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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. 3 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    What immigration office told you that a 12 month bank statement needed to be done the same day?

    I think he meant the bank letter not the statement....


    I think what you can do is order the statement that will come in a week or so and when you pick it up request a bank letter dated that day - make sure not to deposit or withdraw any funds from the account so the letters balance amount matches the last balance on the statement...

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, FatVern said:

    Is the plan that someone from immigration will actually somehow obtain your balance at an interim point, or will the retiree be burdened to provide? Seems like a very bizarre thing to try and do

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Retiree will be burdened... :coffee1:


    Some people are reporting that they must report back 90 days after their extension with their bankbook to confirm the balance of 800k remained thru the post 3 month seasoning period...



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  3. The OP has been using the 800k balance for years... My guess is he also showed them a bank book/statement that had the 800k balance for the entire previous year (or more) so he doesn’t fit the profile of one using an agent where the 800k magically appeared in his account 3 months before and disappears right after an extension was granted so he was not subjected to the extra balance check...


    But it I would say they were remiss in not warning him that there is new balance requirements for the year (400k minimum & seasonings)

  4. 56 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    When the bank does the letter for a foreign currency account they calculate the balance in the account in baht based upon the exchange rate on the day it is written.

    Immigration would possibley check the balance on the date of application using the exchange rate for that day.

    I assume that the rate/balance would also be checked at any interim balance check such as the 90 day after extension checking that some are being required to do?

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  5. If held in a foreign currency account how and when would it’s value in Thai baht be determined by immigration?... Would they be so sophisticated as to look back the entire year and see if it value in baht was above 800k all year or just at the day of extension?... 


    I would think a foreign currency account would need a ~20% cushion to cover most regular currency fluctuations...


    And what would one do in the event of a plunge in the value of the foreign currency (Think Brexit)... Would hate to be in a situation where I needed to get the account back up to 800k value by transferring funds in such a market environment...

    • Like 2
  6. 17 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    What is the other layer of backup sure to impress any IO?

    The individual credit advice printouts for each foreign transfer on your bank statement - Most useful if your bank statement show a code as apposed to saying “Foreign Transfer”


    As for it being sure to impress... Well I was being a bit cheeky but the more paper you give them the better...


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  7. 16 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    Could you not print out yourself a statement EVERY  MONTH from your online banking showing your FTTs International Transfers, together with any documents verifying said transfers. Would take 5 minutes at most and make sure you are 'safe'.

    If it could be that easy!...

    My guess is immigration is going to want statements with all those pretty red stamps, date stamps and signatures from the bank...


    A DIY statement can be easily manipulated...

  8. 22 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    I'm going in June.  I'll get a 12 month statement next week and then in June get a 6 month statement so I'll take 14 months of statements to Immigration.

    Will immigration accept statements that are older than a week or so? (The time most banks are quoting to generate a 12 month statement from Main office)...


    I was thinking it would be more convenient to go to the bank at the 6 month mark and ask for a 6 month statement (which most branches can generate and provide on the spot) and the at the 12 month mark get a second 6 month statement - These two 6 month statements covering the entire year...


    Btw - I have gotten the credit advices for all my transfers since January... My branch can print them off from the last 6 months... And they are free... but not very impressive and I doubt immigration would accept them on their own but they do provide another layer of backup and are sure to impress any paper happy IO ;-)...

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  9. 3 minutes ago, khastan said:

    Nothing like that in Nong Khai there are no copying shops for miles. It's all done in house and usually no charge now. They probably have a bet each week with pooled money and the one that has generated the most signed paperwork wins the lot!!

    I always wonder where it all goes?... You never really see any paperwork stacked up... No filing cabinets or such.. Never a mention of “well check the archive”... Recycled?… Never a report of it washing up on a beach?...  

  10. 45 minutes ago, singburisam said:

    My SocSec is about 52,000 baht -- not QUITE enough for the 65,000 baht.  I do wire transfers to myself once or twice a year, more than enough to get to 65,000 monthly BUT Immigration requires that the 65,000 be EACH month, not averaged out.


    Two questions:

    (1) If I deposit a U.S. check in my Thai bank account will it appear with the necessary "TTF" code (or whatever) when it finally clears?

    (2) It is easy for me to transfer the extra 15,000+ baht monthly BUT I have to pay a $25 fee to my U.S. bank each time.  I'd rather avoid those $300 in total annual fees.  Any ideas about a method or bank that would charge much less than $25 per transaction?

    You are going to run into problems if each and every month does not have 65k... You should use the combo method (if allowed by your local IO)... If your SS is 52k x 12 = 624k... You will need a bank balance of ~200k 3 months before you go in for extension and then that balance must be maintained permanently... Also watch out for exchange rate fluctuations- The total of your Thai monthly deposits plus the bank balance must never fall below 800k...

  11. From your browser log into your WiFi router (consult your WiFi routers manual for how to do this)... Usually from a browser type in to get a login screen and type in the user name and password from you owners manual... Ex: Admin - Admin)


    Once in look for the WiFi setup.. specifically the channel being used it may be set to roam or a specific channel is set... change it to 1, 6 or 11 which are 2.4mhz only... there may also be a setup setting there to turn off 5mhz completely... then hit the save button and your router will reboot with the new settings...




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