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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. I disagree, I think it's quite creative, it's a process that satisfies everyone's needs.

    It's not the leased bit creative... It's typical Thai corruption to line their pockets at our expense...

    You don't have to pay, you can get it for free, it's your choice to pay.

    That does not make it any less corrupt...

  2. This satellite office also provides other immigration services, notably the 90-report. What else they provide I do not know since i was focused on only the intended purpose of obtaining the certificate.

    Hope this info helps. I've also attached 4 photos of the site which is on the south side of Mahidol Road.

    This office does NOT provide 90 day reporting services (it is only for use by Lao, Myanmar and Cambodian's for such things)

    • Like 1
  3. Have you went into the new usage screen? This will tell you what app is using your battery...

    My experience with iOS upgrades is some app setting that access the Internet get changed or turned on by default with the new OS...

  4. When looking into Internet cable options I would reccomed Trues Knowledge package... I have it and it seems to have 2-3 Australian channels that appear most intertaining !... But me only being able to speak English can not understand a word of what they say...

  5. Best you stay home if you cant afford the $7 taxi ride.,

    Why ?

    And you still do not understand? Youve chosen the wrongest forum-the regular people here, fat, drinkttomuth,always raving about their GFs, bald white expats are even more fiendish to backpackers as they are to the perceived by them inablity of Thai to run this country to their idea of how it should be.

    But bertt: get life, there is a very oldfashioned way to solve this: get a guidebook, it lists all detials.

    The cheapest guidebook on Amazon cost $8.95... coffee1.gif

    Te best way is to take Airport LInk to Payathai station... BTS to Thaksin Station on river then take a riverboat up the river to Phra Ahthit then hoof it with your backpack from there... This gives you a wonderful tour thru the city for your firs time visit... But as you are arriving after 6pm the river boat will be closed by the time you get there...

    Check out this link (Yes the internet is FREE and your friend)


  6. Only restaurant worth visiting in Festival is Wine Connection. Promenada has an excellent choice of good restaurants. Airport has no food worth mentioning, but good for shopping. Maya is an excuse to park at the Pub and have a few good beers. All are good for movies.

    Just my opinion of the malls.

    Excuse me,

    But CF have the best KFC in CM.

    I beg to differ... The KSK KFC is the best... and has upper level seating!...

  7. MrBrad, yes that's the street but it looks somewhat different now. And you're right about the turns--it isn't the first left but the third. I'm still driving mentally on the right side of the road and the bakery shop is on the first street that goes over the canal.

    Are you sure my map has north at the bottom? I thought it was on top with west on the left and east, the right. Whew, I'm confused....

    Sante your original directions are completely wrong from your map...

    Coming from the Moat turn RIGHT on canal and the the 3rd LEFT...

    Then look for someone selling Bananas xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png


    I do believe his original directions are effective if you're looking for the See Man Pub....

    And that place sells kuuai not glûuai out front...

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