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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. I am very happy with Truemoves prepaid 4G...

    I make very few calls and mainly use the phone for data...

    299 baht for 1.5GB per month (They have double data promotion running until 2015)...

    It is setup to reoccur/auto renew so I just topup a 1,000 baht and good for +3 months ...

    If I run over the 1.5GB (which I have yet to do) I can purchase additional 1GB for 150 baht...

    I have gone online to True and registered the sim and phone number in my name so if I were

    to lose the phone I could get a replacement sim and such by showing my ID


    BTW When I went into the True Store to get their new upgraded 4G sim the lady at first said only Post Paid possible for 4G - But I showed her the above webpage (on my iPhone) with a confused smile (The Thai smile that say your lying to me) and she relented and processed and gave me the new sim... I think she was lazy as there was alot of fiddling with my phone, sms and such with the new sim before it worked ;-)...

    • Like 1
  2. I am very happy with Truemoves prepaid 4G...

    I make very few calls and mainly use the phone for data...

    299 baht for 1.5GB per month (They have double data promotion running until 2015)...

    It is setup to reoccur/auto renew so I just topup a 1,000 baht and good for +3 months ...

    If I run over the 1.5GB (which I have yet to do) I can purchase additional 1GB for 150 baht...

    I have gone online to True and registered the sim and phone number in my name so if I were

    to lose the phone I could get a replacement sim and such by showing my ID


    BTW When I went into the True Store to get their new upgraded 4G sim the lady at first said only Post Paid possible for 4G - But I showed her the above webpage (on my iPhone) with a confused smile (The Thai smile that say your lying to me) and she relented and processed and gave me the new sim... I think she was lazy as there was alot of fiddling with my phone, sms and such with the new sim before it worked ;-)...

  3. Thanks to Kitsume there are now other reasons not to be vegan. If you get less hair its not only your privates that get less hair.

    So vegans get bald sooner thanks for the info Kitsune. Or is there some magic that in the vegan diet that only targets the hair you dont want instead of it being a general thing.

    Wonder what kind of excuse we get this time.

    I said the opposite : I have more hair on my head than before.

    As I said and in my case, and I heard other vegans say the same: head hair is not falling so much and actually regrowing and body hair is reducing

    I have not read anything about it. I can only attribute it to a better blood circulation and a better oxygenation of the tissue that could help the hair to be healthier.

    Ah magic suddenly other hair dont grow fast but head hair does.

    Id love to see scientific studies on that one not just hearsay.

    In this case that would be hairsay... coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  4. HIV, the protected disease ... descrimination is called for and for good reason folks. It is foolish to jump on a bandwagon just because it is fashionable to protect LGBT related issues from scrutiny.

    Yes, they have a right to work, but as the victim who didn't know said, 'he got from his girl friend'. These people should be ID'd for the public's safety, never mind the work related issue.

    If one is HIV positive, then let it be known.

    And how would you like them to be identified?... Oh I know an armband and a tattoo on the wrist for good measure...

    • Like 2
  5. That is why i think it is well worth the agency fee. I did this myself for 4 years and each year it got worse.

    In my opinion it is money well spent ,i value my time .

    Just think of the added congestion if we did not have the agency's to relieve the amount of people that would have to attend every day.

    All of which can be overcome by using a bit of initiative and getting an on line appointment.My 90 day report, by mail, was a 4 day turn around this week.Posted Monday received today.

    But sadly a Retirement Visa Extension can not be done by mail or at a 7-11 as has been mooted... coffee1.gif

  6. Yeah... Overall Air Asia is great - but more than once we arrived early and asked if we could get on the earlier flight... Flat NO as you need to needed to make changes 48 hour before...

    If they have the seats available I'm not sure why they are so ridged as a policy?

    I'd even pay 2-300 baht extra...

    I think they do not let you on earlier flight because they are saving those seats for people who turn up at the airport at the last minute wtih no reservations and charge them full price

    I guess the concept of flying standby is too complicated for them...

  7. Yeah... Overall Air Asia is great - but more than once we arrived early and asked if we could get on the earlier flight... Flat NO as you need to needed to make changes 48 hour before...

    If they have the seats available I'm not sure why they are so ridged as a policy?

    I'd even pay 2-300 baht extra...

  8. I think you could just walkin... They are very friendly... or you Google Dr Morgan Chiang Mai and you will find her website... The website has a contact email where you can send question or make appointment... They understand English but they may take a day or two to check email...

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