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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. You can bet the foreign countries that have the safety of Thailand's air system under review will take note of this... coffee1.gif

    "A reporter also asked Gen Prayuth whether this incident will affect the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) opinion on the safety standards in Thai airports.

    Gen. Prayuth replied angrily, "No, it doesn't have anything to do with that. Don't write about that and mix the two issues. This is about smuggling forbidden items on an aircraft, and we are investigating it.”

  2. Why all this talk about taxes ? You're in Thailand , if you shut up about what you do , no need to pay taxes here or in your home country. ( and get payed in a Hong Kong account )

    Yeah why not...just keep on working illegally, that's the spirit, blag your ed Visa or your visa runs, keep eating your mamma noodles an living in a "room"

    Yeah... And while your at it you can buy a few unemployed Burmese slaves and teach them coding to give you more Leo time!...

  3. You obviously have no idea bout taxation. Because if it taxed here and you live here your home country has nothing to do with it. That would mean double taxation.

    The other requirements seem all nice.

    I'm from the US and the IRS allows one a credit for any taxes paid to a foreign country... I assume most countries are the same - so no double taxation...

    As for the rate being too low... You may be right... It is more of a token that shows they are contributing to Thai society in general...

    And for the Drivers license - I added that at the last minute as most people in this group will most likely get/rent a motorbike and it's a good idea to understand and comply with Thai law as a good citizen... (Even though the Thais don't)

  4. It would be interesting to see what would happen if the Government issued a Digital Nomad Visa

    (Or more precisely an extension of visa based on digital nomading...)...

    A one year extension with the following criteria:

    - Pay 5% income tax on no less than 150,000 baht quarterly business income - Payable quarterly with 90 day reporting

    - Reported income must come from outside Thailand

    - Hold 250,000 baht in a Thai bank

    - Purchase 1 million baht Health/Accident insurance policy from a Thai Insurance Company

    - Show proof of registering your income/business with your home countries taxing authority

    - Have a Thai drivers license

    But my guess is that most could not even meet these reasonable requirements... coffee1.gif

  5. Here is a link to a YouTube video of the wiring and setup...

    If your wanting this for something a bit nicer than a chicken coop you can find a nice wood jewelry box at a night market and mount it on the wall as an inclosure for the timer

    Also eBay sells them with enclosure


  6. First what is your primary question online banking or ATM? ATM transfers couldn't be any easier. Just need to know the bank name and account number of where you are transferring too and it can be done in less than 3 minutes at any ATM.

    I have waited behind a Thai at the ATM line and NEVER seen them able to do this in less that 3 minutes!... coffee1.gif

  7. We can all rest easy now...

    The Health Minister has announced that said Omani is only "mildly infected" with MERS...

    and in other news the Tourism Minister has been out to Suvarnabhumi Airport and certified the MERS will have NO effect of tourist arrivals...

    So everyone just move on... Nothing here to see... Return to happy thoughts... coffee1.gif

  8. I have the same problem. I have to refresh multiple times before a page will load. It's only been happening since last week but it's making the site unusable

    I have the same experience... Other sites I go to are fine but TV seems to stall out 1/3 ton1/2 way and I must refresh to get it going again...

  9. I just went in to the True shop at Kad Suan Kaew... I gave her my Thai drivers license which she scanned with her phone... Handed it back to me and a minute later I got a text confirming my registration and a offer of doubling my next topup!... So I topped up 1,000 baht and got an additional 1,000 baht credit to use for calls!


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