Flames and replies removed.
This is a discussion forum, members will have different opinions.
Everyone is free to state their opinion in a civil and polite way.
If you can't be civil and polite best not to post anything.
Another troll post calling the victim names removed (along with the poster).
Replies also removed.
Have a bit of sympathy for the poor guy, he's lost a leg.
Anti-British troll post along with the poster removed.
It's completely unacceptable to abuse a m/c accident victim, that lost a leg.
Off topic rant about 'GoFundMe also removed.
Unpleasant series of bickering posts between two posters that should know better removed.
Please make an effort to be polite and civil at all times with your posts.
Book advert removed, please contact Forum Support or Admin and get permission before advertising any product on AN. Unauthorized attempts will ultimately result in account closure.