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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. On 1/19/2019 at 5:44 PM, NaDu said:

    do you know if it is possible for a Thai to legally adopt a farang kid that would then be able to buy and own land ?


    You are asking two questions. Firstly, is it possible to adopt?


    The chances are that you are talking about adopting from a Hague Convention country to a non Hague Convention country.


    That is going to be difficult, as the "sending" country will have their own strict criteria for out of Convention countries. For example, some "sending" countries will specify the child must be an orphan. So to answer your question, it's not impossible, but improbable.


    Onto the second part of your question: If the improbable did happen, the child would be granted Thai citizenship. Once that happens,  they can own land.


    As has been stated though, you need Court permission to sell such land or place an encumbrance on it. Such permission is not given lightly or routinely.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Ed Tay said:

    Is there any advices on how to get the process done within a span of 2-4weeks to legally adopt the child under a relative(my wife) adopting scheme who married a foreigner and not residing in thailand without spending a hefty sum of money and not going thru the overseas adoption program which we will face problem with getting a long term visa for the child during the adoption process?


    What you are asking is impossible. No formally registered adoption takes 2-4 weeks. The process may be quicker as it is between family members, but it could still take months.

    • Like 1
  3. Wilfully making a statement to a Consul or Vice-Consul which you know to be false or do not believe to be true is perjury, contrary to Section 1 of the Perjury Act 1911.


    As discussion of illegal activities is not allowed, this thread is now closed.

  4. 45 minutes ago, Big Guns said:

    You have up to 2 years to claim for unpaid wages at the labour court. The school has to pay you the wages plus 15% compound interest per week.


    Are you sure?


    If you are owed 1,000 baht for 1 year, at 15 per cent interest that is compounded weekly, the interest payable after 1 year is over 1.4 million baht. After 2 years the interest is in excess of 2 billion baht.


    If what you say is true then I suggest the OP waits until the last minute then returns to Thailand and enters their claim.

    • Like 1
  5. On 1/15/2019 at 10:59 AM, dickjones2018 said:

    anything WHITE mixed with Asian / African / Latino have brown eyes ... NEVER EVER EVER BLUE ....


    That's incorrect. If the Asian parent has a blue eyed ancestor at any time in the past then their child can have blue eyes. It's uncommon, but possible.


    This website does a good job of explaining it:



  6. On 1/15/2019 at 7:32 PM, ThaiOnIce said:

    how do I get a birth certificate for the baby?


    Ask the mother. She has it.


    On 1/15/2019 at 7:32 PM, ThaiOnIce said:

    How do I get the baby to the embassy for an appointment?


    Ask the mother. Only she can do it.


    On 1/15/2019 at 7:32 PM, ThaiOnIce said:

    Do I have any recourse if the mom just decides she’s better off without me and her baby will grow up without his biological dad?


    Not really. If you were not married at the time of birth you currently have zero rights over the child. And I do mean zero.


    You can pay to take the mother to Court to get legitimised as the father. Once you have done this you can ask the Court for access. This is all possible, but at the end of this process the mother may refuse to let you see the child anyway. 


    If you antagonize the mother she could well poison the child's mind against you.


    I'm sorry that sounds negative, but if the mother isn't willing you are really going to struggle.

    • Like 1
  7. Yes, the kids would get a 30 day stamp on arrival.


    Once this is done you need to go to your local immigration office (you mentioned Phuket) with their British passport and their Thai birth certificate and apply for a 1 year extension of stay on the basis of them being Thai. If they are going to leave Thailand in the next year you also need to consider a single or multi re-entry permit for them. (Please ask in the Visa Forum for precise requirements in case I have missed a document immigration will require).


    You definately do not want to apply for a visa abroad, and nobody at the airport can do anything apart from give them a 30 day on arrival stamp.


    At the airport you only show their British passports or you could severely cause yourself issues and delays. If you show their Thai passports because the officer says they just want to look at them then there is a high likelihood they will immediately process the Thai passports and not their British passports. Your children will then enter as Thai citizens and you will be back to square one. Don't complicate things.


    Immigration will do this for a number of reasons. Firstly, because they are trying to help. They know if the children enter as British you will have to deal with immigration and pay money for an extension of stay, etc. In their mind why an earth would you want to do that when the children can enter unrestricted as Thai citizens? Immigration deal with a lot of confused, stressed and tired people, so they often do what they deem to be best. To be fair, you can understand their thinking.


    Another reason is that front line staff are not always absolutely up to date with the law surrounding dual nationality. Some staff absolutely believe that a Thai child must enter on a Thai passport and they will point blank refuse a foreign passport.


    If this happens do not get their Thai passports out. Instead, politely ask to speak to the supervisor. When it's your turn to speak politely explain you do not have the children's Thai passports and this time they will have to enter on their British passports. As Thai citizens your children cannot be refused entry to Thailand. It's important to remember that, because that's what it will all boil down to in the end. Quite simply, if you do not produce their Thai passports then immigration have no other option but to use their British passports. They can delay you; they can huff and puff and they can lecture you, but ultimately the end result will always be the same.


    You might want to explain to immigration that the children will probably be exiting Thailand soon; that you will collect their Thai passports from abroad and when they enter Thailand next time you will use their Thai passports.


    Or you might not get any questions whatsoever, and the kids could get stamped in on their British passports with zero questions. That is a possibility too, but best to be prepared.

  8. So it seems that if anyone takes the OP up on his offer, you will need UK bank account to deposit the coins into, or you need to exchange them with someone that has such an account.


    I would draw your further attention to the fact that part of the reason the round one pound coins were withdrawn was the prevalence of counterfeits. You can search online for ways to spot counterfeit round one pound coins.

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