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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. I think the OP is a bit confused... They are saying that you need to print out your e-Ticket (boarding pass) if you are going directly to the gate... (You need to show airport security a printed ticket document & your ID)... If you show up at the airport without a printeed e-Ticket you can easily go to the airline checkin counter and they will happily print out a boarding pass for you...


  2. What criteria must you meet to get the sticker?... Do you need to live in a certain area?...

    The stickers are available only to a select few and the issuance is totally up to the discretion of the Air Force Officers in charge of the process. There is no one size fits all criteria.

    This has got to put somebodies kids through college... coffee1.gif

  3. One of the girls at our local Dairy Queen @ TESCO is hot.

    MissFarmGirl teases me by sitting nearby when we have Lunch.

    The little bugger just keeps one eye on me and has that wistful smile that only she has ... laugh.png

    what's a wistful smile.

    "You take Home?" She said with a wistful smile...

    Happens all the time here in the land of smiles... coffee1.gif

  4. Thanks for all your replies. I recently read a good review about the Asus Zen series. Does anyone have experience with the 5LTE 4G model? Siam TV has several Asus Zen models but not the 4G model which apparently costs 2k more and is sold out. Does anyone know where to get this phone in CM?

    If you like purple you can get one delivered by Lazada biggrin.png


    Looking at the specs it looks as though the 4G/LTE is only 700/1800mhz... I think True's 4G is offered via the 2100mhz band?...

  5. sfokevin, on 04 Nov 2014 - 10:40, said:sfokevin, on 04 Nov 2014 - 10:40, said:

    I'm here in Chiang Mai and have Trues prepaid 4G plan for 299 baht/month... It is limited to a few places here in the city - but my house is located in one of those areas and I get 4G all the time...

    As said if you are shopping for a phone I would spend the money for the 4G as in a year or two it will be the standard...

    You statement " 4G as in a year or two it will be the standard" purely what you hope, so far 4G has been out for 2 years and still not "standard," just how do you justify your statement when in most of Thailand even 3G is NOT "standard."

    I guess I live life with a glass half full... tongue.png

  6. I'm here in Chiang Mai and have Trues prepaid 4G plan for 299 baht/month... It is limited to a few places here in the city - but my house is located in one of those areas and I get 4G all the time...

    As said if you are shopping for a phone I would spend the money for the 4G as in a year or two it will be the standard...

  7. Your pic is blurry and we can't see the ports availble from this angle or if that black thing coming out the back (top) is you wifi antenna?... Question... Where does that white Ethernet cord go to - Is there another (wifi) router box pluged into the ZTE modem?... If no wifi connected It most likely is a ZTE F660 all in one fiber optic modem wifi router... Either way the ZTE (F620 or F660wifi) is your fiber optic modem and you can not replace it... I would suggest you get the best stand alone wifi router and just daisy chain it off this router via one of the Ethernet ports on the back of the ZTE... You can get longer Ethernet cable and locate the new router to a more central location (or upstairs) as cabling allows if you wish...

  8. In the US we have large whole house exhaust fans that is in the ceiling in the middle of the house and sucks air into the windows then from the house out and into the ceiling cavity... I have not seen them here but would like to buy... Has anyone seen them here?

    Yes Watsadu and the lot all have those. They are for in the walls but you can also use them in the ceiling.

    Yes I've seen those they are noisy as you say and not really very big... I was thinking of buying a cheap large box fan at Mackro and McGyvering something in the ceiling

  9. In the US we have large whole house exhaust fans that is in the ceiling in the middle of the house and sucks air into the windows then from the house out and into the ceiling cavity... I have not seen them here but would like to buy... Has anyone seen them here?


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