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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. I put these teak numbers on my front gate... I bought them from a guy in KSK he had a stall next to the escalator on the bottom floor and he also sells on the Saturday walking street at the Thai end... He has wood planks to glue them too... I just put them right on the concrete with silicone...


  2. 26 minutes ago, atyclb said:

    nice gaggia. see you added a pid  i once rebuilt 2 gaggia single group commercial machines. lot of fun and they worked great after. donated one to a hospital and sold the other

    Great machine and built like a tank... I’ve easily disassembled and cleaned it... Got this one on Facebook Marketplace for 10k and added the pid... They come up for sale every couple months for around that price as the owners don’t know what they have ;-)... Here is an example... Great starter set (but Gaggia grinder is fugly) for anyone interested https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2426356414041597/

  3. 1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    When did you register? We didn't until 6 months ago with one house however if you scroll down under the graph there are 15 spaces, the top ones are populated but only from the time we registered. Another has 7 populated

    I registered and have been using the app since August last year... I tried to scroll down too...



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