong by foreigners.

    Why? Because it's not about me, me, me - it's about us. Many farang simply dont understand this while ignorantly attributing behavior they disapprove of as 'losing face.'

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