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Everything posted by Mansell

  1. Slightly different issue. When I went to Bangkok Bank to get Social Security money from USA, they wanted to see my visa extension and wouldn’t give me MY money…..I’ve capped that because it is MY money….told me I would have to go to immigration and resolve the issue. it turned out immigration had stapled two pages together so that resolved the problem. This was something new and the first time this issue came up. Now the banks are getting in on the act….what that has to do with them I have no idea.
  2. I always ask the driver where he is headed. Never had an issue with any of them. They want the fare so they answer where they are going…..Simple.
  3. Tell the people who died last time around it is a scam. Especially the TV broadcaster in England whose husband just died of Covid….and no he didn’t take any shots….he got Covid right at the beginning of the virus before they came out with anything to combat it. I was in BKK hospital in Pattaya with Covid and felt so awful I would have been happy to die. You got lucky and dodged a bullet.
  4. This lady can do this….Tar 0917627226 including money.
  5. I’ve been actively meditating for fifty years. Very good for having a reasonably balanced life. All the naysayers will have a field day with this as they don’t believe in anything beyond the end of their noses.
  6. Most are scammers, at least 90 percent. And the Philippines is the same if not worse. Ten years ago dating sites were pretty real, but now all about separating you from your money.
  7. Not very bright as he didn’t notice the camera filming him. He will be found with that pretty distinctive face…..looked Russian or Eastern European to me.
  8. And that cop wasn’t licensed to be riding that bike which wasn’t even his….one wonders what happened to him? Probably nothing.
  9. I wanted the a/c turned on there once and the driver wanted a hundred baht. I paid it as I’d never been there before. Also in BKK they don’t want to use the meter, so I walk away looking for a better taxi. Until the so called Tourist Authority sits on their hands nothing will change. They seem to have no clue about tourists and tourism.
  10. When somebody acts as stupidly as this moron they should show his face and not blur it out.
  11. I was there last year and couldn’t find the entrance even with directions. A lot of nasty baboons there and some fighting….everybody given a substantial stick to protect themselves. A family of four 6,000 baht……ridiculous……it’s a cave people. Many more interesting caves across the world for less money.
  12. My ex wife found me a house near the lake for 5,000 baht….very simple place etc. Look around that area.
  13. Wake at 5am every day. Meditation one hour 6am off for swimming and walking for two hours or riding bike around lake. Bed at 10:30 or 11pm And I’m 80
  14. Why do you need a lighter on a flight when there’s no smoking?
  15. As somebody said above, this is a complex issue. I have an intelligent girlfriend, but she has the ability to drive herself crazy with all the complicated thinking she gets into. I would try finding a young woman who is into exercising, as this requires a balanced way of looking at her life, and more than a modicum of intelligence.
  16. Not exactly a member of the Open Mind Team are you. There is lots of evidence of life after death, especially in countries that believe in reincarnation. Countless verified stories especially from India. you might want to check out the availability of your local mental asylum. Grin,
  17. New Yorkers are very easy to pick out….much like real Londoners.
  18. Putin does not forgive and forget…….my money is on the Big Bye Bye.
  19. Baden Powell must have salivated at the concept, and wondered why he didn’t franchise the concept.
  20. He arrived in his private GulfStream jet. Man, if I had that kind of money I would have swung low across the airport and kept going. I have my pick of the world……crazy man!
  21. It sounds like it’s time for introspection in your life. I’ve found meditation works for me and has done for the last fifty years. Start off slow, like ten minutes and build up to where you can do an hour or more. Once you get into a groove with meditation the rest will seem like what it is….just distractions. Now if you blow this off, then there is your boredom right there.
  22. Traffic and incompetent drivers. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Otherwise a great place to live.
  23. I have played tennis with many Russians, all nice guys. I did the border run to Cambodia, only farang in the van. All young Russians, once again all nice people. I think you should all be careful in demonizing all Russians because of one sorry drunken bum. Give him the benefit of doubt as he may well be avoiding Putin’s war and just drank to much. Who amongst us here wants to go off to war fighting people very similar to Russians? Older Russians grew up in a dark country with very few freedoms and the KGB. They learned not to trust anybody or end up in prison. Understandably they don’t look very happy when away from the nightmare of Putin world. Lets cut them some slack people. I don’t see anybody on here when there are other drunk and abusive farang directing them off to a war, any war. And before the abuse gets aimed at me, look in the mirror first.
  24. Obviously Thai women can be simple and complicated. I’m involved with a very intelligent Thai woman, which brings its own issues. She’s enjoys our times together, but is the opposite of your issue, she doesn’t want to commit to me…..she probably will eventually. Why not see the one that interests you more than the others on a weekly basis, one date a week. You will probably learn a lot about her if you do other things together, not just dinner. Find things to do around BKK that are fun and will test you both. Take her PaintBall shooting……find a Zoo, you’ll learn a lot about her perspective on life and animals there…..find things that don’t involve overnight stays……be creative……catch a show together…..take her for Indian food, and Mexican food…..take a boat trip on the river….expose her to new ideas etc. Good luck with it all.
  25. What a bunch of crooked <deleted> the lot of them. No military should be in charge of a country. Fire them all and have another election.
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