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Everything posted by ElwoodP

  1. Two flames and replies removed. @georgegeorgia I suggest you don't post in this section again, unless you have constructive experiences to share about cannabis.
  2. Troll posts and the ensuing bickering mostly removed. Please calm down, try being polite and civil.
  3. Troll posts an replies removed. Stop it now please.
  4. Personal attack and reply removed.
  5. Flame and Troll post removed along with replies. Please be polite an civil to other forum members.
  6. Offensive anti-jewish post removed.
  7. That's OK, found them on Lazada for 65bht/packet including delivery.
  8. How much are the ginger nuts? Online they're 89bht.
  9. Please note: This is a discussion forum, if you just post a link it's likely to be removed.
  10. Flame and replies removed.
  11. Clearly the OP started this thread to trash Trump. As such closed.
  12. This thread is not about the US elections. If you feel the urge to post please post in political soapbox.
  13. Personal attack removed.
  14. Flame and reply removed. Please stop both of you, or face the consequences.
  15. Post misspelling Trump removed. If you want your posts to remain use the candidates real name.
  16. Flame and resulting personal attack removed. Civil and polite posts please. Troll post aimed at another member also removed. Please be polite and civil to other forum members.
  17. Offensive meme removed.
  18. Off topic and Troll posts removed.
  19. Personal attack and off topic posts removed.
  20. Don't think this topic is going anywhere so locked.
  21. Off topic posts removed.
  22. Off topic posts and personal attacks (with replies) removed.
  23. Troll posts removed.
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