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soi3eddie last won the day on November 3 2022

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  1. You've already done the hardest part by registering and uploading required documents. The "rest of the process" to file TM30 is simply logging in, adding name of resident, arrival date, passport details etc. and submitting. Takes less than 3 minutes in my experience.
  2. Good advice. Easy to do. They don't seem to check registrations as they get immediately approved (at least it did for registering myself at my own condo). Once registered, it is super easy to file TM30 and don't forget to print out the confirmation (Thai immigration just loves paper copies of everything).
  3. Most, if not all, UK private hospitals, do not off accident or emergency service. It could be possible to transfer once health condition stabilised.
  4. It won't be long before UK state pensions are cancelled for all those British living overseas (how dare we?). Just saying. I never expect to receive a UK state pension (despite 35 year qualifying already) and due to collect in 2034. The needs of immigrants and lazy Brits in the UK come above us. How will that affect many on here?
  5. Never tell them you are dead! 555
  6. Kudos to Mr 81 year old taxi driver. It could have been worse, it could have been an expensive Electric Vehicle (EV). Luckily he got out alive without the doors locking him inside.
  7. Bangkok. Near victory monument. I think that the stress of worrying about AQI numbers is worse than getting on with life. Sure, the air quality in Bangkok will never be alpine fresh but WhyTF does anyone live here if they are paranoid about AQI. For most I know, they just get on with life. Don't like it, don't live here. Now, living in Chiang Mai from January to April would be a different matter for me - I would not do it. But then, so many expats head south, or overseas during those months. Just deal with it and stop complaining.
  8. As @theblether alluded too, how well did the DEI hires go for the residents in the fire affected areas of California go recently? DEI has no place in the fire department and local government (or anywhere else for that matter). Best man (or woman) should get the job. This is why some corporations are backpeddling on DEI in my opinion. If these DEI hires cannot do the job, then, ultimately, it can affect the whole organisation. Stock prices, dividends, and survival of the business are important.
  9. Fool's gold! Meeting someone in a shopping mall to buy cheap smuggled gold is never going to end well.
  10. Suspect her mental health was already a problem before she started only fools. Maybe, it's not paying enough these days. Hope she finds happiness.
  11. This topic has been done to death over multiple threads over recent years. The main thing to bear in mind is that each amphur office has different requirements. Some say must be married, some don't. Some say it cannot be done unless you own a condo, some don't. Some take months to issue, some do it immediately. Some just refuse point blank to issue a yellow book (pink ID card is a simple addition once yellow book issued). I got my yellow book and pink ID card in 2019. It has been useful, especially for extensions of stay and with the DLT for driving licence and vehicle registration. I do find more hotels are happy to accept it these days (always have a picture of passport and entry stamp on phone just in case).
  12. Thanks! Very useful info. Morchit/Chatuchak DLT is my local office. I have yellow book too along with Non-O extension. Appreciate the advice.
  13. Nasty, brutal attack. Their passports might be French but their names suggest otherwise. Religion of peace? Hope the guy who got his head stomped on is OK.

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