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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. ^^^...

    Yes cheap - But there seems to be some ambiguity as to the timeframe of a free document - Is it 10 days?... 2 weeks? ... 30 days?...

    If there is no clear and written rule then one would also ask if the 500 "fee" is sanctioned by immigration or just local office corruption?

    The money is surely not going to maintain the parking lot...

    Where is our benevolent General Prime Minister when you need him?... coffee1.gif

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  2. MrBrad, yes that's the street but it looks somewhat different now. And you're right about the turns--it isn't the first left but the third. I'm still driving mentally on the right side of the road and the bakery shop is on the first street that goes over the canal.

    Are you sure my map has north at the bottom? I thought it was on top with west on the left and east, the right. Whew, I'm confused....

    Sante your original directions are completely wrong from your map...

    Coming from the Moat turn RIGHT on canal and the the 3rd LEFT...

    Then look for someone selling Bananas xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png


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  3. ^^^

    Nancy your situation reminds me of a Thai horror movie my partner dragged me to a few years ago...

    A guy strangles his girlfriend in a fit of passion... After remorse wears off he realizes he has to get rid of the body... So what does he do?... He lugs the body up to the condo rooftop and chucks her into the water tank!... Out of sight out of mind I guess he thought...

    Well!... The Lady in 602 finds a pink fingernail in her sink while brushing her teeth... Then the fun begins for all the residents... And culminates with a shower scene with the very dense boyfriend...

    So the water Dept gave no public reason for the abrupt water shutdown?...

    Nancy... Best you wear a shower cap the next few days...

  4. Since you extension to stay is expiring soon (Jan 3rd) And you are going to be back in your home country for a month you might consider getting a new one year multiple entry visa there... It may be a pain to obtain with the police, health and finical documents but will give you a visa good for 2 years stay without any visits to immigration ;-)...

  5. I had the same decision to make. Where? I chose Chiang Mai. Why?

    No traffic - you can actually get around on your own motorcycle, great nightlife (we own the LOLLIPOP Bar in Loi Kroh Entertainment area), good private schools, housing much cheaper (but the rest is not necessarily cheaper - but for sure housing is significantly cheaper), great golf, very nice gated communities, cooler weather (I think it is really cooler all of the time compared to the rest of Thailand), many more cultural sites (great zoo, night safari, tiger kingdom, elephant rides/park), mountains, strawberry farms (many), nice get away resorts, monkeys kingdom, etc.

    If you have a family I cannot believe there is a better place. If you come to Chiang Mai to check it out stop at the Lollipop (in the same building as Thai boxing) and ask for Ed. I will give you the low down on Chiang Mai from a single mans point of view and from a family view. I have a family but was single.

    From your comments Chiang Mai sounds good but I keep hearing about flooding, land-slides and earthquakes in that area. Is it only certain parts or is the whole area affected?

    Yes... Chiang Mai is a dangerous and inhospitable place... Better to go somewhere else...

    Sent from my iPad in Chiang Mai...

  6. I also just went through the process... Failed the test three times... I would stress that if you do fail - look at the questions you missed - you will get to see them right after the fail sign comes up... Memorize the correct answers for the next go around... This is the only way to learn... As they have no other resource to learn and most likely the question you missed was a screwy question anyway...

    Oh and one other stumbler or at least here in Chiang Mai... Right after the eye test they pulled a few farrang off the line and said they could not continue as the we're wearing shorts which was inappropriate for a government building... They gave them half an hour to go to the nearby Big C and buy a pair of long pants...

    And to be a test spoiler - yes you can drive a tank on the highway...

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