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Everything posted by Mansell

  1. You seem either very naive, or immature, or haven’t dated a lot of women. …….maybe both! In love after a month….Yikes! Where are you from? It sounds like you are heading down the road that runs off a Cliff……put the brakes on and slow down before you hit the forty foot wall in front of the cliff. Can you speak Thai….can she speak good English? If the answers No to both of those be very careful because there will be some huge misunderstandings now and down the road. Good luck.
  2. It looks like she was turning right and completely oblivious to the dividers. These dividers are obviously a bad idea and will create many more accidents. The place where you can attempt a U turn isn’t big enough for trucks and they have to make many maneuvers to make the turn. Not very well thought out.
  3. Life after 40 is downhill mostly……Wow! You are not the person to ask for advice with such a defeatist and negative attitude. I’ll be 80 next year and having the time of my life. I play tennis, bicycle, swim, and walk most days of the week. Having the best sex ever with a 34 year old girlfriend. Life is a gift to be enjoyed, not to be giving up at 40. Come on, you can do better than that. Retirement for me is the best part to be enjoyed.
  4. Sadly it sounds like you have to take the Tough Love approach. Sit her down and lay out the options for her. I would put dates on things, if you don’t stop by this date….I am gone. I would say, gambling for 24 hours straight is a problem. Now ask her to tell you why it isn’t a problem. And then ask her at what point does it become a problem? If she hasn’t got any answers, I’m afraid you have run out of choices. There really isn’t any difference between addictions to alcohol, drugs, food, sex, or gambling. Set a bye bye date to her, explain it clearly to her. Ask do you have any questions? If nothing changes by the bye bye date…….then their is your answer. Good luck. Remember, you have to take care of yourself first.
  5. Friend in Phuket thought he would hang some curtains for his wife in her Massage Shop. Unbeknownst to him Immigration was next door, and so they swooped in on him and took him for some money. Be careful all the time. Dropping wife’s uncle off at bus station in Korat in the evening. Suddenly two Immigration guys stopped me and wanted my passport, which of course I didn’t have….fortunately my wife called in that moment and talked to them. Crazy thing was the immigration office was 25 kilo out of town.
  6. Hi guys, looking for some quality tennis players interested in playing good competitive men’s doubles at Siam Bayshore Hotel in the mornings at 8am. Our court is mostly in shade which keeps the heat down. You are finished by 10am and have the rest of the day ahead of you. Any age, as long as you play around 3.5 to 4.5 level. Contact me if you are interested. Thanks. Our next match is tomorrow Friday at 8am.
  7. When I was in Hanoi walking down the street there would suddenly be a woman carrying a baby and begging. I gave her some money, then walked around a corner and there was a dozen of them all with babies and begging..Nothing new, they’ve just brought it to Thailand.
  8. I was interested at 2,500, but when you go to buy them it is 7,660 baht. Thank you, I will pass.
  9. Get Big Joke on the case. He seems to be the only one who isn’t on the take…….but what do we know? But I’d put my money on him, as long as he’s alive.
  10. Did mine in December. I was told it would take 12 weeks or some such. Three weeks later it was ready and I popped back to BKK and picked it up. Very easy etc unless you live a long way away from BKK. Got a hotel on the next Soi and walked to the building. Very nice ladies and helpful.
  11. Depending on how much you’ve evolved during your probably thousands of lifetimes will pretty much define your belief system, or lack thereof. There are countless stories of people remembering their past lives, especially on the Indian sub-continent. But people who think they know everything won’t change their minds based on irrefutable evidence. Mainly because it doesn’t match what they believe, and that can threaten their very existence. If you really want answers to these questions, the first thing is to open your mind. The Western White man for centuries hasn’t wanted to learn anything from the Chinese, Asian, Indian, or any other race they feel is inferior to them. With reincarnation you have been all of these races over thousands of years. And in this lifetime where you judge them you are karmically set up to return as one of them. If you understand these things, there are explanations for everything that happened in history from the Holocaust to North Koreas concentration camps, to the Romans, to the Vikings etc. Many people blame these things on God, but God is not an angry God. The problems of the Earth are created by Man. And each time you return here is another chance to right the wrongs of your past lives…..it is all quite simple. Karma: cause and effect. But don’t walk through your days worrying about these things. If you are not living in abject poverty, then enjoy the blessing of the good life you’ve been given.
  12. Stop trying so hard. Some of the advice on here is really good. I have found good women without even trying. I used to walk around a lake for exercise, and a young woman was sitting there listening to music on her headphones. I stopped and said Hi, and we ended up talking for an hour. Met her again two weeks later….all of this was effortless. She has never asked me for one baht. She’s more interested in a man with a good heart. She’s in her thirties and I will be eighty next year, but look sixty three. Funniest woman I’ve ever met, and the best time in bed ever. Humour in a Thai woman is like gold in the bank. Look for that first and the rest will come. Women are easy to meet. My whole life it’s never been an issue for me. I used to get on trains in England and meet a woman and end up going to her destination. Lol. Women are like men, but more complicated. Don’t rush things, take it slow. Ask them lots of questions about themselves….make them important and not you. Good luck.
  13. The 90 day report in my opinion is completely redundant and a waste of everybody’s time. At Jomtien immigration you could do it by sending a child to drop off your passport and pick it up. Big joke.
  14. When they visited last year they told me it was every year in future. as for it being crazy there….it looks like they are building hopefully more offices out front.
  15. which is what they want you to do.
  16. I was leaving the country in two days. Some Brit said you want to go the Wat tomorrow early….so on a whim I said okay. I found it fascinating that it had all been overgrown for centuries and some priest stumbled across the place. Some of the wats were amazing with incredibly steep steps etc. Loved the way the jungle had taken possession of this quite amazing place. Most places like this leave me cold. But Ankhor Wat is truly a one of a kind, with some exquisitely fine details. One day was enough for me. But I left the country better for experiencing this historic place.
  17. Thanks for your response. I was talking to an agent about a border run….but she seemed to think because I haven’t been out of the country in four years it could be a problem reentering. She’s presently talking with the border guys crossing from Thailand into Cambodia. I’d never heard of anything like this before. She was pushing for a VOA visa….it wasn’t a way to make more money as she gave my deposit back to me and said I might have to fly. Any thoughts?
  18. I have a similar question. I just got divorced three days ago…..is my extension no longer valid? I was under the impression it was good until the end of my present extension in October. And do I have to report this to Immigration? part 2. I want to do a visa run to Cambodia and return as a tourist and then get an O visa. I want to leave Thailand on my American passport, and enter Cambodia on my brand new never used British passport, and return into Thailand on that British passport. it sounds simple….but is it simple and possible? Thanks only for informed answers and not some guesses.
  19. When you say you are not wealthy…..I would hope you you have at least 80,000 baht a month coming in. That means you could live quite comfortably. Here in Pattaya you can get a nice furnished condo with pool and gym for around 6,000 baht a month. The other thing you haven’t mentioned is your visa status once you are divorced. The lawyer advice is good especially the lady in Korat…..she sounds like she has her head screwed on straight, and would do her best for you, and not just herself. You have a vehicle, that would allow you to throw stuff in a bag and get away from the wife. I would tell nobody where you are going, and have all communication through a phone etc. If you head to Korat, I just stayed in an okay hotel The Siri for around 540 baht a night, close to the Monkey Bar for a decent meal etc. Don’t let all this get you down…..remember, all things must pass……eventually! In a years time all this will hopefully be behind you, and the sun will be shining again and there will be a smile on your face. Good luck.
  20. I prefer Lazada mainly because they do COD. I had an issue with something I had to return….I got my money back, especially when I called them and told the woman I was a good customer, check all I buy. Money was in my bank account next day. I found paying on Shopee a bit annoying etc. And Lazadas website is in English. Sometimes they cancel my order but don’t inform me….so I tell them off because I’ve been waiting. Otherwise they are great.
  21. I am presently on an OA visa using a marriage extension which needs renewing in October. I will be getting divorced, and would like to convert to an O visa. My questions are: How do I do that, and is it possible without leaving the country? Thanks guys, I would appreciate factual knowing only, and not opinions.
  22. People seem mystified by why these people kill without thought or guilt. Get it clear in your head….these people are sociopaths. They have no guilt, no empathy for other humans, they cannot relate to others at all. They give no more thought to killing a person than crushing a fly……absolutely nothing. My brother was recruited/black mailed by MI5 because he was a sociopath. The perfect person to work for them, until you decline to kill for them and everything changes and they turn on you. Donald Trumps own niece a therapist classified the Donald as a sociopath. This explains his consistent lying without a second thought, and calling people disgusting names. If you look around you in your world, you probably know some of these people. Pretty easy to tell them. You can be talking to them, and they completely ignore everything you have said as if you don’t exist. Very confusing and somewhat scary if you don’t know what you are dealing with.
  23. So did all the various people who had committed no criminal offense receive an apology from the police and immigration police after the raid? Especially after the indignity of being forced to give a urine test at 10:30pm. One wonders what would have happened if you refused the test?
  24. Not exactly the middle of the sea….looks like half a kilo from shore. If he had his luggage with him, where was he going? No mast or sail, so not a lot of control on where he would be able to go. Just drifting.
  25. I’m presently on a Non OA marriage extension, but considering switching to a retirement Non O. Can I do this without leaving the country? Thank you.
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