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Everything posted by blackcab

  1. They will need to go and talk to their District Office. Each office will set their own criteria. Normally, however, you would need the mother or other close Thai family member present. Not always though, so my advice would be to go in with a big smile, remain calm and polite and see what they can do for them.
  2. Answer: Yes, and your feet won't touch the ground it will happen so quick. Make sure you have substantial funds in place to pay for your hospitalisation.
  3. Contact the Technical Crime Suppression Division: https://tcsd.go.th/contact-us/
  4. To be fair it looks like they copied it from Thailand in the first place. Those medical checks are what are required to get a work permit in Thailand. Nowadays, everyone is fingerprinted entering and sometimes leaving Thailand aswell.
  5. They really should have a pedestrian bridge and fixed pedestrian barriers all the way along both sides of the road to force pedestrians to use the bridge.
  6. It's not so much about what she earns. Ask her if she is better at spending or saving.
  7. If the front wheel hit a pothole it would be more like spin the bottle.
  8. @ubonjoe are there any new updates in this announcement?
  9. Too late. The virus is faster than a committee.
  10. No. The first line of text is your social security number. The second line is your work permit number. The third is your name. The reverse of the card has no personalised data on it, other than a signature strip that has to be signed.
  11. It looks like there is no online chat option. The only thing I can suggest would be to use the Text Relay service and SMS +44800 302011 which you can read about here: https://www.nationwide.co.uk/help/accessibility/online-accessibility/ I understand you are not hard of sight, but I have no other suggestions.
  12. Let's try this in the Isaan Forum to see if we can get some local input.
  13. A lawyer can't do anything for you other than speak, read and write Thai. There really is no need to pay for a lawyer unless it makes you feel more comfortable to do so. The Social Fund staff will get there in the end if your reason for being there is explained to them. It is just that the first point of contact may say it's not possible as they might not have direct experience. Once the matter is referred to more senior staff things will more than likely get resolved. All you need is a bilingual speaker who can speak polite Thai. As mentioned above, you want to apply under section 39.
  14. Not necessarily. As an example, work might finish on 24th December. Extension ends on 31st December. The person leaves Thailand on 31st December. Two months later they enter Thailand as a tourist on a visa exemp entry stamp. They then proceed to the Social Fund office to claim their retirement rebate. Admittedly, it's not likely to happen, but it is possible.
  15. In normal circumstances, I agree. However immigration have the ability to vary most evidentiary requirements as they see fit. The great difficulty is that the ability to significantly vary the requirements on a case by case basis is held by very senior officers, and it is not always easy to petition these people.
  16. To claim a pension rebate you do not need to be in a house register, or own property, or be on a long term visa, or be married. The Social Fund Act makes no mention of nationality and it treats all eligible contributors and claimants the same. The difficulty is that most Social Fund staff have not dealt with many non-Thai claimants. Rather than say they have no idea because they have not been asked the question before and that they will go and search for the answer and get back to you, you received a different answer. Most importantly, are you aware that you can remain in the Social Fund for a small monthly payment (432 baht per month last time I heard)? You would continue to receive health coverage for as long as you paid into the scheme. Depending on your circumstances this may or may not be of any use to you. The key point is that with the Social Fund you have a policy with unlimited coverage. This is quite important if you were to get a serious and expensive long term condition, and we are all getting older. It's also useful as you do not need specialist covid insurance to get into Thailand. This is pure speculation on my part, but if immigration were to require some other type of minimum insurance coverage in the future, it might be that the Social Fund policy would be accepted. This would be especially nice as coverage gets harder/more expensive to obtain the older you are. You have 6 months after you retire to apply for this scheme, and the 6 months are strictly enforced. Do not delay. You may be told that this scheme is not available for foreigners, but it is. As I mentioned earlier, the Social Fund Act makes no mention of nationality. There are, in fact, one or two members of this forum who I believe are on this scheme already.
  17. As I understand it, a certified letter states that the company agrees to be completely liable for all quarantine and treatment costs. If you use the Social Fund card, the government pays.
  18. @Crossy@Chad3000 My plastic social fund card came today, about 6 weeks after I applied for it. It was addressed to the company that employs me. The card is valid for 2 years. If Thailand still has some form of insurance/quarantine requirement the next time I enter I will post if everything goes wrong and this card is refused.
  19. This is a difficult question to answer, and ultimately the decision will be made by the immigration officer. As ubonjoe stated, Thai immigration requires that the marriage be de jure and de facto, which can be roughly translated to mean a marriage both legally and in reality. The legality of a marriage is easy to prove by obtaining a certificate from the District Office. You are either legally married or you are not. Proving the reality of a marriage is a more difficult thing to do, and it is up to the immigration officer to decide what proof they will accept. Normally, this might be pictures of the applicant and his wife at home, and also the wife being physically present during the application. However there are times when this is not possible, for example when the wife is in long term hospital care. In such a case it is up to the immigration officer what alternative evidence they will accept. Clearly, just because the wife is receiving long term medical care it does not mean the couple are any less married. It is a similar case with imprisonment. If the devoted husband really does visit his wife at every opportunity and he also supports his wife financially, are they any less married? There is no one answer that fits here, because every case turns on its own facts. Different officers might view the same evidence and reach different conclusions. At the very least the husband should submit as evidence an official copy of the Court's verdict, records of the visits he made to his wife, and receipts of money paid into his wife's prison account to support her. There are no guarantees of success with this approach, and any application could be denied. A successful application one year should not be taken as an indication that a future application will be successful. Alternatively, the husband could get an OA visa abroad. Ubonjoe will be able to advise whether any other types of marriage visa are still possible from the husband's home country. A very difficult situation indeed, and one that deserves some compassion.
  20. @Throwaway134 Please do not cross post the same topic to multiple forums.
  21. Your wife gets the letter issued from your District Office. No need to worry about wording; the letter is a standard format. From memory the letter is valid for one month for the purposes of exiting Thailand.
  22. A Thai motorcycle license does not permit you to drive a car. A Thai car license and a Thai motorcycle license are two physically different pieces of plastic. So you could get a Thai motorcycle license and still not drive your wife's car.
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