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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Mine has gone from a low of 1,200 in the cool season to ~3,000 in the last couple of months...

    You say your usage has not changed?...

    Are you sure your Air Conditioners usage has not changed over the last 5 months even though the temp has risen?...

    You may have your AC set at the same temperature but the compressor could be running more as the outside temp rises - This is were the high electric use occurs - when the compressor kicks in...

    Can you provide the meter readings and usage from your last 5 months bills?...

  2. I have a nice policy thru AIA (A sponsor here)... I pay 4,500 baht a year for a 125k Accident medical policy - that double to 250k if it is a motorcycle accident

    I meant AA Insurance (their post above)... They are very easy to work with!

  3. And how many time have you been confronted with a car that has pulled out of a Soi and has the front half of his car blocking the left side while he waits to turn...

    And then the Songtows!... How many times have you tried to pass a slow songtow in your left lane and then see someone on the curb ahead :-0...

    But it is sweet revenge when those poor saps in their cars sit thru a couple 2 minute stoplight while we get to weave our way to the front of the line ;-)

  4. Good job for HuaHin police, I really thought Hua Him must be different from other towns of Thailand,m but I was proven wrong no doubt.

    I would not be handing out any metals for crack detective work...

    They committed 30 burglaries... And it seems they only stumbled across the perpatrators because of some Russians who were robbed amd did some cursory detective work of their own...

    You would think after say the 10th robbery a good detective would get off his a$$ and visit a few paw shops and check the inventory of IPads coffee1.gif

  5. Could they somehow get these figures from electronically processing information from ATM withdrawals and come up with an average daily amount spent depending on total amount withdrawn, length of stay, from which bank in which country the money was withdrawn ? I don't know if this is even possible but who knows

    Have you ever seen a Chinese tourist use an ATM machine?... coffee1.gif

  6. Winnie, the smart phone app looks nice, but not all of us have a smart phone. Is there a website with this info? I tried to enlarge the photo, but then I can't read the writing about the bus stops, and I can read Thai. And I don't want to seem like a grump, but the blue/green and red/brown colors they selected to mark the routes are really too similar and I'm getting all confused trying to determine which route is which. As in which route will take us out to the new Immigration office at Promenada?

    Go to their website below and click on "Route"... then scroll down to the interactive map...

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